The Anonymous Suicide Loli Bomber

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Chapter 5: The Anonymous Suicide Loli Bomber

Author: Tion_Official

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Once outside, the two who are first to be outside see a laughing crazy loli who is pointing a gun right at Aishe's head.

This is now a hostage situation.




[Luii: Aishe!!!]

[Aishe: L-Luii! H-help!!]

[Luii: D-don't worry! Nyah! J-just don't move a muscle o...okay??]

The crazy insane loli who's holding Aishe, points the gun at Luii, who responded by pointing a gun back.

[Kace, Mind: She too sneaked a gun inside??]


[Luii: L-look here, Miss crazy! I don't know which nation you're from, but from those odd choices of fashion, you must be from Pianty!]

The other friends of Luii came and Talisia gave the others weapons and they pointed at the head of that loli.

[Kace: Hey! Just so you know, we have sharp aim! We can shoot you in the head right now if we want to! So let the child go and we won't have to shoot!]

The crazy just giggles crazy, and points the gun at Aishe now.

She keeps giggling, and the giggle went to a laugh and she looks at them with her eyes wide open and laughing like a mad loli. She has really lost it.

The others seem concerned for that loli, but for Talisia, she has her aim on her head with no intention to give any shit about anything.

The crazed loli stops laughing and she puts Aishe on her side and opens her jacket up, revealing a ticking time bomb and wires are attached to her bloodstream.

Seeing this, they backed down a little now that they're aware that she has a bomb strapped to her. There's no denying the fact that this loli is a suicide bomber.

Pianty's one way to send a lot of people to hell, by sending one from hell and letting it roam around and let it explode when it wants to.

But this is a different case here.

That Pianty couldn't get a crowd so she took Aishe as hostage, or she's assigned to a different task rather than cause chaos and destruction and death.

[Fun fact. If you BANG BANG any part of my body. I'll go BOOM BOOM! And I'll take this little piece of shit with me! So you all better drop your weapons in the next 10 seconds, OR I'LL BLOW THIS CHILD'S BRAINS OUT!!! GWAAHH!]

[Pawn: Oh shit, she really is from Pianty! There's no bomb that works like that except for Pianty's bombs!]

Pawn dropped his weapons and backed away from it, Kace was a bit hesitant, but she too dropped her gun. Except for Luii, and Talisia, who were still determined to stand their ground, not giving a shit to this Pianty bulso.

[Kace: O-Oi! What are you two doing?? Do you guys want that child's brain to fly off her head??]

[Luii: I...I can't just watch this go on! I can't!]

[Talisia: I fucking don't trust Pianty in anyway. I'm not backing down from this crazed maniac.]

The crazy loli groans and holds Aishe's head and scratches her head, which creeps Aishe out.

[So young. So new. Uneducated, and CLUELESS! Our God was right. Children need to be educated, they are unworthy if they are slothful. Yes… They are sloth. SLOTH!]

A warning shot was fired near the lolis feet. Looking to see who fired, it was Tali, and she's very angered already by this loli for some reason.

[Luii: Talisia! What are you doing?? I-I'm sorry to ask like this, but are you trying to get-

[Talisia: Fucking silence! In a serious order from a star, shut the fuck up!]

Lui stays quiet as she backs off, but still holds her gun with her aim still holding true.

[Ah, I see now. I know who you are. I remember now. You are… The Third Star Of Murikon, correct? I see, I see. No wonder why you're so brave. So brave. So brave. So brave that you are willing to sacrifice your friend here, and that makes you "worthy"]

[Talisia: Shut your tiny mouth you crazy motherfucker!]

[Pawn: Wow did you forget to take your anti-swear word pills today?]

[Talisia: You too! Shut your big ass mouth!]

[Pawn: a… okay…]

It's now the crazy loli and Talisia.

Both intensely staring at each other while their aim still holds true to their target.

Both are holding their guns tightly, both sweating and a bit nervous, but they are unfazed from each others gazes.

It's quiet, and the only thing that can be heard if you listen closely is them breathing.

Talisia is at a disadvantage here.

If she shoots, the loli will explode and it'll take Aishe with her, and if she lets this go, that crazy loli might shoot Aishe in her skull.

She's thinking about this deeply, and she hopes to not make an error.

If she does, she's going to fail one life, even though the war has not turned to

Def 3 yet.


The assailant points the gun at Tali and she shoots as much as she can.

Talisia quickly responded by shooting back once but she dropped her gun when she was hit on the shoulder and by the leg as she kneels to the ground, while that single shot from Talisia broke that lolis gun. She can't shoot anymore.

She threw the broken gun away at Talisia but it was blocked by Luii who took the front line while Pawn and Kace checked on the kneeled loli.


[Pawn: Shit! You're shot! Is it bad??]

Talisia groans as she holds her shot shoulder with her other arm as she looks to the crazy loli who seems to be defenseless now.

[Talisia: you asking if I'm fine, feels… weird... I..m fine… No serious injuries. Got hit in the shoulder and leg, b-but- ngh! Don't feel any… bleeding so I-I should be good. D-don't let that bulso get away!]

In a panic, the crazed loli tries to run away, but she is blocked by a warning shot Infront of her, and more to come as Kace picks up the rifle.

The crazy loli keeps threatening to explore while Aishe is crying her eyes out in fear, and Luii hopes and really hopes Aishe is okay.

It seems like there's no way out of this.

The crazy loli picks Aishe up and raises her up to the sky, which they stop shooting warning shots to see what that maniac is doing, but they keep their guard and their gun cocked with ammo.

[Oh holy divinity... It looks like my time has come! I offer you, this child! I offer you a cluessess one! I will sacrifice this child! Then, I shall offer myself…]

A tear dropped from that loli cheeks as she whispered to herself.

[please accept me… ...Hail T! Hail T! HAIL T!!!]

The Loli holds a string connected to the bomb with her other hand, but she is immediately met with a barrage of bullets by Luii and Kace. They keep shooting the Loli without hitting Aishe.

Then Pawn picks up the heavy bag that Talisia has and she throws it directly to Aishe following with an apology.

[I'm sorry kid! Don't get mad!]

[Luii: Wait- What do you mean sorry??]

Aishe was hit by the heavy bag and she was knocked back, but it was not enough force as Aishe got in the explosion and-



Luii: a...AISHE!!!

Luii throws her gun away as she quickly runs to where Aishe was dropped and Pawn got smacked by a rifle in the head by Kace.

[Pawn: AWGH! What the fu-]

Kace grabs Pawn by the collar of his shirt and pulls him to her.

[Kace: What were you doing Pawn?? Did you get dumber throughout the years??!]

[Pawn: I could ask you the same! Why the fuck did you and Luii shoot when we knew she was a fucking bomb??!]

[Kace: We had no choice!! She was going to get killed eitherway!]

[Pawn: Oh yeah?? If I did nothing, she's going to die anyways as well! So what's the difference?!]



[Pawn: ...could you please let me go?]

Kace lets him go as she looks away in embarrassment. She's really a slow thinker.

Pawn holds his head and he feels like his skull cracked. He then sits down and holds his head groaning.

Kace noticed and immediately panics.

[S-shit! I forgot I smacked you with a rifle! Are you okay??]


Kace looks to Talisia.

She tried getting up but she kneels again and she's bleeding a lot. Due to this, she falls and lays down on the ground.

Pawn gets a bit dizzy and then throws up right next to Kace, which startled her to accidentally hit Pawn more in the head and he too fell to the ground.

Kace drops to her knees and looks around as she drops her gun with a petrified expression. She just blinks and looks around as she can hear the sirens of ambulances and authorities coming here.

[Kace: Oh shit, I think I'm the one that got dumber throughout these years.]


Breaking News!!!

It looks like an attack was just recently executed near the most popular restaurant in our nation. Is this just a terrorist attack? Or is it the official sign that the Pianty will start an attack at us?

We'll update you all once investigated.



w-was that… aishe's voice…?

she's worried. why is she worried…?

why can't i feel anything?

i feel weightless..

i feel im in a void..


i actually feel…

I actually feel nothing.



Chapter Ends…

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