Another Shaku Problem

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 1 Chapter 13: Another Shaku Problem.

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After a long trip.

The plane has finally arrived at the Murikon Military Air Lands, where planes and fighter jets reside and get sent out whenever it's needed to be sent out.

The plane lands safely on the ground.

Aishe was woken up by the landing of the plane. She scootches over to the window and sees that they're now on ground and it has reached sunset.

Aishe looks at Luii who's reading a book silently focusing on it. It looks like she hasn't moved for hours and she's been reading that book too. The last few hours she was on the first page, but now she's on a few pages left before its end.

Aishe wonders what the military place of Murikon will look like and she also is expecting soldiers and new soldiers there, since there's an ongoing war and they're probably preparing for the worst.

The plane finally stopped and the speaker was on again.

"Wake up ya silly fools! We're here!"

Luii looked up at the speaker as she looked around a bit confused and concerned.

She could've sworn the flight took only a few minutes. It usually takes a few hours.

Luii looked outside the window and was surprised that it's already sunset!

Aishe looks at her curiously, wondering what's Luii concerned about.

Luii sighs, as she unbuckles her seat belt and helps Aishe unbuckles hers as well before she moves out of the seats and walks straight for the front plane door, shaking the others to wake up while she's passing by.

Pawn was already awake, but he was given a little shake since he looks like he's sleeping with his eyes open.

The plane door opens as the stairs are deployed so they can safely go down the plane. Luii picks up Aishe as she goes down the stairs, the others follow behind her.

Aishe turns around and sees a bunch of what she assumes are Murikon Soldiers, and they're all in a straight line, making a way to the black limo that's in front of them.

[Pawn: yawn That was a long trip, It took hours! I'm starving right now!]

[Luii: It only took hours?? Strange, for me I thought it was only a few minutes, but that stopped me from the possibility because we first got on the plane in the morning, and now the day is ending.]

Aishe took a glance at the long highway of this airport and saw that there's a lot of lolis around, and some shotas.

They're all getting inside what it seems like fighter jets.

Aishe has been searching for some things, military related to be exact, and sure enough what she's seeing is actually what she thinks it is.

Luii Lexi opens the limo door as she gets in, letting Aishe sit next to the window, and the rest starts to get inside the limo.

Kace was the last to get in as she closed the door.

[Talisia: Oh how I miss riding in these cars. They have so much space in here, our entire platoon can literally be here at once.]

[Kace: Yeah, I figured, like it was all made for us, but I guess it's only a coincidence.]

The driver made sure everyone was inside before driving to the direction of the occupied and defended long highway that is the way to the Murikon Military Forces Station. Where all soldiers serving the country practice, teach the juniors and prepare for the unknown, but most of them are around Murikon borders right now to make sure no Piantini is going to sneak their way through their motherland.

[Talisia: Ahh~ The seats fucking great, reminds me of that one time where me and a shota got together in bed and-]

[Luii: And there's no time for stories like that, you can I guess swear everytime now since I can already tell Aishe knows every swear word, but I can't let you say that story! And speaking of the story, you've told it about 50 times already!]

Luii said as she just let's Aishe play with her phone. She said herself that she's not a mother and the mother of Aishe and she shouldn't probably try to take over her life, but she can't help it! As one of the descendants of the cat race, she has the big urge and call to protect anyone she deeply cares for, and Aishe is one of them.

[Talisia: It was the best thing that happened to me! Of course I would eh fucking say it. Ooh, wine inside a bucket full of ice.]

Talisia grabbed the bottle of wine and checked how long it's been since this was made, and it looks like this wine is from a long time ago! And these types of wine are always best when they age!

In the meanwhile Aishe is looking outside the window, seeing a bunch of soldiers doing like formations and some of them getting into their jets and flying away to who knows who?

Maybe they're going to practice their flying capabilities to see if they're still able to fly a fast jet properly.


10:12PM Murikon Military Borders

Luii is still awake, making sure to shaku every 5 minutes.

There might be a piantini again that's going to try and assassinate them in one go. So Luii has to be wide awake and make sure no danger comes to them.

Everyone is taking a nap right now, because they are literally tired after sitting on the plane for hours and mid-sleeping for a few times.

Luii is also tired, she could almost fall asleep right now, but as a HEG of Murikon, she needs her eyes wide open for her friends as they'll do the same once she gets to sleep.

She remembers something, the first time she was being transported into the military.

She remembers the road very well, she even remembers that there's a single cactus all alone while there are other cactuses all together in a distance. Poor cactus. All alone, with no cactus friends to be with, it reminds her of a lot of things really, but she shouldn't focus on that right now. Right now, she's in a very vulnerable position and the middle of the desert isn't a good place to counter an ambush.

*Shaku Shaku.


Luii's senses finally responded back. She looks around the windows making sure there's no sniper that's in sight.

It's night so it's pretty easy to see the enemy sniper by its flash.

Luii crossed out the sniper problem, since there doesn't seem to be a flash she can see, and if there's a sniper she could've been shot already.

So she gets up, putting Aishe on the side of the door and making sure it's locked before walking to the drivers area, where she takes a listen if the drivers are awake or they're even their drivers.

It looks like they really are from Murikon, no Murikon would ever talk shit about Pianty not unless they're planning to do treason, but that's unlikely.

She opens the door and the two lolis who were talking looked at her.

[?: Oh good evening, Miss Luii. Is there something wrong? We're almost at our destination, we just have to get past the checkpoint.]

[Luii: I see, by any chance do you have a handgun equipped on you?]

[?: Uhm, yes. Why the question?]

[Luii: Get ready to pull it out, I can feel something is wrong, but that thing isn't showing yet, so get ready to fire when necessary.]

Both of them nod as they make sure they can pull out their handguns when needed as they arrive at the checkpoint, stopping to verify who they are.

The driver lowers the car window down as she looks at who's operating the checkpoint. But it looks like no Piantini, so there's no danger in the checkpoint area too, so Luii is left to wonder. What the fuck is the danger, and where is it? Her cat instincts don't fail her, so it's impossible to have the possibility that she may be broken or she's just too tired that she thought there was any danger that's coming, but before she crosses it out she walks back to her team and tries to wake Pawn and Kace up by shaking them violently.

Pawn was in deep sleep but Kace woke up, yawning to herself and looking around to who woke her up, she's in the middle of a good dream, but now it's gone.


[Kace: Oh, Luii-tan… *yawn* What did you wake me up for…? Is there a Piantini again that you're picking up with your senses…?]

[Luii: Maybe- you know what, just get up and get your pump shotgun, your C7! Anything just grab something quick!]

Kace took a few breathers and a few stretches before she looked around to where she put her suitcase that she's been carrying all this time.

[Kace: Uh- hey have you seen my briefcase?]

[Luii: It's right there, you can see it, it's in the end of the car, you let go of it while sleeping!]

Luii pulls out a grenade launcher that's attached to the limo's exterior as she loads it with the bullets, just to make sure there aren't any cars that will intend to crash on them.

Kace opens her briefcase as she pulls out the thing that everyone fears when she first introduces it as she pulls out some of the rifle's detachable parts and starts putting them together.

[Kace: So uh, who are we dealing with?]


[Luii: I have no clue who, but they are coming, they are coming aight?]

[Kace: Right right right, are you sure it isn't just in your head that's coming?]

[Luii: I SWEAR no! Someone or somebody will come, I felt it, just let me-

*Shaku, Shaku!

[Luii: I felt it again! Someone is really coming! There's no denying it, someone is here and they're going to get my ass, your ass and everyone's asses! So get ready to shoot off hands, legs, limbs, anything! I can't accept death inside of the car we thought we're safe for years!]

Kace reassembles her rifle as she groups with Luii, just wondering if she's dreaming about anything good or bad, because there isn't anything that's happening right now.

Oh well, might as well investigate with her.


Chapter Ends.