Subaru's First Time Is Wasted

Emilia can only handle 7 inches.

Ram probably 5.

But Rem, she probably won't care how big or long you are, as long as you are happy.


Subaru looks around.

He's back at this spot where mostly furries are.

He looks at his stomach, he sees no wound open or scars.

he can see his dick from his view.

"What the hell just happened, Did I die? or a dream? I can't fucking tell the difference."

Subaru just believed it's a dream since he has no wounds and all.

wait if he was dreaming, how was he sleeping?

there's no way he can be sleeping standing.

It feels like de javu hit him hard.

he doesn't remember everything that happened earlier but he can tell he has saw the path he's going to, right now.

Wait. when was this...?

Oh- Wait-

oh shit!

"My Love interest Satella! Shit! Didn't she die?!"

The real Satella is probably face palming right now.

But she'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Subaru rushes to the slums as he remembers she needs to live or there will be no story left.

"Sister, sister! The story that is presented upon us is making me uncomfortable."

A voice calls out to her sister.

"Rem, rem! I am uncomfortable as well.

This story makes me want to throw it outside the window"

the sister replies to her sister...Rem?

Who's Rem?

You'll find out later.