Chapter 45


ThEoRy: Earth is hollow and that there might even be a whole other civilization of advanced beings living in it. 🌎👽

Anyways enjoyy

Jai P.O.V


My eyes shot open.

I woke back into reality jumping off the couch and sprinted to where I heard the sound.

Sahana's room.

Monty and Amiga came running after.

I swung the door open as my heart beat rapidly.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

She was screaming not able to control herself.

The sounds that came out of her only described pain.

Her eyes were still shut as tears streamed down the sides of her face.

Her lips trembled.

Dribbles of sweat formed on her forehead.

Her hands clasped the sheets as if that was the last thing in the world she could hold on to.

Small words escaped from her, "No, please. Don't do this."


Her screams continued, getting louder and louder.

Immediately, Monty and Amiga ran and jumped onto her bed, cuddling next to her.

Worry was only one of the million emotions that displayed through their eyes.

I rushed to her and then saw something that I could never unsee.

The blankets only covered below her stomach.

Her shirt was slightly rolled up.

Revealing a huge scar.

My eyes widened.

I put a hand to my mouth as I felt my vision become blurry.

I rapidly blinked several times so the tears couldn't come out.

There wasn't just one.

Another shown on her arm.

How did she get these?

The scars weren't just any regular ones.

They were inflicted on her.

I grabbed Sahana's shoulders and shook her,


She continued to scream those same words. "NO, PLEASE. DON'T DO THIS."

I didn't stop shaking her, "WAKE UP SAHANA!!"

I tore the sheets away from her.

She had nothing to hold onto anymore.

I held her face in my hands.

Almost instantly her eyes opened as she gasped for air.

I immediately grasped onto her.

"Thank god."


I felt hands slap onto my chest and push me away.

Sahana brought her knees close to her chest as she broke down into her hands.

"Please don't be near me." her voice broke.

Her body trembled uncontrollably.

I slowly walked towards her again, "Sahana, it's ok."

I reached her bed and scooted closer to her.

Sahana slightly brought her face up, slowly calming down.

"It's ok." I extended my arms, leaning towards her, and wrapped them around her once again.

I brought her head to my shoulder, resting a hand on it.

Sahana's body was still tense.

"Sahana it's ok. I'm here. I'm right next to you. I won't go anywhere."

Then I felt my shoulder become wet.

Sahana's body relaxed.

I stroked her hair as she sobbed until no more tears could come out.

I don't know what is going on.

I don't know what happened to her.

And I don't know if she will be ok.

But I do know that I'm going to be here.

With her.

For however long.

"Let me go get you some water." I began getting up but I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

I turned back to Sahana.

She looked up at me and shook her head, "I don't need anything. Just sit next to me."

I nodded settling myself back next to her.

Sahana took in a deep breath and exhaled, "Jai?"

I turned to her.

"I need to tell you something. About what happened just now."

I scooted closer to her.

"Why are you coming closer? You'll get sick from me." Sahana said moving away from me.

I rolled my eyes, "Sahana, I've held your hand and hugged you. At this point I don't care if I get sick from you. If anything, you'll be free from the fever." I smiled.

She snickered, "Pfft what are you saying Jai." I looked down and reached for her hand, holding it tightly,

"Now what was it that you needed to tell me?"

Then Sahana spoke.

She told me everything.

The kidnapping.

The scars.

The rape attempt.

The officer who saved her.

The gunshots.


And I listened.

I didn't realize it, but my cheeks felt wet.

"Jai why are you crying?" I heard Sahana giggle.

I looked up at her as she wiped her eyes too, sniffling, then looked up at me giving a close-lipped smile.

My bottom lip trembled.

We continued gazing at eachother with our glossy eyes.

I couldn't stop myself from tightly embracing her.

"Oh, Jai," I felt a hand pat my back, "You're more emotional than me." She laughed.

I pulled away from her, tilting my head in confusion.

She sighed and looked down, "These nightmares happen once in a while."

"They were worse closer to after the incident occurred."

"But as time passed, they came less and less frequently."

"Just now, at times when I least expect it."

"I always just suddenly wake up from it and cry myself back to sleep."

"It's a routine that now doesn't happen as often, yet I'm so familiar with it."

Sahana then brought her head up and met her eyes with mine,

"I haven't cried like that in front of someone in a while,"

She smiled,

"It felt nice."

A tear rolled down my cheek.

Sahana came close to me and extended a hand wiping it away.

"It's my first time seeing you cry."

"I bet you had a lot of things bundled up inside you."

"Nice to let it out yea?"

I was stunned,

"How are you this strong?" I asked, "Literally 10 minutes ago you were sobbing your heart out and you've recovered in seconds."

Sahana sighed, "I was brought up that way."

"And after that incident it changed me."

"I realized how the world really is."

"It's merciless."

"I had no other choice than to toughen up a bit."

"You know in this kind of situation I should be the one comforting you."

A tiny laugh escaped from her, "What do you mean? Of course you comforted me. I wouldn't have been able to calm down this quickly if it weren't for you."

"Yea yea whatever." I pouted.

I felt her grasp my hands, "Hey what about you sleep over? You can keep me company for the night."

I nodded, "Yea of course. There's no way in hell I'm leaving you alone tonight."

Sahana beamed.

"Wait but what if you have a nightmare and I'm not there?" I asked.

Sahana pushed herself off the bed and turned to me,

"I'll just break into your apartment then."

For the rest of the night, Sahana and I watched more movies and played games.

"HEY, YOU CHEATED." She pointed at me.

I looked at her, "How can you cheat in SPEED?"


I snickered, "Pfft ok whatever you say Sahana."

She threw her cards down on the table in defeat, and crossed her arms, "Cheater." She mumbled.

Suddenly I heard a loud grumble.

Sahana looked at me.

I widened my eyes and put a hand over my stomach.

"You hungry?"

I laughed awkwardly, "Yeah a little bit."

Sahana's lips stretched into a wide smile,

"Then let's eat."

I inhaled the delicious fumes that went all throughout her apartment, "WHAT ARE YOU MAKINGG?"

Sahana made me stay on the couch as she worked her magic in the kitchen.

"What part of SURPRISE do you not get Jai? You've only been making food for ME, and I never got the chance to let you eat my delicacies." She yelled as I heard sizzling.

Then I felt my stomach grumble. "DID YOU HEAR THAT SAHANA? I'M HUNGRYY."


A big smile formed on my face as I leaped off the couch in glee.

I reached the dining table and gasped.

"I welcome you Jai to THIS MULTICULTURAL FEAST!!" Sahana spread her arms.

Side dishes ranged from spring rolls to fries,

main dishes comprising various noodle and rice dishes to pasta,

and most of all dessert.

Classic desserts around the world were displayed throughout the table.

I could feel myself drooling.


Sahana nodded, her expression filled with pride.

"Did you forget I'm INDIAN Jai? We women cook FEASTS on the REGULAR."

I laughed, "How could I forget."

She clapped her hands in excitement,

"It's time to dig in."

After taking my first bite of the spring roll I almost went to heaven.

"Ok yea I admit it you're way better than me at cooking."

I looked up to see Sahana enjoying the spring roll in her hand smiling,

"Ah you didn't need to tell me that. I already knew." She winked.

I glanced at all the things Sahana made, realizing HOW MUCH SHE MADE,

"Sahana how do you possibly thing we are going to finish all this?"

She laughed, "Jai even with the 2 tiny brain cells I have, I know that you and I won't finish all this."

"I purposefully made this much so you can take some home, and won't have to cook for A LONG TIME."

"NOW STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND EAATT." Sahana then picked up a pakora (fried veggies) and shoved it in my mouth.

"AH." We both breathed out at the same time, lying back on our chairs.

"Man you have some magic hands to create all this."

Sahana waved her hand at me in denial, "Ah stop stop with all the compliments."

"But I glad you enjoyed it." she slowly got up from her chair, "Now let's pack this mess."

I gathered all the dishes and started washing them in the sink, while Sahana put some of the leftovers in containers for me.

"Ok, your food for the next month is ready!!"

I laughed and saw her giving me a confused look.

I shifted my eyes to containers on top of containers stacked into a sculpture,

"Oh, you weren't kidding."

A yawn escaped Sahana after we finished cleaning up.

"You tired?" I asked.

"Yea a little." She responded rubbing her eye.

I checked the time: 10:10.

"It's still early. Even Amiga and Monty are awake." I pointed at them playing around with each other.

Sahana sighed, unintentionally blowing away a strand of hair, "Ok just give me like 5 minutes."

She started heading towards the couch.

"For what?" I asked.

"To close my eyes."

I snickered, "Ok 5 minutes."

Sahana smiled, "Thank youu." Before collapsing onto the couch.

I walked to where she was resting.

I crouched, meeting my face with hers.

I turned my head to the side and stopped to admire what I was seeing.

Her face was slightly squished to the pillow, enhancing her subtle blushed cheeks.

I placed my hand on her forehead.

"Hm, her fever went down a bit." My lips formed a tiny smile.

I stared at her plumps lips pursing out leaving a tiny gap between them as she let tiny breaths out.

Then I noticed something slowly start to come out of it.


As soon as Sahana felt it, she tried sucking it back in.

The back of her hand wiped her lips.

Her eyes fluttered.

They slowly opened.

She rubbed them, blinking several times.

I met with my reflection as I gazed into her eyes.



I felt a slightly tap on my cheek, bringing me back to my senses.

"What, is there something on my face?" Sahana asked feeling around.

I brought my head down in embarrassment, "No there was nothing."

I heard stretching sounds come from Sahana.

I chuckled, "Wow you're practically singing at this point."

"Hey, don't judge. I'm sure you do the same ok."

I nodded, "Well you're not wrong."

Suddenly I felt a hand ruffle my hair.

"Woah, you're hair really is soft." She looked down at me, realizing what she had done, and quickly brought her hand back,

"Ehe sorry." She laughed awkwardly.

I reached and grabbed ahold of her hand.

I stared down at it, thinking about everything that happened.

Those scars will never leave my mind.

Her past is stuck with her and now inside my head forever.

A sudden feeling of guilt crept throughout me.

I wish I was there for her.

Almost instantly, my eyes brimmed with tears.

A tear landing onto her palm.

"Jai why are you crying?" Sahana's tone immediately filled with worry.

I brought my head up.

Sahana's face was filled with concern.

She placed a hand on my cheek, wiping away a tear with her thumb, "What? What's wrong?"

It's hilarious if you think about it.

The way Sahana and I first encountered each other.

I never imagined we would speak to one another after that.

Let alone become friends.

She's nothing like how I imagined her to be.

She's like no one I have ever encountered in my lifetime.

She brought emotions out of me that were unfamiliar.

But, it brought me to realize that I didn't mind it.

In fact, I probably wouldn't have even discovered them in the first place had I not met Sahana.

A tiny laugh escaped me in embarrassment as I sniffled.

Exhaling a breath I raised my head and met up with Sahana's eyes once again.

Unknowingly, my hand gripped onto hers tighter,

"I wish I met you sooner."



HeLlO EvErYoNe

This chaptor was kinda intense 😬😳

But I hope yall liked it :)

Have a great day guys

Love yall 💚