The confesion

ray pov

Ray face flushed he started to walk forward he quickly kissed jack on the check as he those jack goes flying ray looks over to see who did it and saw Ilana fuming thorns were growing off her body perver- don- diserv- brothe- kis- ray quickly looked the other way embarrassed Ron flew over laughing.

"Um I can explain," ray said silently "sure you can little one jack said as he walked back over to ray and the others he looked at Ilana" did you need to hit me like that little girl" o- cours-" he sighed "you pack a punch but anyways we should be looking for parts" Ilana nodded and her thorns vanished.

"We'll continue this later" jack whispered into rays ear he covered his face and turned the other way jack chuckled and started to go look for some parts ray quickly shook his head and ran after him ron followed after them as well, the closer they got to the water facility the worse the smell of decay got stronger.

As they reach the facility the smell is unbearable jack clicks the side of his suit causing his mask to cover his face he then pulls another mask from his suit and gives it to ray" thanks" he says "no problem" jack says back they walk up to the gate of the facility jack points his gun at the door.

Jack charges up a blast of plasma and shoots at the gate cutting the gate down the middle the smell in the air got worse leaving the facility in the form gust of wind dear god "even I can smell how horrid that is was there corpses left here or what" ron said disgustedly Florence's eyes start to beep.

Ray pulled out his phone and start to see life signatures popping up on his phone "we have company" jack looked at ron "did you know there was anything here" no I didn't get anything not even a faint signal of life" as the tainted air started to shift around them.

Ray ordered Florence blow away the tainted air around them Florence flew off rays arm and changed into his eagle form growing in size he stretched out wings he flapped his wings sending the air away from them but it leaked more out from inside of the facility.

"I deal with this you go and destroy the source" jack nodded and started to run into the facility ron flew after him the smell in the air got denser and easier to see it started to fog up the room as he got closer once he reached the room he heard multiple groaning sounds his scanners picked up nothing.

He clutched his gun tightly and fired a beam of plasma once more while it's still shooting he moves. To right It cuts through the infected along with the walls, The groaning became silent and the air became clearer he looked down on the infested and saw multiple tiny holes in them with their bodies rotting.

Their spinal cords exposed and their eyes still looking at him whenever he moves, Jack points his gun at their heads and destroys them with each blast he started to hear running he looked behind him and saw ray "the air finally cleared up what made that awful smell" he asked curiously.

Jack pointed at the cut-up rotting corpses "oh god just these 6 made that much of a smell that could do this" it seemed so " he looks at ron" you need an upgrade you couldn't even detect them at all" I need an upgrade, huh I already have one you know the infested hive mind that can tell where they are".

Ray pulls out his phone and starts to type something in as he finishes the facility turns on the machines start to move the water starts to become clearer and cleaner "there we go this should make our trip easier" yeah it should " as they continued in the facility the sound of something leaving the water was heard.

Jack looks at ray and he looks back they both nod and starts to look for what they heard they hear coming closer they stop moving as it moved into view it was a watery infested with a human skeleton inside of it crawling on its legs jack quickly changed his ammo type to heat it turned quickly and looked at him.

He fired the blast evaporated the water around its skeleton it pierced the bone-shattering to pieces jack puts his gun back into his holster and turned to ray " it seems you awaken something more interesting " it seems so well at least this place isn't that dangerous" hopefully it's not jack said quietly.

As they continued to explore the faculty, Ray asked Jack a question" you never really told us why you were here" you never told me why you and the others trusted me when we met " jack said back "well we're all here to survive and get out of here anyway so we should work together".

"That's your reasoning" jack questioned "yes it is," ray said back jack sighed "i was ordered by my commander of the secret army to clean up this mess one of the things on the mission was to kill any survivors left" ray became silent when he heard this "so you're gonna kill us" "no" Jack shook his head.

"Im fine with killing these infested because they're long gone but killing someone who didn't do anything or who isn't infected those not sit well with me that just killing an innocent person if that hybrid infected that you call your sister still has her humanity left then there still hope for some others"

"It goes against my moral code. I might not kill you but they're gonna be sending someone else here to finish the job. They told me in a message that the infected air around the city is growing fast. I don't even know how your guys are fine even how I'm fine as well".

"So will you help us," ray asked hopeful jack nods its the least I can do "but you can leave anytime" I can but I won't when I escape im taking you all with me you've seen those monsters right they evolve into different forms like fire gas and some don't even have weak points at all we need take them down by source to kill them all".

"I see" plus I like you I love you" jack whispers for the only ray to hear ray blushes "I do the same," Ray said back as their confession is cut short from ron screaming and Florence hooting they both look to see why there screaming they see a massive watery infested growing from the water the skeleton being built slowly by the corpses.

The horrid smell became potent as its water body started to become gray and foggy "it seems we have to try a little harder this time" it seems so" as ray and jack got into a fighting stance they knew how it was gonna end.