T Time

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 1 Chapter 14: T Time

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8 hours earlier before Luii's recent Shaku.

Pianty Labor Camps, Moscow


[Miss T! Miss T!]

T stops walking as she was called by a fellow soldier. T turned around as the loli behind salutes to her, she salutes back.

[T: Hail The Motherland.]

[A-and Hail T!]

The soldier pants as he later stands up straight looking at the star.

[T: What is it, Sergeant? This better be important because there are other orders I need to announce to the others such as yourself.]

[!: Y-yes, my star! This news will certainly not be a waste of your time!]

[T: … If so, we cannot discuss it here, so follow me Sergeant. We shall talk somewhere else.]

[!: U-u-hm, yes! I'm behind you at will, my star!]

T nods as she turns around and starts walking as the loli sergeant follows behind her curiously and wondering where she'll be taken.

Both of them walk throughout the bridge of the labor camp they've set up long ago, and they've never stopped the operation. It's been running for years, and it shall stay that way, it's what powers some of Pianty's businesses after all.

T stopped as she looked down on the bridge where the labor camp is. The sergeant stops as she sees T has stopped so she too must stop.

[T: Sergeant. I would like to know your name.]

[Loa: Loa, my star! But it is your choice on what you should prefer to call me!]

[T: I see, so Loa. I'm giving out orders right? So for you, I order you, to talk to me, like a friend, you have friends, don't you?]


Sergeant Loa was a bit confused on that order, but since she didn't stutter she followed it.

[Loa: O-okay… I'll… follow your order, my star.]

[T: You have my very permission to call me… I can't exactly allow my name to be told by someone like you… so call me, Bia. Understood?]

[Loa: A-alright then, B-bia…]

T smiles as she continues walking through the bridge, signaling Loa to follow, as so she does.

While walking she looks down on the labor camps, seeing every Murikon and Riyunin lolis there, working and struggling. Poor lolis, their mothers or fathers were captured a long time ago, and this is what their future is.

[T: Tell me, Loa. What do you think of these Murikon and Riyunin lolis? If you don't know, they are pure Muriris and Ryu's. They've got a family, who were born at least from the second loli war.

They are… not from today's Murikon or Riyunin, they think this is their life, they think we are superior, they think their people are the only people here, but in reality, Murikon has grown as strong as ever. Riyunin is developing something, but guess what, Loa?]

Loa tilts her head nervously.

[Loa: W-what?]

T turns around and aggressively approaches Loa but does nothing.

Loa was scared and thought T was going to do something bad like the other stars, but after approaching her aggressively, she turns around and continues walking.

[T: Riyunin, is too smart now, they got all our spies, deflected any bomb, and worse of all, they ended half of the Piantini race in the fourth war. They are very deadly, but when it comes to the Riyunins we have here, they dumb, they stupid, they don't know anything. So tell me, what do you think of the people who embarrassed us, and the people who we opress?]

[Loa: Well, Riyunins on the other side, I really do hate them for what they did to us in the last few years. I didn't participate in the fourth war, but I can tell what lolis of Pianty must've gone through, Bia.

For the people here, it feels kind of… good to see them struggle, to make them feel what they deserve for what they did… but it doesn't feel the same. It's no fun punishing the descendants of Riyunin who have no prior knowledge of what their race did.]

[T: … I see, you have some opinion there, I can see the same for Murikon.]

T goes down the stairs where the labor camp leads to. There's a lot of Piantini soldiers guarding them, making sure none of them fight or start a revolution or something.

T stops as she looks around and sees the bunch of lolis who are working, struggling, and probably want rest.


[T: Hey you.]

[!: ! Yes your star?]

[T: Tell all of them to stop and rest until the next morning, announce it right now, no questions asked, if someone does they come to me, got it?]

[!: Y-yes your star!]

The soldier runs to the tower and climbs up, and once she does, she holds the rope as she swings it around and a bell starts ringing loud.

Everyone stopped working and they looked at the tower to see what the announcement about.

[!: Everyone of you is now permitted to rest! Get back to your sections and rooms! No questions asked! If someone does, tell them to come to the first star! Move!!]

Everyone was confused at first, but they did excitedly go back to their sections and rooms. They've been working for many hours now, and it's finally the time to rest, they mostly thank the T for this because she ordered it.

[Loa: uhm-]

[T: I'll tell you the reason, now come Loa. Let's get in the execution camp and talk there.]

T walks quickly to the other side as Loa follows without any words.


The Pianty Execution Camp, Moscow.

Every Piantini soldier on the left side is just chilling, ordering some food from the stands nearby and they talk about the fifth war, but on the other side, that's where they perform the executions to those who don't wanna follow and traitors who tried to fight back their own race.

The left side got a pretty good sight of the right, so they get to eat, chill while they watch people die on the other side.

T walks to the left side and looks for a table, she is met with a lot of salutes from the soldiers she's passing by, she does give the signal that there is no need to salute for now but some of them still do it.

After T finds a table she sits down and encourages Loa to sit as well. She can't believe this is happening but to not disappoint she too sits down and they even have a good view of the executions being made.

[Loa: Moscow has really improved, whoever these people are before us are really good at building.]

[T: I agree with you. Speaking of Moscow, do you know why it's called that and not nothing else?]

[Loa: I have learned a few things about this place, but I would certainly love to hear your explanation.]

T pulls out a cigarette and a gun. She shoots the end of the cigarette as she puts it on her mouth and reloads her gun.

The cigarette eventually lights itself.

A worker here came up to their table.

She salutes to T, but gives her the signal not to until later.

[Ahoy, my star! I'm so glad I get to view the savior of our nation! I hope you don't mind it.]

[T: Yeah yeah, surprise me with the meal.]

T looks at Loa, who is pulling out her wallet, but T stops her and puts it back in her pocket.

[T: Don't worry about the bill, I'll take care of it.]

[Loa: Oh uhm… just a ham sandwich and white coffee.]

The workers nod as she quickly rushes to her food stand where she informs her fellow workers of what the two of them want. A surprise and a simple meal.

[T: Anyways. About this place. This place takes back in the beginning of time. Where our ancestors first walked the land.

They rised up here in this place, and they even explored it deeply, and eventually some skeletons, weird long ones were found.]

T looked at the right side to see how the execution camp was going and wondered what's happening on the other side, and eventually looked back at Loa.

[T: ...they were strange, but curiosity got to them, so our ancestors kept going until they found a piece of information, a book let's say… It was all about this place, it was called, Russia.

It's people were called Russians.

They died a long time ago.

These Russians… they are different from us, there are some skeletons where they match our skeletons, but some of them were too long and weird, even picking up weird strange artifacts that are now placed in the capital. The book also says this place was Moscow, and so in remembrance of these fallen Russians, we kept this place's name, Moscow.]

After hearing that, Loa believes in it.

No matter the words, her voice tells that it's always true no matter what.

Like a god speaking to her, no wonder why some Piantini soldiers feel some strange heavenly feeling when talking to T. Loa understands it now.

[Ahoy! Food is done and ready!]

The worker comes back with two plates and puts them on the table as she picks up the coffee cup on top of her head and places it near Loa.

T just pulls out some cash, counting it before giving it to the worker. It was just fine and a great opportunity to be paid by T herself but she was surprised when she saw this much cash she gave.

The worker looked at T, which she just told her to go away now and do her work.

[T: Don't worry about it. Keep the change.]

It's strange… but she doesn't refuse this opportunity! She thanks T as she walks back to the fellow workers to report the news.

[T: Well, enjoy your sandwich and coffee.]

[Loa: nod Yes, enjoy your… uhm… your meal too.]

T casually eats her meal, sometimes without closing her mouth. Loa was a bit nervous that T is so casual about this, she remembers the stars are supposed to be scary looking, but for the first star of pianty, she's very kind. She is ruthless and lives with a cold and hard and petrified heart, but she keeps her smile bright.

"She's too amazing…"

It's what is in this sergeants head right now as she starts eating her ham sandwich.

This is really an opportunity she can't just normally refuse.

After eating and hanging out with the first star, Loa feels great and can't wait to tell her comrades, but she almost forgot about something.

[Loa: uhm, my star. I think it's about time I tell you what my presence is doing here.]

[T: Hm, you're right. Sorry I've been delaying you all this time.]

[Loa: N-nono! It's fine! You certainly did not waste my time! It was a great opportunity, my star! But before my higher up questions where I was, I need to tell some information.]

[T: Well I guess it's about time anyways. Go on, tell me what's happening, did the others successfully kill off the Kupip Project?]

Loa looks to the side, after T asked that, she hesitated a bit, which led to an eyebrow raise by T. But she keeps her cool and gathers her words before speaking.

[They're still alive, my star, and they're getting ready for the war.]

[T: ... I see, get the 901 Forces ready, and send them to assassinate them again, and tell them, don't fail.]

Loa nods as she stands up but she salutes first and screams out.

[Hail T! I shall see you later, my star.]

Loa runs back to the labor camp, leaving T all alone, but leaves her wondering, how is the Kupip Project still living? How come one has not died yet?


Well, she hopes the soldiers do a better job this time.


Chapter Ends.