Chapter 61


Time to PARTAY 😎


Sahana P.O.V.

I drove back home, entering into the apartment building.

The smile never left my face as the elevator doors opened to my floor.

I headed to my door, shuffling for the keys in my bag.

"Here we go again." I rolled my eyes in annoyance at myself.

I looked deeper in my bag, almost putting my entire head in it, "Where the hell did they go??"

Then I had a sudden realization and brought my head out, staring at my door,


My hands traveled down to my pants.

I patted my pockets and felt a bump on one of the back ones.

I sighed and pulled them out,

"Same situation."




I slapped my forehead repeatedly and shoved the key into the keyhole, "You are the dumbest person alive. To ever exist in the universe. I swear to god." I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist,

"Hey there."

"HOLY SHIT!" I jolted up in surprise.

I felt a hand slip away and grab on to the doorknob, opening the door.

My body spun around to meet eyes with beautiful brown hazel ones.

"Heyy Jaii." I giggled walking backwards.

Immediately, he pulled me closer to him and I was showered with kisses everywhere.

From my neck, to my cheeks, to my forehead, nose, and finally my lips.

Those soft, plump beings were my existence.

Jai pulled away from the kiss and hugged me tight, "Congratulations beautiful. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you," I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist, "All that hard work paid off, didn't it?"

"Mhm." He replied, stroking my head.

"Oh also, I'm gonna host a celebratory party at 7, so get ready."

"Ok I'll get ready," Jai brought his head back, looking at me, "Just one more." He cupped my face, giving a peck on my lips.

"OK, now I'll get ready." Jai pulled away from the hug.

I turned around to head to my room, but a hand interlocked with mine.

I looked back at him pouting, "But I don't wanna."

"Can I stay here with you?" he swung our hands from side to side, like a 5-year-old.

Oh god don't do this to me now.

I have to be there for the party, I can't die from his cuteness right now.

"Jai, please stop acting so adorable and get readyy." I pleaded.

Jai exhaled a deep sigh, "Fine."

A tiny laugh escaped from me.

I walked him out of my apartment until we reached his.

"I've never seen this side of you before. Why are you a cute baby all of a sudden?" I asked.

"I wanted to be with you for longer, that's all. Why would any boyfriend want to leave their girlfriend's side?" Jai smiled.

I could feel my face become hot.

"Oh, you're becoming red," Jai noticed and then realized. "Ahh, you're blushingg." He snickered.

"This is because of you." I pointed at him, but quickly covered my cheeks in embarrassment.

Jai opened the door to his apartment and turned to me.

He leaned closer and placed his lips on mine, "Mission accomplished." He smiled before closing the door.

I shook my head, "Ah, he's making me go crazy."

6:30 p.m.

I finished putting the final touches to my outfit and took a couple of steps back from my mirror to see the entire look.

I wore a dark, emerald green maxi dress that had a deep V-neck and flowed all the way down to my toes.

A large section of the skirt was open for my leg to show through.

Tiny designs were displayed all throughout the dress and hugged my body.

I styled my hair in a wedding style low bun, pulling out several curls to frame my face.

I wore simple yet eye-catching makeup that matched my dress and had some earrings that sparkled at times when they dangled.

I finally put on a thin coat of lip gloss and began heading out.

But someone stood in my way.

I stared down at him.

"Well? How do I look?" I posed.

Sitting quietly on the floor, he stared at me.

His eyes moved every which way.

I looked at my phone and checked the time.

I cleared my throat, "Can you hurry up a bit?"

His head shot up and his eyes glared at me.

I became quiet, "Ok ok, take your time."

Then finally, I saw his legs begin to move and extend as his body got up and walked towards me.

I kneeled down and hugged him, "Is that a yes? Do you approve?" I giggled pulling away from the hug, and he licked my hand.

I kissed his forehead and nose, then stood up. "Plegh, I barely put any lip gloss and still his hair gets stuck to it." I pulled a strand off my lip and flicked it off my finger to the ground.

I went to where my shoes were and put on simple gold strapped heels.

Suddenly, I heard my door open and the clicks of someone's footsteps.

I turned around and my jaw dropped.

Jai was fixing the end of his sleeves, slightly pulling it down to his wrists.



"God." I whispered to myself.

A classic black and white suit perfectly fit every inch of his body, finishing his outfit with a black bow on the collar of his white buttoned down.

His head slowly lifted.

Our eyes met.

I could see his growing big, looking me up and down.

A smirk shown on his face.

"Wow." He exhaled.

I smiled, "You like it?"

"Do I like it?" Jai walked towards me and placed his hands on my waist, "No no I don't like it."

"I love it. I didn't know you could get more beautiful than you already are." He leaned in and pecked my lips.

We met eyes once again.

I looked down at his lips.

"Hehehe." I snickered.

"What, what's so funny?" Jai asked, confused.

I pointed to his lip, "Some of my lip gloss got onto your lips haha." I then began to gently pat his lip to spread the gloss, "Now, your lips will be nice and glossy like mine." A laugh escaped the both of us.

Jai began staring at me.

"What is there something on my face?" I asked concerned.

He shook his head, "Sometimes, I just realize how lucky to have met you."

"Or else, this wouldn't have happened."

"I wouldn't have been able to kiss you just now."

"I wouldn't have been able to hold you close to me."

"I wouldn't have been able to know we were connected."

"I wouldn't have been able to hear your story."

I could see his eyes become glossy.

"Aw, Jai don't cry,"

I silently spoke,

"Or else I will too."

A single tear rolled down his cheek, and I quickly wiped it away.

"Aw, you cute baby." I pulled him into a hug.

"You look so handsome right now. Don't ruin your gorgeous face by crying so early now," I giggled, "We can cry together all you want once we get back, which is probably what's going to happen."

A laugh escaped Jai.

I pulled away from the hug, and he sniffled.

I smiled, "You really are something, aren't you Jai Leonis."

"One minute you're acting like a strong man, and another minute you're acting like a small baby that I need to protect."

"My heart has never beat like this for someone." I nodded to myself.

A smile formed on Jai's face.

"See this how you're supposed to look. Don't let that beautiful smile leave your face."

He nodded.

We then finally headed out.

15 minutes later we reached the building where I decided to host the party.

Jai and I both entered in and each of us gasped in awe.

"GODDAMN." Jai exclaimed.

The building was still empty, except for the workers who were setting up the decorations.

The style of the building was similar to how Blaire's was when she hosted her party.

A bar to the very left of the space, and a stage near the right side.

Food was being set up on one long table and I could already feel my mouth water.

I suddenly got back to my senses.

"Sorry guys I was a little late because I had to deal with a small thing."

I looked back at Jai and winked at him.

I could see his cheeks becoming red and he looked away from me.

I commend myself for holding in my laughter.

Jai and I helped the workers finish setting up all the decorations around the room, and I snuck in a bite or two of a cookie.

Or three.

"Ah, were donee!!" I clapped.

"People should be coming now."

Right as I finished speaking, I heard several voices and clicks of shoes.

I turned around and a big smile formed on my face.

I spread my arms,


1 hour later

Everyone I invited were thankfully here.

I received many congratulations and had small talk with various groups, all while munching on whatever what was in my hand.

I walked to my family with my arms stretched out, "Hiiii!!!" I hugged Ma from behind and kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh shit, now lip gloss is on your cheek ehe." I awkwardly laughed trying to wipe it away.

"I'm going to kill you." She spoke through her teeth.

"Sorry, love youu." I let go of Ma and hugged Pa.

"How are you Appa?" I asked.

"I'm amazing my angel," he patted my back, "But I've been seeing this man oddly stare at you from time to time." He had a suspicious tone in his voice.

I glanced at Appa looking at someone.

I followed where his eyes were, and landed on no other than Jai looking away, talking to someone.

Appa's eyebrows pinched together, "Keep your distance from that man."

I put a hand over my mouth trying to hold back my laughter, "Pa wait one sec." I said before walking away.

"Wait, why are you going to that man?!" I heard from behind.

I wrapped my arm around Jai's, catching his attention, and brought him back to where my family was.

My mom glanced behind her and looked away for a second.

But then immediately, she shot her head back to Jai and I.

Her eyes grew wide, "W-what is this?" She looked at us up and down.

My dad was still extremely confused.

"Appa, Amma, this is Jai Leonis."

"My boyfriend." I proudly spoke.

Ma gasped putting a hand over her mouth.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Karthik."

Jai walked towards Ma and hugged her.

"Oh please, call me Amma." She smiled patting his back.

Jai smiled at Ma and turned to Appa, shaking his hand.

"That makes sense now, why you were staring at my daughter so often."

Jai laughed awkwardly nodding.

Appa smiled and laid his hand on Jai's shoulder, "Take care of her."

I smiled after hearing that.

"Sahana, when did this happen??" Amma asked, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"I'll explain everything later." I teased.

My eyes then landed on Rishi, "There you are!!" I swung my arm around his neck, "How you been? Proud of your big sis?" I displayed my pearly whites.

Rishi turned to wrap his arms around me, "Damn, you really did it. You're amazing."

I squeezed him, "Hehe thank you thank you."

Rishi pulled away from the hug and turned his head to Jai talking to our parents.

"Who is he?" he whispered.

I giggled and whispered back, "My boyfriend."


I slapped Rishi enough for him to become silent.

"Sahana!!" I turned around to Ma waving at me to come to her.

I noticed there were two women speaking with them.

"Who are they?" I asked myself and walked to where they were.

"Hello." I smiled.

I looked at the two women.

One was older than the other.

However, both looked extremely beautiful.

The older woman took my hand, "So, you must be Sahana."

I nodded, "Yes, but who..."

I spoke but then trailed off noticing her eyes.

They looked exactly like someone else's.

I shifted my glance to Jai and gasped, turning back to the woman.

"You're Jai's mother!"

She smiled, nodding.

"I'm Nova but please call me whatever you would like."

"Jai never told me about a girlfriend. Your mother mentioned it just now. You are absolutely gorgeous. What a hardworking woman you are."

I couldn't reply and instead hugged her.

"Thank you so much," I silently spoke only so she could hear, "You are an amazing woman for raising your son. He's a man like I've never met before in my life."

"Oh thank you. I'm lucky he met a woman like you." She patted my back.

I quickly grabbed a drink for two and introduced myself to his sister, who looked very similar to her mother.

Except her eyes were a replica of her father's.

"I'm Idalia," she spoke, "Congratulations, you look so amazing."

I waved my hand in denial, "Oh no no, there are definitely some women who look better than me. But thank you." I smiled.

"I heard you have a café. Is it near here?" I asked.

Idalia nodded, "Yeah, I would say it's pretty close. Please visit sometime if you can!"

"Of course! What did you name it?"


My brain stopped working for a split second.

"C-Choco's? YOU OWN CHOCO'S?!"

"Jai didn't tell you?" Idalia looked confused.

I shook my head rapidly.

"Sadly, I don't really get to see Jai anyway at the café, I'm always upstairs doing other important work." she sighed.

I almost spit out my drink, "THERE'S AN UPSTAIRS?!"

Idalia laughed, nodding.

Then I felt a hand wrap around my waist. "What are ya'll taking about?"

I slapped his chest, "You didn't tell me Idalia owned Choco's?!"

Jai rubbed his chest, "Ehe sorry. I wanted you to find out yourself."

"You guys are so cute."

We turned our attention to Idalia, "You two are made for each other."

She laughed before walking away towards the bar.

I looked back at Jai and smiled,

"She's right."



Wow A LOT happened at the party 😂

But stay tuned for more heheh

Hope you guys enjoyed this chaptor

Have a wonderful day :3

Love ya'll 💙