The House of The Dead

When will Rem wake up in Season 2?

Ram is going to get attention if she starts to act like her sister.

Emilia and Subaru we're walking aimlessly again, they don't know where they're going.

Emilia did call the spirits but the spirits were bored so they were no help.

They went pass someone but Subaru stops and once that guy turns around Subaru grabbed his neck and started to choke him.

"Tell us where she is! I don't want any more black eyes so you better hurry up!"





they arrived at this strange place.

"Are you sure he didn't troll us hard style?"

Emilia kind of wanted to go home now and just eat something, she's hungry after all this searching.

Subaru nods.

"This is the place. I almost choked him to death so he must be serious."

Bats fly past the house...

Emilia: ... "What are you waiting for, Subaru? Go in."

Subaru: "Huh?? Why me? You're the one who can give me a black eye by your said not that hard punch!"

Emilia: "It's for the plot. now hurry up!"

Subaru just groaned, he wants to go home.

He approaches the door step, he takes a deep breathe before he gently opens the door and go inside with no hesitation at all.

"Hello? I'm here to have something back.

It doesn't belong to you, pls bring it back"

It's dark in here.

He almost can't see anything but his flashlight makes things at least a little bit better.

He takes the time to look around the place, seems like there's nothing special here.

He's going to kill that guy when Subaru gets his hands on him aga- ...

He just stepped on something wet, and it doesn't sound promising, he slowly puts the light down and sees it's blood.

He follows the blood trail and lead him to...




"Wow, a dead body. I have totally seen that befo-

Subaru was about to finish his sentence not until his stomach got sliced and he fucking falls down and his flashlight went flying to the other side.



Subaru heard the door opening.


"Subaru, I know it hasn't reached like 2 minutes yet, but I'm just going to stupidly walk inside of this dangerous house okay?"

Subaru is quickly to hear that but not quick enough to warn her.


"D-don't! Y-you'll get!"


"Gee sure is dark here.

Emilia starts to walk in.

"I hope I don't get my abdomen sliced by a lady with big boo- Ahgh!"

Subaru saw with his own eyes, Emilia falling near him.

Shit, This is emberassing and romantic at the same time.

Dying together with the one you love, how cool is that.

"S-shit... Satella... You dumb and cute as well..."

In his final moments he holds her hand tightly as he was about to die in














Apple Guy:

"Oi! You see this thing. This is an apple! You get that you stupid moron??"

Subaru: ... "What?"

Apple Guy: They're apples. They're red! Juicy! and delicious! You hear that?! Are you going to buy one or are you going to shit on me?!

Subaru: ...?? "W-what? What did you say??"

The Apple Man grabbed his shoulders and screams at him which Subaru snapped out of it.

"Apples! You fucking retarded?! Have you never seen an apple in your fucking life?!"

Subaru: "A-ah! I'm sorry! Don't rape me!!"