the mocking bird

Ray pov

He waited for Jack to be downstairs he sat with the others with his eyes closed as the others chatted he felt something watching he opened eyes and saw no one there he looked around he sighed then closed his eyes he felt it again the feeling was stronger.

He then saw a woman with a mask and gauntlet a man with a crown made of unknown material he didn't know what he was feeling when he looked at then but his body it was fear and disappointment he didn't understand why he felt it from there gaze he knew him and his parent's relationship wasn't the best but he tried the best.

To make up for it for his twin younger siblings, their cold eyes, their emotionless actions on others and himself it was too much he knew there was something strange in their experiments but did not say anything in fear that he would be the reason that his siblings would be hurt or his siblings.

Yet he knew who they were the feeling he got from them the fear they were his parents no they are his parents he knows that so those Ilana he felt hands on his shoulders he turned a bit to see who it was and saw his little brother crying tears of black he was horrified at what he saw yet he knew he shouldn't feel sorry for him for some reason.

He could hear someone singing the world around him changed to a blank spot he looked around and saw no one but when he checked again he saw his aunt singing a song to him when he was younger he remembers it he used to sing it to his siblings when they were sleepy and when they were sad.

The sound of a piano played with his aunt's voice words started to form in front of him, the lyrics becoming clearer each time the melody started to rise it was truly blissful he smiled and started to sing along with the tune.

-The yokumu bird-

"Oh, Pleasant dream we the stars falling we wish upon we do when falling when birds fly to the east reach out then follow its a dance will begin the inner peace when the dance starts to end wish for the star to heart to be with you, In the end, We make our dreams ".

"Now dance into halls and sing when there no one else you spin and jump like the melody when the star looks back we fall into our dream we will go without hurry without hurt the star is bright like my soul when we all fall so will it so let's enjoy the banquet with heart stone and trusty broom we dance halls".

"In our ungodly tomb, we spin leaving a trail yet all we do is listen to our song we do not feel we do not die because this melody is my beginning so to you who hears join in with our song we will stay here in eternal paradise to you IIII I give my heart and give my soul".

"May my offering my dance my voice appease you we are the soul we are eternal dance god may shame my embrace the dance my voice and be lost into the sea" as the lyrics started to repeat the melody started to get end he opened his eyes the others looked at him smiling "what," He asked confused.

"You know you were singing right," Miranda said trying laughter in "you heard that" yup" he heard a gruff voice he looked to his side and saw jack smirking at him "while you were off somewhere else I was explaining why im here and getting to know them "oh sorry" it's fine love "so cute" Miranda watched them with curiousness.

"I'll make it short we talked and she gonna get this chip out of my neck oh ok" ray nodded well now we can tell them what we ran into and what you saw when you looked at the thing ray nodded "yeah" well I was looking for some of the things you said we needed and I felt something watching me".

"It was something bad it was my grandpa but it was not" explain," Miranda said interested "when I looked at him I saw something inhuman his movements were very off glitchy like he was struggling to even move or should I say exist at all when looked at it saw my grandpa chained up and the demon was there next to him"

I "see so you are unique like your sister here�� I guess I could only foresee somethings like what well like people I've seen before but sometimes I haven't I guess "what did you see "my parents I think im not sure they looked strange me yet felt a link to them like my fear and their disappointment of me".

"When you saw them what did they look like," Miranda asked "uh my father had a strange crown of sorts his eyes were glowing bright purple I guess my mother had a mask blocking her face and some type of gauntlet on why you ask " it seems jack over here ran into someone of that description".

Ray looked at jack with a bit of sadness" was she sane" he asked slowly he shook his head" no not even close" I did damage her arm but that released smoke to cover the area "oh" ray said disappointed jack rubbed rays back it will be fine.

"One more thing what did you use to stop the thing you encountered "chronetome energy from my gun that's all" what type energy is that" it's the energy in the air like time energy "now how do you do that" jack smirked "my robot ron can help you with if you want "she nodded quickly ron then floated over to her" follow me human"

He flew out of the room and she followed Jack sighed and grabbed ray's hand and walked out of the room "you ok ray when I got to the room things were happening to you whatever you were singing caused the whole base to be powered up".

"Im sorry worrying you ray" whispered "it's fine" jack kissed ray on the head and started to walk back to there room ray followed "we should get ready to go out again anyway" yeah we should" ray could feel something close something familiar to him like a peaceful breeze watching over him.