Chapter 52


This isn't a theory but I read something a couple of days ago and it said santa has literally the word satan in it. 😱

I can't believe I didn't realize that bahaha

But anyways enjoy :)

Jai P.O.V.

"The girl in your father's case,"

"the one who he died saving,"

"Was me."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


But then I realized.

I landed onto a photo of a girl.

She looked my age, 14.

And pretty.

Very pretty.

"This must be the girl Dad was talking about."

It was Sahana the whole time.

A tear from Sahana dropped to the floor.

I froze.

I was speechless.

How come I wasn't able to make the connection?!

"You were the girl."

"In the photo I saw."

Sahana collapsed to the ground, breaking down.

"I wasn't even able to say thank you."

"Or goodbye."

Her hair covered her face.

The tips of it touched the floor as she cried into her hands.

I stared at Sahana, shocked in disbelief.

My father saved you.

He died, saving you.

His last and final case,

was you.

I suddenly came back to reality when I felt my cheeks become wet.

Just the thought of dad brings out emotions I don't want to feel.

I looked back at Sahana and rushed to her.

I placed my hands on her shoulders.

She didn't show her face.

Sobs continued to leave from her.

I reached and tucked back a strand of her hair, revealing what I was looking for.

Slowly, she brought her head up.

Her bloodshot red eyes stared into mine.

Almost immediately she jumped and wrapped her arms around me, "I'm so sorry."

"Your dad died because of m-"

"No no, don't ever say that, Sahana." I interrupted, and placed a hand over her head, stroking it.

"We both weren't able to say goodbye the way we wanted to," her voice quavered, "But I know that he's proud of you, and what you've become Jai."

"He was with you throughout your whole journey."

"Now, he's looking down at both of us, smiling."

"But specifically, at you."

"His successful, smart, loyal, loving, and most of all, his great son."

That was the breaking point for me.

The tears welled up and flowed faster.

I laid my forehead on Sahana's shoulder as I wept.

Sounds of pain, agony, and sorrow left me.

"I miss him so much Sahana." I whimpered.

"I know you do." she whispered.

And there we were.

On the floor.

Crying in each other's arms.

Hugging tightly for dear life, as if we were the last humans on this earth.

Finding out that our past lives have been connected throughout all these years, due to one person.

He was there for the both of us.

A father to one.

An officer to the other.

But a hero to both.

Sahana pulled away from the hug, sniffling.

"I should've realized this sooner. Do you know how long I was so frustrated at myself, for not knowing who your dad was?" she groaned, "I was too focused on not thinking about the trauma after it happened and ended up forgetting him too."

I shook my head, "That's not your fault Sahana."

"I was just like you."

"I know it's bad but, I always tried to forget the memory of dad in my arms, not even able to say his last words." I sniffled.

We stayed silent.

"But it's like you said," Sahana spoke.

I looked up at her.

A tiny smile formed on her face, "We both have each other now."

My heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly a yawn escaped from her.

I chuckled, "All this crying really makes you tired huh."

She laughed, nodding.

We both stood up.

Our faces, swollen and red.

Our voices sounding stuffed.

Yet we're happy.

"Um, you should go to your room."

"And sleep there."

"It'll be comfier." Sahana pointed back to where my room was.

I nodded,


and grabbed Sahana's hand,

"But you're coming with me."

I started taking us to my room,


I heard from behind and stopped in my tracks.

I turned around and faced her, "You heard what I said."

"I slept with you in your bed, when you had your nightmare."

"Now you gotta return the favor."

"Plus, you've already slept on there before, so it's not like you're doing anything new." I smiled and began walking again.

We reached my room and entered turning on the lamp next to my bed.

Monty and Amiga ran in together hopping on it and made themselves comfortable next to each other.

I let go of Sahana's hand as she walked to the other side of the bed and we both got under the blankets.

We stared at the ceiling.

"Who knew that one day, you and I would meet?" Sahana said.

I continued to stare at the ceiling, "Well, everything happens for a reason right?" I replied.

"Yeah, you're right," she sighed.

We both continued to stare up.

At least I thought it was both of us.

Out of nowhere I heard tiny snores from beside me.

I turned to Sahana, confused for a split second, then realized she knocked out.

I snickered, "Well goodnight to you too."

Couple hours later...

My eyes slowly opened.

I couldn't sleep that well.

Or at all.

I turned to my phone and checked the time: 2:45 a.m.

I silently groaned and went back to the same sleeping position I was in before.

This time a face was next to mine.

The curtains weren't covering the window.

The light from the moon brightened my room.

Our pillows were at a relative distance.

Her face squished against them.

Like always.

I remembered what happened earlier, at the amusement park.

I don't know what was going through me back there.

Something about her pulls me closer and closer.

I stared at the ceiling.

My gaze shifted back to the woman laying next to me.

She was sleeping peacefully.

It was hard to take my eyes off her.

Even in a dark setting.

Beautiful is only 1 of the million words I can describe her as.

I adjusted my pillow and placed it right next to Sahana's with no space in between.

She didn't move an inch.

Tiny breaths escaped from her.

Sahana's everything, anyone would want in a person.

And then she proceeds to exceed their expectations, somehow.

My heart pounds out of my chest in when I see her.

I always feel the millions of butterflies in my stomach every time I talk to her.

The only times my face becomes hot is when she's around me.

I wait for her texts and calls.

I make excuses to myself just so I can hang out with her.

Whether its for the whole day,

or even for a couple of minutes.

I always find myself unknowingly staring at her.

She's always there for me when I need a hand to hold,

a shoulder to cry on,

and a hug that will dissolve my stress and worries.

Something has grown inside me.

A feeling.

Of wanting more.

And more.

Of her.

I scooted closer towards Sahana.

My gaze shifted to the plump, florid feature of hers.

She's someone I would want to have in my life forever.

Slowly the distance between our lips decreased.

Suddenly she began to move.

I immediately rolled away to the edge of the bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Jai?!"

"Sahana's sleeping and you're trying to kiss her?!" I slapped myself.

"Oh my god what if she woke up."

"I'm probably whispering like a fucking maniac."

I turned around to see Sahana's back.

I rolled to her and peeked over to see her still sleeping.

I sighed in relief, "Thank the lord." I placed a hand on my chest.

I looked back down at her.

I tucked a strand that was on her face, behind her ear.

I leaned down and placed my lips on her cheek.

I scooted away and rested my back on the bedframe.

I exhaled a deep breath.

"I think I'm in love with you, Sahana."





Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter

But anyways have a great day everyone

Love ya'll to the MAXX