Star Savior

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 1 Chapter 12: Star Savior


The Loli terrorist quickly lifted up the bed but was met with a plate to the face as it broke.

Talisia charged to the loli and she started trying to choke her and pin her to the wall, but the loli wasn't going to go down with a fight.

Talisia was met with punches upon the face, but she was unaffected. The Loli starts to choke and feel weak, but she sees the wound in Talisia's shoulder as she punches really hard in that spot.


Talisia let's go as she holds her shoulder, groaning in pain.

The Loli terrorist coughs and breathes as much air as possible, but before Talisia can strike, she dodges and kicks her to the bed and pins Talisia to the ground and starts to choke her.

Talisia tries to fight back and roll him over, but this loli is tough and due to the wounds she has right now, Talisia isn't capable of rolling them to the side.

The loli terrorist starts to laugh, seeing Talisia is starting to go blue and running out of breath.

[!!: Eh- eheh… I-I thought w-we were going to struggle killing you, b-but no! You're super weak! Look! I'm choking you to death right now! And you can do nothing about it! Ahah… AHAHAHA!!!]

The Loli released her grip on Talisia as she managed to get two gasps of air before getting choked again.

[!!: O-Oh wait till they hear about this! A star, killing another star! It'll be like the greatest thing ever!]

[Talisia: N-Ngh… Y-you do know t-that k-killing an injured, I-Is a fucking w-war crime, you idiot!! *Cough*]

[!!: O-oh it is! But we're stars! Rules only apply to soldiers, not superiors! And I'm very sorry to say, you have no future.

Goodbye, Talisia, The Third Star. I respect your struggles, but they were to no avail…]

The Loli starts gripping tighter on Tal's neck which she feels herself passing out since she can't get air, and she's getting weaker and slowly closing her eyes.

This loli is staring right at her eyes, eager to see a dead star right in front of her eyes!!



The loli feels something hit her behind her neck, and when she turns around, a dart went right through her left eye and the needle went all the way inside her eye.



Luii stopped when she heard that loud scream. She didn't continue to rush since she doesn't recognize that scream, therefore Aishe or Talisia must've gotten whoever that is!

Luii sits down and lays down on the stairs, panting after running up 13 stories high.

The Loli let's go of her grip on Talisia as she holds her eyes, screaming in agony, Talisia gasped and she continues gasping for air until she can feel her strength again.

She tries to stand up, but the blood is still not quite circulating yet and her vision is still blurry.

She looks around for the rifle and looks for the loli that suddenly let her go.

Talisia saw Aishe, who was holding a tranquilizer gun, and her face was filled with horror as she saw the loli struggling, screaming, and trying to pull out the dart out of her eyes as blood was starting to splatter all over.

Talisia regains vision as she shakes her head and sees that loli rifle and tries to grab it, but her foot was stepped on by an angry injured loli.

The Loli tries to hit her but Talisia dodges far and manages to land beside Aishe.

She looks at Aishe with a still shocked and terrified face.

Talisia looks at the gun she's holding and she slowly takes it from her hands and the remaining dart.

She loads it and points it at the Loli.

The Loli tried to pick up the rifle but it was kicked off by Talisia who's now pointing a tranquilizer at her.

[Talisia: S-so… W-what's that again about stars can h-hurt other injured enemy stars again..?]

Both paused, having to catch for air, but eventually the loli striked as Talisia made an attempt to shoot, but she was blocked and the remaining dart was shoved into Talisia's neck.Talisia kicks her in the stomach as she pulls out the needle but she's the liquid is already coming out, meaning there's already some in her! Eventually both start to get tired as they try to choke each other and knock one's lights off. This is like a tie battle! No one knows who's going to win and no one is-



Talisia looks at herself and sees she's fine, but she looks at the loli and it looks like her head was blown off.

Talisia threw the loli away as she held her head and shoulder as she looked to who shot that loud barrel, and was unexpected to see Pawn holding a shotgun with one hand and a sandwich on the other hand, and he's eating it right now.

[Talisia: haah… haah… a..are you s-serious..?]

[Pawn: Hey! I just saved your ass! Give me a break by letting me eat this good sandwich! It was also for sale!]

Pawn noticed Aishe was here too, and she just witnessed a murder.

Cold blooded murder and she can see the loli's blood dripping and starting to make a puddle, especially her brain is starting to come out as well since the skull is blasted off by Pawn's shotgun.


Aishe throws up as she kneels down holding her neck.

Seeing the loli having her brain exploded and her brains out is making her sick and she could almost vomit again.

[Pawn: Hm, yeah, my first reaction too when I saw a dead body. Don't sweat it, you'll get used to it.]


The hospital was now in lockdown due to a recent attack in the hospital, and the media was forced back, because the military doesn't want Pianty to realize they have failed an assasination. It's better off hiding the information first before they find out and attack for real.

The scared and traumatized Aishe was being accompanied by Luii, who got blisters on her feet due to her running so much. Aishe is terrified of what happened and is probably thinking she was responsible for killing the loli, but in reality, it was Pawn who finished her off, while eating a 50% sale sandwich.

Everyone was now in a different and bigger room, accompanied by loli soldiers of Murikon.

Some are even nervous that they're protecting and near Talisia. The highest of the highest of all military ranks is here, and especially Luii, and Kace, or to put it simply.

They're with the Kupip Project. The Kupip project is a platoon led by Kiece Riff, but due to her not being in present, Talisia has to take the lead.

The Kupip Project has done so many things and have dealt with major problems in the past due to Pianty lacking some knowledge about a lot of things and having dumb soldiers, but now with the first star of pianty being present, everything changed, and the other stars of pianty are seriously a threat to lolinica.

They thought they killed a star, but unfortunately they killed one of the star's soldiers, and their name is ----------. What a great name, only to be killed later by a shota.

Luii was kind of disappointed at Talisia for being so irresponsible and forgetting where she put her gun, it's literally under the bed, she even saw her put it there yesterday, but she seems to have forgotten still. What a lazy act to perform, and her lazy acts made Aishe uncomfortable. It's not Pawn's fault, it kinda is, but the responsibility is going to be at Talisia is what Luii believes.

[Luii: So, are we going to not talk about my friend not being able to face dead bodies?]

[Talisia: No, we're not.]

[Luii: Eh?? Why?? You already saw for yourself that she can't kill lolis! She can't even face an open corpse without vomiting and being upset! She's literally unfit for this war!]

[Talisia: Again, that's not your responsibility nor mine, I'm only pretending to have responsibly because your friend there choose to join us, but now it's, I guess, up to her again if she wants to leave or no--]

[Aishe: I-I'm not leaving…]


A surprised Luii was once again seen, as Talisia knew the kid had it in her to say that.

She even saved her life just earlier, so she owes her for that.

Luii tried asking but mostly convincing why she's so willingly to join the military.

It was already said by Aishe, but she repeats it again, just to make sure if she forgot her reason why she's joining. She did throw up and get petrified, but after seeing that, she can for sure maybe handle the bloody murders now that need to be done to do war stuff.

Luii still is confused and deep inside her she really doesn't want Aishe to join the war.

She doesn't want her to face what she has faced, but she can't force her out since Aishe is only a friend, and she's not like a mother or an older sister.

Only a friend, best friend.

Luii was once again in disbelief, sighs as she lets Aishe do her thing.

Aishe saw the upsetting face of Luii, she almost feels bad, but doing nothing isn't going to do anything for the country. She has to make it so she can make Luii think she can do it and is really fit for this war.

She doesn't wanna disappoint, nor make her depressed, so she'll try her best until the end of her.


Everyone looked at the door, and it was another loli, but this time it's a friendly one considering her normal attire than these two dead corpses.

She was let in by the soldiers as she pulled out a toy plane and gave it to Aishe, which confused her, but she accepted it anyway.

[Yolo! You look like shit, Talisia!]

[Talisia: Thanks for the compliment…? Anyways, why are you here, Tonya? You're not an imposter, are you?]

[Tonya: I hear a contradiction, don't you have the ability to know whenever someone is joking or nah?]

[Talisia: You're right, it really is you. But why are you here though?]


Tonya, who just arrived here, pulled out a golden gun. At first they thought she was an imposter but Tonya unloads the gun and shows its magazine.

[Tonya: Pretty cool right? It's actual gold, which is great and- why are you all scared like there is someone going to shoot?]

[Pawn: Ahem, gun, you're holding it right now.]

[Tonya: Oh- ah right, sorry-]

Tonya puts away the gun as she looks at everyone here.

Everyone from the Kupip Project is here, but there's one odd person who she hasn't met yet. The one she gave the toy plane too.

It's Aishe.

[Tonya: Soo, who's the kid?]

[Luii: Oh, uh, this is Aishe, nyah. She uh- *Cough* She's part of the military now. Euh....]

Hearing this, Tonya looked at Aishe with brighten up eyes as she walked to her and introduced herself.

She is a Third Diamond Pilot Of Murikon, she's been serving ever since the fourth loli war.

As the rank stated, she is a pilot and the plane she just gave is a replica of her plane, she gives it to every child she sees.

It's a thing she does so children can remember who gave the toy to them, and that's Tonya, the high ranking pilot of Murikon.

[Tonya: Ah yeah, by the way, higher ups ordered me to pick you guys up, she said it's very dangerous to be here in a public hospital, so they prefer somewhere where it's more secure.

Flight code is: 20PONN2014, you can check it on your mili phone if you'd like.]

[Talisia: I see, I should've expected that already, but I guess it's about time. Everyone, pack up the things we need and throw away the useless stuff, we're going to the Murikon Military Station. Haliyop!]

Everyone saluted, Aishe looked around wondering why everyone is saluting all of the sudden, so she too salutes.

Everyone puts their hands down as everyone is starting to leave the room, but they're waiting for Talisia to go first or in the middle.

[Aishe: W-where are we going?]

[Tonya: Don't sweat it kid, welcome to the kupip project, we're going to go to a safer place, where no pianty bulso are there.]

[Pawn: Yeah, she's right! And there's a nyanku's restaurant nearby as well!]

[Kace: You always think about restaurants at first, seriously do you not get a full stomach?]

Everyone was leaving the hospital, but there's a lot of journalists in the way, but the soldiers covered Talisia with a coat and covered her with a blanket and guided her to the plane zone.

Everyone was covering their faces except for Luii, because she doesn't think it's that classified to have her info and face to be shown, but she was forced anyways to join and hide in the blanket as they went their way to the plane Tonya is using.