
The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Volume: 1 Chapter 6: Hospitalized

Author: Tion_Official

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Good Evening Lolis Of Murikon.

Just now, a bomb has been detonated near the most famous restaurant just outside it's doors.

But just now, a star of our country has been harmed by a terrorist and an autopsy shows that the terrorist was a Pianty Society Member.

A complaint was sent to the nation and what our country got back was toenails.

It was examined and it was discovered that it is one of our star's fingernails.

Kiece Riff.

The most experienced out of all the wars, is presumably kidnapped by the Pianty nation.

This angered our leader, and I think uhh, we're at war now, meaning… Our Ally Riyunin is going to join in, and Nuwara will get mad as well as Pianty and Kokron has control over Chibkin so they'll join so…

This might be the…

*Ahem.* Uhm…

This might be the-

*Blph! - -Wha! Hey! Guards!

Everyone! This is the start of the fifth one right???

We're going to die!!

All of us!

This war will end all lolis and shotas around!!!



Aishe's eyes start to open as she feels some people talking.

Aishe slowly looks to her left and sees a blurred blue thing and it's moving around like nonstop.

She sees an obscured vision of someone's hand waving to her.

She can't feel anything, Aishe feels like she is a ghost who has no body, but she's still alive.

What a weird way to put it, but that's how she sincerely feels.

Aishe getting dizzy once again closes her eyes, hearing a faint voice of someone who she is close with.

Aishe opens her eyes and she is greeted back by darkness and a flat screen tv that is on.

It's a game show that's playing.

Aishe looks to her left to see a curtain and then to her right, it's Luii who is just looking at the flatscreen and she looks tired.

She must've been watching Aishe all this time.

[Aishe: L...Lu…]


Luii turns to Aishe and she is filled with immediate joy when she sees her waking up and looking right at her, Luii was going for a hug but then remembers Aishe is hurt so she just gives a little faint pat on her hand.

[Aishe: L-Luii…[

[Luii: A-Aishe, y-you're awake, n-nyah! A-Are you okay?]

Aishe groans as she tries to shake her head, but Luii already knows she isn't okay.

Luii gets up and turns a red lamp on as the room is starting to fill with warm red light to the eyes as she puts the flatscreen on mute and she sits right beside Aishe. She smiles in hopes of warming her up inside at least.

[Aishe: W...what happened…?]

[Luii: Uhm, well you see nyah. We were in a situation and some loli just outside the restaurant we were in grabbed you, and took you… Y-you know what, you're too young for that.

I-I can't really tell you that yet.]

[Talisia: I wouldn't count on it.]

[Luii: ? Talisia?]

Luii goes to the other side and pushes the curtain that's on Aishe's left and sees that it's Talisia sitting on the bed with some bandages all over her shoulder and leg.

Talisia looks at Aishe with a smirk and then to Luii.

[To be honest, I'm kinda impressed on how your little friend there survived, usually Type C's in that hostage situation would not survive.]


[It's true I'm not lying. Remember that time where we were kind of slaughtering-]

[Luii: Uhh, maybe…? L-Look- w-why are we talking about that?]

[Talisia: I'm just saying that kid has potential, it's a very… bad potential but she has it.]

[Luii: … ! No no, t-there's no way she is fit to join this battle! She is only…-

[Aishe: F-fifth teen…?]

[Luii: Fifteen, nyah!]

Talisia puffs something out of her mouth and it's smoke?

As she gets her phone on the side of the bed and she goes to her photos and scrolls to them.

Aishe is wondering what is happening, and Luii is just thinking how the hell did Talisia get a cigarette inside this hospital? Did Kace get her a stick or is it a pack of cigarettes?

[Talisia: Ah, here we go.]

Talisia shows something to Aishe but it was quickly blocked by Luii.


[Luii: Uhm, hey, i-isn't there a better way to just do this, n-nyah?]

[Talisia: You do know it's going to happen eventually right? Who knows how long this war will last. Last time it took like years and the children we saw? They were already at service to the country.]

[Luii: B-but! This time is different, nyah! That was years ago! I'm sure the nation won't allow it again!]

[Talisia: They will eventually, you yourself know this. You were one of them, weren't you?]

Luii takes a deep breath and steps aside and Aishe looks at the phone to see a bunch of lolis in a group photo, but they seem to be carrying weapons on them and they're wearing helmets.

Aishe doesn't get it, but it seems like young lolis are servicing the army.

She also sees…

Is that Luii? She's so small, and so little, just like her.

[Talisia: Just like you, Aishe, was it? Luii was one of the Type C's to survive a situation, after that, she swore on oath to herself that she would protect Murikon, and look where she is now.]

[Luii: I-I'm fine with you saying the rest, but that last one! Are you really trying to get Aishe to join this war, nyah?? It hasn't been the new century yet!]

Talisia looked at her and before looking at Aishe.

Aishe tries to sit up, which Luii immediately helps her with.

[Aishe: So, Luii was one of the children that lost their families that day…?]

[Talisia: ...You know of it?]

[Luii: W-wait! W-what have you been researching when I was gone??]

[Aishe: I-I only know some of it, I found what I can find. B-but some weren't really that helpful… Luii would sometimes say things whenever she's done them or not.]

Talisia puffs out more smoke from her mouth as she turns her fake cigs off and just puts them to her left table.

[I'm going to rest for now. Let's talk about what we're going to do. Luii, since you're the one who looks to be energetic as ever. You can be our watch lady for now, just make sure the nurses here are actually from Murikon, mmkay?]

[Luii: Uhm, s-sure, nyah. You got my promise. You can go ahead and rest yourself.]

Luii drags the curtain to block off Talisia from Aishe as she returns to her seat and unmutes the television but lowers the volume down a bit.

Aishe just looks at Luii who has a face of someone who seems to be thinking about something deeply, but it looks like Aishe isn't at that level yet where she can just ask Luii what's wrong. Or atleast Aishe is just too much of a coward to ask anything right now of Luii.

She's sure she's having problems with that bombing, any more problems shouldn't be added.

Aishe lays down on the bed, cuddling with her pillow and decides to sleep the night off.

There's nothing much to do, and she can't stay up late. It's bad for her health.

It's been two hours.

Everyone is resting and the crickets are chirping.

Luii is the only one still awake inside the room and she's holding a taser gun with a handgun backing her up.

Everything seems to be quiet and there's no signs of any Pianty freaks coming to their room.

Luii is slightly a bit tired but she shakes her head and she focuses on what she is ordered to do.

Although focusing isn't really much of a big job, doing it is really… boring.

Staring at nothing, making sure no one gets harmed sometimes gets boring and someone could die because of it.

If only Luii got someone who is awake and fresh from bed to watch over this room.

Then she would just find something to do or rest the night off but she can't do that since no one she trusts is here.

[Luii: *sigh* The hospital. How boring you were when I was staying to get healed.

I have to do nothing for the rest of the month and I had no one watching over me.

Darn, it's been a long time since that day.]

Luii turns her eyes to the sleeping Aishe.

She wonders if this little loli is having sweet dreams right now.

If she is, Luii hopes it's not too sweet and bitter, just a perfect dream for a perfect sleep.

Luii still remembers the day where she finds Aishe for the first time.

Just a little loli, crying.

Luii wonders why she did those things to those children. She wonders why she took Aishe.

She wonders why she's keeping Aishe.

A person like her, for a Murikon.

She shouldn't think too much.

She shouldn't be following strict orders.

Luii is independent, and so are her choices.

She should be happy she spared Aishe.

Luii wonders if she can try to apologize to the ones she caused lost to, but doubts she can be forgiven.


Chapter Ends.