Chapter 49


ThEoRy: Finland and Australia Don't Exist- Forget the existence of 30-some million Finnish and Australian citizens. The internet knows the real truth: Those people are actors and bots, and their countries don't even exist. Finland, the theory goes, was invented by Japan and Russia after the Cold War to secure additional fishing rights for sushi-loving Japan. And as for Australia? The UK actually just offed those convicts rather than ship them halfway around the world.

What the actual-

Anyways enjoyy

Jai P.O.V.


I never thought I would see her again.

My heart was beginning to heal from the pain she caused.

But now she's back.

And unfortunately, better than ever.

She didn't notice my presence yet.

Suddenly I felt a hand sneak and interlock with mine.

I looked beside me, to see Sahana.

She looked furious.

Her grip tightened. "How does she know Sami?!" I loudly whispered. "Work." she replied with a monotone voice.

I shifted my eyes back at Ashley.

I could tell that Sami felt pretty awkward knowing that I was here.

Unexpectedly, I saw Ashley's eyes move and meet mine.

We stared at each other.

Just like back in the elevator.

Her gaze went down.

To my hands.

Sahana's grip tightened even more.

Ashley walked towards me.

I felt my heart beat rapidly.

Why am I so nervous?

But at the same time my blood began to boil in anger.

I inhaled and exhaled a deep breath.

Ashley stood in front of me.


I looked down at her,


She sighed, "Can we talk?"

I turned to Sahana.

She gave a tiny nod and smile, taking her hand away.

I looked at the rest.

They all gave a small smile in assurance.

I returned my gaze to Ashley and walked away signaling her to follow.

Sahana P.O.V.

I sighed, walking to the group.

Why the hell did she have to be here at the same place and at the same time?!

I felt anger rush through my body.

"If anything happens to Jai, I swear I will kill that bitch." I growled.

"Calm down, Sahana," Sami rubbed my back, "They're just gonna talk. That's all."

I nodded.

Then all our eyes shifted to a man awkwardly standing there.

He noticed that we were staring at him and spoke,

"Oh! H-hi," he waved, "I'm Jailen. Ashley's boyfriend."

"So basically Jai, with 3 letters after." Cassia spoke.

"Man, she broke up with Jai for this boy?" Sidharth whispered to us.

We all scoffed.

Jai P.O.V.

"Why do you want to talk?" I coldly asked, crossing my arms.

"Jai I want to apologize."

"For what?" I spat.

"For everything."

"For breaking up with you."

"For leaving you without any explanation."

"For causing your heart to be broken."

I could see her eyes become glossy.

I scoffed, "A sorry isn't going to fix all the pain and chaos you caused."

She nodded, "I know," She paused and wiped away a tear, "But our relationship wouldn't have gone to a good place if I didn't end it."

"You never even told me why you broke up with me, Ashley!?"

"I was left alone. Broken. And you didn't give a single shit, did you."

"I gave you everything. All the love piled up inside of me. I poured it onto you. It was all for nothing. And what was it all for? Just so you could break my heart and leave?"

My eyes stung.

"I was in love with another man. Jailen felt nothing for me at the time."

"I didn't deserve you right when I felt the tiniest feelings for him."

"This is what I've been trying to tell you ever since the day of our breakup."

"But I was too much of a coward too even speak a word."

"And I just ran away."

"As far as I could."

"From you."

Her voice broke.

"No matter what the reason was, you never spoke a word to me about it. I was left clueless. You wouldn't know how that feels."

"You would never know."

"And you will never be able to fix the past."

"Your actions will stay with you."

"No matter how hard you try to forget them."

"I hope you and Jailen will be happy together."

Those were the last words I said to her before walking away.

"Wait Jai! No!" I ignored her and continued.

Eventually, I reached everyone,

"How did it-" Sahana began to speak

"Let's go." I coldly interrupted grabbing her hand and walking out the amusement park.

The car ride home was silent.

Sidharth was driving, Sami in the passenger seat.

Cassia and Kai were seated behind them, with Sahana and I at the very back.

I was calmer than before.

I firmly held Sahana's hand in need.

"You ok?" she whispered.

I nodded and gave a tiny smile.

Suddenly I felt tired.

I forced my eyes to stay open, but eventually failed.

I then felt a hand land on my cheek and pull my head down onto a shoulder.

"Rest, you need it." Sahana whispered patting my cheek.

I let out a breath and closed my eyes.

Sahana P.O.V.

Jai was now sound asleep.

Knowing that, Kai loudly spoke, "WHAT DO YA'LL THINK HAPPENED?"

Immediately everyone shushed him, "Dude what if he wakes up?!" Cassia slapped his arm.

"Oh please, he won't wake up to a bomb explosion let alone my voice."

Everyone sighed in relief.

I felt Jai move his head slightly to get more comfortable.

Kai began to speak again, "But knowing Jai, he'll eventually forgive and forget about Ashley."

"He'll soon come to the fact that there's no point in staying mad at her,"

"because he has someone by his side now."

Almost immediately everyone turned to me, smiling.

Except Sidharth.

He looked through the rear-view mirror.

I laughed awkwardly.

Soon, we arrived to our apartment building

"Ok, Sahana and Jai!"

I tapped the side Jai's face, "Hey wake up, we're here."

He opened his eyes and rubbed them, yawning.

We exited the car and waved, "Bye guys! Today was super fun!!" I smiled.

They waved back and drove away.

We walked and entered the elevator.

I glanced at Jai, he put all his efforts in to try and stay awake.

But it soon failed.

His eyes slowly closed once again, and he began to lose his balance.

His body tilted my way and was about to fall, "Woah, woah, woah there Jai."

Thankfully I grabbed him in time.

His heavy, muscular body.

I put his arm around my shoulder and held him by his waist.

The elevator doors opened and I dragged him out.

"Stay with me, Sahana." He mumbled out.

I snickered and shook my head.

We reached his apartment and luckily I had his spare key with me.

I opened the door and immediately, Amiga came and jumped on my legs, "Hii babygirl!!"

I dragged Jai to his couch and accidentally dropped him onto it because I was so tired.

I let out a breath, "Wait here, I'm getting Monty."

I rushed to my apartment opening the door, "Montyy!!"

He came to me like speedy Gonzales, his tongue sticking out and tail wagging in excitement. "Let's go over next door!" I said as we headed out.

I entered back into Jai's apartment to see him sound asleep.

"Blankets," I said to myself.

At this point, Jai and I practically live in each other's apartments, so we know where everything is.

I grabbed the biggest and fluffiest one I could find and walked back to the couch.

Carefully I laid and adjusted it on him.

Jai shifted around to get himself further comfortable.

I sat down next to him on the floor and tilted my head to see his sleeping face.

It was just like when I woke up next to him.

I sighed, "I'm sorry this happened to you today."

"But don't worry."

"I'm here."

"I won't ever leave you."

"Just like you were there for me."

I smiled and patted his head.

My hand traveled down to his cheek.

My thumb rubbed it as I continued to stay silent as he slept.

I suddenly remembered what happened back at the ride.

His face was only inches away from mine.

His soft hands sneaked and rested onto my face.

My heart pounded.

Slowly my eyes traveled down to those rose-pink lips, pursing out.

I scooted closer to him.

I steadily brought my face nearer to his.

The distance between our lips grew smaller and smaller.

All of a sudden I realized what I was actually about to do.

Instantly I brought my face back to where it should be, "What was I about to do just now?"

I slapped my mouth repeatedly, "You idiot, you dumbass, you're the stupidest person ever!! Why would you try and kiss him?!"

I sighed and shook my head.

"Whatever that was back at the ride, he's probably not gonna bring it up again. So it's best that I should just forget about it."

I stared down at my hands.

A deep breath escaped from me.

I stood up and walked to Jai's bedroom.

My eyes landed on the photos on his wall.

Slowly, I walked towards them.

It's almost too familiar.

He's almost too familiar.

I looked at his father smiling up at Jai as he held him on his shoulders.

My fingers touched the photo, "Where have I met you before? Where have I seen you?"

Almost immediately my eyes stung in frustration.

"Why can't I figure it out??" I grabbed my hair.

I tried thinking and recalling anything, but it did no good.

I even asked Jai about him one time.

He said that he was a detective/police officer, but that was pretty much it.

I could tell he felt uncomfortable talking about him, so I didn't try to push it any further.

A big yawn escaped from me.

My eyes felt heavy.

"Might as well go to sleep now." I sighed grabbing a pillow and blanket and walked back to where Jai was sleeping.





Hahaha hope ya'll enjoyed this chaptor :)

Holy crap we're almost at chapter 50 that's cuhrazyy

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Have a great day guyss

Love ya'll 🧡