The clensing of the beast

jack pov

The room was quiet was silent as they started to change their clothes jack didn't like it when he finished he walked up to ray and hugged him from behind close to his chest "what's bothering you love" ray sighed "it's nothing" why are you lying to me" jack said disappointed ray whimpers as jack starts to move away from him.

"Ok I tell you"," He says looking down at the floor jack grabbed rays arm and pulled him to the bed they both sat down ray sighs "it's just that I keep having visions of a danger that hasn't appeared it's scaring me plus I haven't got used to them they come at the wrong times some of them are even worse than the rest its drains of my energy".

Jack hugs ray once more and rubbed back while sweet words in his ear they stayed like that ! for 10 minutes then got up and left the room um ronny not gonna be with us this time jack shook his head "no he's helping Miranda for a bit today oh ok ray responded "but where are we going to then ?" we heading the smithery the other location is dangerous we can't go yet" ok "we could use Florence for a map" he said jack agreed.

"If the visions get worse tell me ok" ray nodded jack grabbed ray by the hand and walked out the base he noticed looking around jack did the same he a glimpse of the unhinged man jack orders ronny to change into a truck jack got into the driver seat and ray sat next to him the passenger seat.

Florence sat on top of the truck, His metal claws dug into the metal on the truck so he didn't fall off the doors close and Ronny started to drive.

the barrier lifted and he drove full speed to the smithery oh I forgot to tell you because me and Miranda sons robots have the same name you call ronny Ragnarok now ok ray said with excitement the sound of fast movement could be heard ronny went speed "it's him again isn't it jack said".

Ray nodded "I'll be honest when you went to take a shower and before I was going to the others I went to the window and saw him staring at me from behind the barrier" jack sighed "I don't have my gun anymore to rewind him plus I doubt it would work again on it if I still did.

But Ragnarok here can keep it at bay for a while with that energy " I can make you one if we find any spare ones or parts around" he nodded.

"Yeah, there should be parts like that there" the unhinged man screeched as it used every limb its claws sharpen It open gaping jaw and breathed flame Ragnarok quickly moved away from the blast firing range Ragnarok nanobots split up making jet wings the wheels folded in as the truck went into the air and boosted to the smithery.

The unhinged man jumped into the air growing wings that are dark and Stoney it flapped its wings gaining speed Ragnarok quickly disassembled most of its body ray and jack held on what was left of the truck it changed into its jet form its boosters flickered yellow the unhinged man got closer it used all its hands to try to attack the jet but it suddenly missed.

Ragnarok went full speed in an instant before it could attack the sound of the sound barrier-broke it echoed through the air the unhinged man felt as he got sent into a building by the impact of its speed it quickly dives landing at the smithery.

As Jack Ray and Florence got out, Ragnarok flew upwards into the air once more and changed into a dragon. The unhinged man leaps at him but he gets blasted with chronetome energy.

The two of them run into the smithery they find a gate stands in their way. Ray looks around and sees discarded robotic corpses and weapons surrounding it. Ray quickly runs over to it and starts to make a weapon jack turns and watches the two fight.

The unhinged man's glitched eyes started to appear on its body. They cried black blood. He fires it at Ragnarok like a beam but Ragnarok splits itself into two it starts to dodge it when it hits him he deforms and scatters.

But he reforms quickly once more above him and below they both fire a blast chronetome energy from both sides of unhinged man his body glitches unstable it lets out a roar of pain it launches itself at one of the Ragnarok copies the other copy charged up the chronetome energy blast it opens mouth fired it in lighting state.

When it hit the unhinged man its body started to rewind its body reverted back to an old man it let screeches of agony and lets go of the copy Ragnarok as Ragnarok A helped B up they looked at each other and nodded one them flys over to jack ray and Florence while A stays and fights the monster.

Copy B ripped the gate open and Jack thanked him, He turned to Ray and saw he was done making the gun ray tossed it to Jack he caught it and they ran inside the smithery.

the clone of Ragnarok followed them Jack sighs as he runs deeper into the base with the others behind him the smell of fire the sound of a hammer hitting an anvil over and over as they reach a big hall with many rooms full of weapons and monsters being worked on Jack pointed his gun at them and shot them down.

They feel something big moving closer to thems stomping the sound of metal scraping the floor Jack knew what it was he remembered them well a golem walked into sight but it was different it had a red-eye its armor was pure black mixed with plant life covering its arm leg and chest a huge a battery hanged on the arm with a railgun on its back.

He grabbed the railgun pointed it at them but Ragnarok B quickly fired at it before it shot it melted through the armor and hole through its chest its flesh scorn its body was burning with loud dump it hit the floor they continued to move forward yet the feeling like he has been before he felt it yet his mind couldn't understand it just like the voice he heard walking on the train tracks.

What awaits them below will it be salvation something to help them greatly or madness itself may it be a life or another repeat I can't wait a voice says happily.


