Chapter 48


ThEoRy: The Berenstain Bears- You remember reading the classic children's books The Berenstein Bears, right? Wrong. Those bears weren't Berensteins at all, but rather Berenstains. Some Berenstein truthers are so sure of their childhood memories they've become convinced they hail from an alternate universe—and photoshopped that pesky "ai" out of many an old snapshot to prove it.

Enjoy :)

Months later...


"AH IT'S FINALLY SPRINGG!!" Sahana shouted in glee as Sami, Cassia, Jai, Kai, and Sidharth all entered into an amusement park.

They planned on going to one for the longest time after everyone met one another.

Almost immediately Jai and Kai clicked with Sidharth.

It was a Saturday, some had the day off and some took the day off work.

So today was guaranteed for them to the time of their lives.

Sami and Sidharth have been going steadily.

He told Sahana and Cassia that he was planning on proposing soon!

Cassia and Kai have started hanging out, and honestly everyone else in the group thinks there's something goin on between them.

But they're yet to see anything happen.

Jai and Sahana became closer throughout these months.

So many new memories have been made.

Ones that Sahana can and will never forget about.

Her nightmares are occurring less and less since Jai's always in her presence.

Every time she goes over to his house, she always stops by his room to see all his photos.

Specifically to see his father.

Sahana had this strong feeling of familiarity, ever since she first saw him.

Sometimes she denies it and forgets about it.

Sometimes it's the only thing she thinks about.

Jai's nightmares on the other hand have been occurring more often.

But he never tells Sahana.

Sometimes when it thunders he doesn't sleep at all.

He doesn't want her to worry about him, when she has her own problems.

Back then his nightmares were all a blur, leaving him in confusion when he wakes up.

But now that they're happening more often, tiny details are becoming clearer.

Jai doesn't know what's going on.

But one things for sure.

They are no good feelings behind it.

Jai always asks Sahana for updates on her launch since it's coming very soon.

He explains and answers all the questions she has about what he does as an investment banker,

and let me tell ya,

Sahana has never felt so NOT put together as a person in her entire life.

And she has a whole goddamn business.

Jai's everything Sahana wants in a person.

As a friend.

And maybe even something more.

Even Sami and Cassia have been hanging out with him and god knows what they say.

But it feels as if she has a tiny family here.

They all make her feel so warm and happy inside.

Everyone compliments one another's qualities.

They embrace their positivities.

They take in each other's negativities and make them into something that brings them even closer than they were before.

"OK GUYS WHAT ARE WE GONNA RIDE FIRST." Sami exclaimed, already claiming her role as the mother and leader of the pack.

"Let's do the ok rides and get them out of the way first." Sidharth suggested.

Kai gave a thumbs up, "Let's do ittt."

"Then whoever wants to ride the crazy ones we can split up." Sahana said.

"OK!!" they all yelled and started heading for the rides.

The idea of amusement parks just brings Sahana utter joy.

They take her back to times when she was a kid, a teenager, and now that she's an adult, memories are coming back to her in huge waves.


Sahana pointed up at a rollercoaster,

"I remember I rode that ride and threw up the second I got off," she laughed,

"Oh yeah Cassia! You were there with me remember!"

Cassia turned around and gave Sahana a look,

"I was the one you threw up on bitchass."

Everyone burst out laughing.

Sahana ran up, and hugged her from behind, "Hehe sorry, I love you."

"Yeah yeah, treat me to some funnel cakes and churros." Cassia patted her head.

Sahana nodded, "YES MA'M WHATEVER YOU WANT!!" and kissed her cheek.

She let go and walked back to where Jai was, "So, what do you wanna ride?"

He shrugged, "Anything's fine with me,"

He looked at our group and pointed,

"But I think everyone's already chosen their riding partner." He chuckled.

Sami and Sidharth were chatting away holding hands,

Cassia and Kai were laughing their asses off for some reason, but also coincidentally holding hands.

And here Sahana was.

With the calm and collected Jai, yet she could somehow feel the rush of adrenaline running inside him.

"Well, I guess you're stuck with me then." she smiled.

He subtly grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers,

"I'm fine with that."

They reached the first ride.

It was a roller coaster with not that big of a drop.

A perfect one to warm them up.

They waited in line long enough for Sahana to become a little impatient, "Jesus, this ride isn't even the best one and the line is like the premier to Avengers: Endgame!?" she groaned.

"Calm down, Sahana we're literally next." Sami laughed.

Sahana turned around to Jai, "Let's go sit in the front."

He nodded.

Everyone took their seats and locked themselves in.

"You ready?" Jai asked.

"Pfft this ride is like the merry-go-round. Don't worry there's way more rides to come, and since you haven't been here before, I'll be your wonderful tour guide." Sahana grinned.

"Alright then, Ms. Sahana." He snickered.

The worker gave an announcement before sending them off.

Immediately, Sahana felt the sudden rush of air come at her face.

She remembered how much she missed the feeling.

Screams and shouts were heard behind her.

They specifically sounded like Sami's and Kai's?

Sahana looked at Jai who had his hands up in the air as he laughed.

Seeing that, she also extended my arms up in the air, "WOOOO!!!" she yelled in glee.

The ride came to a stop and the bars raised up as they exited and headed to their next ride.


Everyone laughed.

"Ok let's cool down at the merry-go-round." Cassia joked.

"Ok guys, next ride!" Jai spoke then looked down at Sahana,

"Will you lead the way Ms. Sahana?"

She proudly took the role and walked to the front of the group where Sami was, "There's another roller coaster we can go to. It has a slightly bigger drop than the last one, and it's faster.

"Who's up for it?"

Everyone raised their hands up,

except for Kai.

They all sighed, "Come onn Kai, don't be a PUSSY!" Sidharth and Jai spoke and walked towards him.

"Isn't there a little someone you would wanna impress here?" Jai whispered in his ear.

Kai looked at Sidharth nodding, looked back at Jai, and slowly shifted his eyes to Cassia chatting away with Sahana and Sami.

Man she's so beautiful he thought.

Kai exhaled a deep breath, "I'm no PUSSY."

"Roller coasters ain't NOTHIN!"

"THAT'S MA BOY!" Sidharth slapped his back, pumping him up.


The girls laughed at the boys.

Moments later, they were next in line to ride.

Kai being the hyped up man he is now turned to Cassia, "Hey let's go sit in the front."

Cassia looked at him surprised, "Are your sure Kai?"

He nodded, "Yup."

Cassia shrugged, "Ok then."

They took their seats and locked up.

Cassia moved her head closer to Kai's and whispered, "Enjoy the ride."

Something about that made Kai even more nervous.

He looked at her, "You too." awkwardly laughing.

The ride began.

The coaster immediately shot forward, bringing them back to their seats.

The speed increased.

They were slowly reaching to the top of the drop.

"OOO GET READY!!" Cassia exclaimed.

They finally reached it.

Kai's heart was beating rapidly.

He looked down at the view,


The coaster bulleted downwards.

Kai couldn't take it anymore and gave up the act.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed his heart out and grabbed Cassia's arm, shutting his eyes.

Cassia laughed and extended her free arm up to the sky, "WAHOOOO!!!" she felt Kai's grip on her arm tighten in fear.

The ride eventually came to an end.

Cassia looked down at Kai, "Hey, the ride's over."

Kai immediately brought his head up and exited the ride in embarrassment, not once looking back at Cassia.

He ran up to Sahana, "WHY DID YOU LIE?!"

She awkwardly laughed, "Sorry hehe."

Cassia then spoke, "She was trying to convince you boys to ride it."

"Specifically you." she pointed at Kai.

"We've been here before."

"We know the park inside and out."

"We girls know how to play with our words." She playfully smirked.

Kai pouted.

"Oh come heree," Sahana extended her arms and embraced Kai.

"Everyone come give him hugg." She smiled.

The rest came and wrapped their arms around him, creating a big group hug.

In seconds, Kai returned to his happy self.

They pulled away from the hug.

"Ok, I forgive you."

"HELL YEA OK NEXT RIDE," Sahana exclaimed and turned to Kai,

"The swings."

"Why did she make that sound so scaryy?!" Kai whined.

"It's for the two lovebirds there." Cassia whispered, gesturing at Sami and Sidharth.

"Ah I see." Kai nodded.

The group reached the ride in no time, thankfully because the line wasn't as long as the previous rides.

"This is such a beautiful ride,"

Sidharth told Sami,

"You get to see such a beautiful view."

"I know right,"

Sami agreed,

"You get to see the whole amusement park as you ride in the air."

She closed her eyes smiling, as she imagined it.

"I was talking about a different view."

Sami opened her eyes to see Sidharth gazing at her beauty.

Sami eventually caught on, "Pfft stap being so cheessyyy." She snickered.

Sidharth laughed, bringing her into his arms and kissed her head.

The worker opened the gate and in they entered, taking their seats.

Slowly the seats rose up into the air and began moving.

The wind rushed to their faces as they calmly enjoyed the beautiful view of the amusement park.

It was beginning to get dark so the rides had their bright flashing lights on, adding to the alluring scenery they were witnessing.

Sami slid her arm around Sidharth's, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." he responded and brought her face to his, giving her a peck on the lips.

Kai rested an arm around Cassia's shoulder as they talked, never once breaking eye contact.

"Cassia I don't think you realize how beautiful you are." He spoke.

Cassia felt her heart beat, "Kai what are you talking about?" she denied,

"I don't think you realize how attractive you look." She pointed at him.

Kai brought his arm back from resting it on Cassia.

She was confused by his action.

Kai moved closer, bringing his face inches apart from Cassia's.

He gazed into her eyes.

Deep chocolate orbs were displayed.

He then without no say, placed his lips on her cheek.

Almost immediately Cassia's face became red hot.

Kai chuckled at the sight.

Cassia couldn't resist the urge to smile.

She then moved closer to Kai.

The distance between their lips became smaller and smaller.

Cassia felt the softness of his lips finally landing on hers.

Kai felt a burst of energy run through him.

Sparks flew between the two.

What a night it was.

Sahana and Jai created small talk, while still enjoying the peace being high up in the sky.

Well Sahana was.

She noticed Jai looking a little nervous, "Are you scared of heights?"

He slowly nodded in embarrassment, "Y-yeah. It's no big deal though."

Sahana gave him a look and put out her hand, "I think you should hold onto it again." She snickered.

Jai took her hand and rested it on his thigh.

Sahana scooted closer to him, "So, did you have fun today?"

Jai nodded, "I haven't done this in a while."

"Hang out with a group of people."

"Ride rollercoasters at an amusement park and forget all the stress and worry in your head." He smiled.

Sahana ruffled his hair, "That's what we are here for Mr. Leonis." She grinned.

Jai let go of her hand and wrapped his arms around Sahana.

"Who would've ever thought we would become friends."

Sahana laughed, "I know right."

"But hey, I'm happy that it happened."

Jai pulled away from the hug and looked at her.

Sahana smiled at him.

Jai suddenly slid his hands onto the sides of Sahana's face.

His fingertips rested in her soft curls.

His thumb caressed her cheeks.

But before he could even move a single inch,

"Ok everyone!"

"The ride is over, hope ya'll enjoyed!"

"Please unbuckle your seats and exit through that gate, thank you!"

Fuck Jai thought.

He quickly pulled his hands away and cleared his throat.

Sahana stared at him.

Both in confusion and slight disappointment.

The group found each other and were finally heading out.

Jai and Sahana were both walking in silence.

Occasionally they exchanged glances but quickly looked the other way.

They each saw how suddenly close Kai and Cassia became, compared to when they entered, and were completely confused by it.

Then out of nowhere,

"Oh my god Samhita!"

"What a surprise seeing you here!"

The group turned to the voice.

Everyone's heart dropped.

Jai was stunned.

It's been too long.

Way too long.

He was finally getting comfortable.

The thought of it was finally leaving his mind.

The thought of her.




Mannn Ashley's back at it againnn

Hope ya'll enjoyed this chaptor

Well there's a new couple now hehe


Have a great day everyonee

Love ya'll :3