Chapter 51


ThEoRy: One conspiracy theorist said President Trump was created by enemy scientists as the "ultimate weapon" to bring the U.S. to its knees.

Enjoy :)

Sahana P.O.V.

As much as how comfy Jai's couch was,

I couldn't sleep.

The image of Jai's father was still not out of my head.

I've been so frustrated because I couldn't figure out how we met before.

I sighed staring up at the ceiling.

"How did I know him?"

"Why was he so recognizable to me?"

I put my hands over my face, rubbing it in annoyance.

"Your memory is ass, Sahana." I pinched the bridge of my nose, continuing to think.


Absolutely nothing.

I got up and quietly walked to the kitchen for some water.

While I was sipping on it, looking out the window I noticed it was raining.


"When did that happen?" I finished drinking and set my glass down.

As the bottom of the glass touched the counter,

at the same time a big BOOM!! shook the apartment.

I slightly yelped, "Oh shit!"

Out of nowhere, Jai immediately sat up gasping for air.

I let out another shriek in surprise. "Jai!"

He rapidly breathed in and out.

Sweat trickled down his face.

He looked around the apartment.

His eyes welled up with tears.

They rolled down uncontrollably.

Instinctively I ran to him, "Jai, what's wrong?" I panicked, "Why are you crying?"

"What happened Jai?"

He buried his face in his hands,

"Why did he have to go?" his voice broke.

"Why did who have to go? What are you talking about Jai?" I brought his face up to meet mine.

Thankfully a lamp was on so I could see him.

Tears continued to fall out of his eyes.

He sniffled.

I could see my vision becoming blurry just by looking at him.

He's never cried like this.

"What's wrong Jai?"

He didn't say anything and pulled me into his embrace.

That's when he let everything go.

He buried his face into my neck and sobbed.

I didn't ask one question and just comforted him.

His sobs were filled with pain, and agony.

He held tightly onto me.

I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down.

I closed my eyes.

A single tear rolled down my face.

"Dad." I heard him silently mumble.

I opened my eyes, and slowly pulled out of the hug.

Jai's face hung down.

I brought his chin up.

"What happened to your dad?"

He stayed silent.

I nodded understanding, "Ok. Tell me when you're comfortable to."

I scooted closer to him kissing his forehead, "Let me get you some water."

I got up, then felt a hand grab my wrist.

I turned around.

Jai looked down at the ground,

"I've been hiding something from you, Sahana."

"And I've always been afraid that something like this would happen with you around."

I sat back down, holding onto his hand.

Jai hesitantly met eye contact with me,


he paused,

"I have trauma too."

"Of thunder."

My eyes grew wide.

I didn't say anything.

"9 years ago, my dad had this case."

"Of a kidnapping."

My heart immediately began beating faster.

"And back then, my dream was to be just like him."

"I begged to be involved in it, but he refused."

""That night, we were all relaxing as a family when he got a call, that the girl was found, and he immediately left."

"I was about to give up, and had no more hope of being involved."

"But then I found the address in dad's office to the place where he was."

"Without even thinking properly, I snuck out of my house, called an uber, and reached that location."

"It was dark and disgusting."

"I ran and ran to find him."

"But when I did, he was fighting the person I assumed to be the kidnapper."

"Both of them had severe injuries."

"The kidnapper had a bloody shoulder, my dad got stabbed in the leg."

"Then at the same time,"

Jai's voice started to break again,

"They both reached their back pockets pulling out a gun,"

A tear fell out from each of his eyes,

"And they shot each other."

"Both collapsed to the ground."

My eyes grew wide.

2 loud gunshots.

"My dad died in front of my eyes."

"He was my hero."

"And he died a hero that day."

Tears streamed down his face.

"That night it rained and thundered."

I looked up and was soon showered by heavy rain, as I heard the boom of the thunder, vibrating the ground.

I could hear my breath shaking.

"I held Dad so tightly while it roared at me."

"And from that day on, I've never been able to sleep when it thunders or else I'll have the same nightmare."

"But the more I have them, the clearer they get."

"This one was the that clearest I've gotten."

"I'll always remember the day after when my family watched the news through a TV in the hospital away from where I was resting in my room, and I could hear their cries."

"I put a pillow over my ears so I could muffle the sound."

"I cried and cried until I was empty of tears."

"I wasn't ready to admit his death."

My heart stopped.

I stared at Jai.

He looked at me with a slightly concerned expression on his face.


I could feel my stomach churning.

"What's your father's name?"

"Ambien Leonis."

My body started to shake.

"What was the date of your father's death?"

"September 28. Why?"

Then it hit me.

9 years ago

My eyes slowly opened.

I looked around the room I was in.

"Where am I?"

A nurse walked in then gasped looking at me, and ran out, "Doctor she's awake!!"

In again the nurse came running back into the room, with a doctor, an officer, and my family behind.

"Oh my god, my baby!!" Ma began to bawl her eyes out.

I could see Rishi rubbing his eyes, and Appa (Dad) crying his heart out with Ma.

Tears fell out of my eyes in happiness.

The doctor checked me, "You were unconcious even before you entered the hospital honey."

"Thankfully you woke up, or it would've been more of a serious issue." The doctor stroked my head and smiled before leaving.

Now I was left with my family and the officer.

I realized she was the one who found me stranded after running for so long.

Officer Shelby.

I turned to her, "What happened to the officer who saved me."

"I want to see him."

She looked down and was silent.

She walked and grabbed a remote turning on a TV in the corner of the room.

The news was playing.

The reporter spoke, "Last night, on September 28, officer/detective Ambien Leonis of the New York City Police, was found shot dead in an abandoned location, along with the Freddy Alfred who also was shot dead, and the supposed kidnapper of 14-year-old, Sahana Karthik."

"After 10 years of the officers trying to capture Freddy, they finally got him."

"But unfortunately, with the cost of someone else's life."

"Officer Ambien was supposedly shot in the heart, and was stabbed on his right thigh, while Fred was shot both in the shoulder and head."

"The two shot each other at once and died immediately as they fell to the ground."

"Thankfully, the victim Sahana, was saved and is alive, recovering."

"Ambien Leonis will have a ceremonial funeral, honoring all the great actions he did during his duty as an officer."

I put a hand over my mouth, silencing the sound of my cries.

Officer Shelby had me in her embrace,

"He died a hero, Sahana." She whispered in my ear.

"I didn't even get to say thank you."

Suddenly a rush of memories came back to me.

It hit me like a huge wave.

I began to tear up.

My voice was shaking as I spoke,

"Jai." I stared at him.

He still had a concerned and confused expression.

"The girl in your father's case,"

"the one who he died saving,"

"Was me."




Honestly u guys might have already figured it out from the previous chapter bahaha, but if any of u had a hunch HERE'S THE ANSWER TO IT ALL

Anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chaptor

Have a wonderful day everyone

Love ya'll 💜