In And In And No One’s Getting Out

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 1 Chapter 16: In And In And No One's Getting Out

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The limo is burning, everyone from the Kupip Project has fallen unconscious except for Luii.

She wakes up and sees a gun nearby, her stomach hurts and she can feel her ears shake despite of her injuries and dizziness taking priority in her feelings.

Luii crawls her way to the gun, she looks to her left to see a bunch of dead Pianty soldiers that got shot by them, and she sees the driver that she saved holding her stomach, she's still alive, but she looks to be bleeding again somewhere.

She's almost to the gun, and once she gets close enough she grabs it and turns her direction to the star, but the handgun was kicked from her and her hand now pinned to the ground.

She groans in pain and bites her lip to bare the excruciating pain. She looks up and sees her eyes were met with the 10th star of Pianty…

"I thought this Operation would be easier, I thought when I lost my arm there, I thought I was going to die! But no…"

Her fellow loli soldiers are behind her now, there's a lot of them by her side, and there's no sign that help is coming…

Is this the end…?

"You know what, Miss Luii? I'll give you credit. You shot off my arm, very impressive. You literally nearly busted my m-mission, ugh… but you… you were the one who also helped me into his situation."

The soldier offers her a gun and she takes it. She pulls the gun back using her teeth and once it's ready she points it at Luii's forehead.

"Thanks to you… I could've been dead… any last words?"

Luii was struggling to get out of this Pianty's pinning, but she came to a realization, and that's where she just stopped struggling and lay down…

25 minutes earlier…

[Luii: So that's how you use a shotgun, nyah! A-any confusions, nyah…?]

Aishe didn't get what she meant, because it was all too complicated, but some parts she does get it.

You hold the gun, put your finger on the trigger and shoot the bag lolis! That's it.

That's what she remembered.

[Pawn: Yo, are you coming to help nyankers or what?]

[Luii: Just give me a minute! I'm coming!]

Luii looks to Aishe and holds her cheeks.

[If we die… I just wanna say this to you… that I'm glad we got to be friends, Aishe…]

[Aishe: too, L-luii..m You were my first friend, and I was planning that you're my only friend until the end...and I guess this is where it takes us.]

Luii just giggles but realizes this is no laughing matter so she stops but to make up for it, she gives Aishe a big and warm hug, and she hugged back. Both of them embraced each other for a few seconds before finally pulling back.

[Luii: Stay brave alright? Defend yourself no matter the cost, wait here, shoot them if you have to.]

Luii gives one last pet to Aishe before handing her a handgun. She hesitated a little to give it to her but eventually she decides to give it to her and hopes she puts her shooting in only her hands and not her emotions.

Luii loads her gun before leaving the limo which she was greeted by a loli who tried to stab her with a knife but her instinct kicked in just in time.

Luii puts the knife away and headbutts the loli away from her and she points her gun at the loli's head and shoots her with one bullet dead to the head.

[Talisia: Shit, there's so many of them! They've come prepared and they definitely knew where we were going!!]

Luii quickly runs to Talisia and takes cover.

She puts her rifle down and pulls out a way faster weapon with no recoil that's going to make things hard for her.

She shoots at the lolis who are coming without leaving her cover.

[Kace: We probably need to survive for a long time! We only have 10 guns on us, and they probably have 100 soldiers with thousands of equipment!]

[Talisia: Well if they come close, kill them, steal their weapon and use it against them! I'm not going to die in the middle of the desert in vain! If you die you're a disgrace to Murikon!]

[Pawn: Imagine if you died right as you said that, it'll be embarrassing, and could you at least encourage us instead of, you know, putting unnecessary stuff?]

[Talisia: …Wooo! Goo! Let's kill lolis! Is that what you fucking want?? Is that true encouragement you so desire in the middle of heavy gun fire??]

Pawn pulls a pin out of a grenade and he throws it at the incoming lolis as Pawn picks up his weapon and looks at Talisia with a shrug.

Luii forgot she has the grenade launcher, but it's probably best to use it if they get too close or it's their last resort when they have no more ammunition.

The defense lasted for 5 minutes, no one from the Kupip Project was shot but those who ran without thinking the kupip project will spare the body and aim for their heads suffered major casualties, in order words, the Kupip Project successfully defended themselves from the ambush.

Pawn peaks his head and looks around.

[Pawn: Did we do it? Is every single one of them dead?]

Everyone peaked their heads and saw that every single one of the pianty lolis that tried charging them like it's no loli's land all over again were now… all gone. No loli is left alive, they've all got shot in the head, but mostly by Talisia.

They didn't waste their time wasting their bullets on trying to slow them down or even left one to try and get some Intel on them, they all massacred them.

Luii on the other hand doesn't focus on the fact that they just survived, she rushed to the limo to mark sure Aishe is still standing, and lucky enough for her, Aishe is still healthy as ever, but her mental health looks to be… worsening every time she heard the gunshots, the screams of pain, even resulting to injuring one loli who is struggling on the floor right now.

Luii quickly ran to her and picked her up, holding her close for comfort.

The Loli who was behind picked up a gun and tried to point it at them but Luii was one step ahead and shot the pen behind her while still telling Aishe everything is okay now.

[Talisia: Hey, Luii! I found something… interesting, you might wanna look at this.]


Luii makes sure the loli she shot is for sure dead, but she makes Aishe look away and shoots the body 5 more times before dropping the gun because it has no ammo left.


[Talisia: Welp, you won't believe it. Looks like Pianty has seen these poor bastards only as statistics and hoping one of them shoots us and lay dead, but they were really hard to assume we'll easily drop dead.]

[Pawn: Huh? What do you mean? It's almost a miracle that we managed to get like a hundred of them! It's like no loli's land! I'm really surprised that we're not dead or shot once!]

Talisia checked to see if one of them is pretending to be dead, and she looks at Aishe if her shaku is on, fortunately it is not, so basically they killed off 100 lolis in cold blood in an attempt to try and kill them, but unfortunately they all failed.

"What disappointments you all are... You were all used, but I do wonder on what agreement you all will be willing to sacrifice for your life. Is it riches, power, religion? ... Who cares, you're all dead, and forever in hell, probably."

Talisia whispered to the dead bodies she's stepping on as she searches their corpses for any intel that could be useful, someone dumb enough to trust these lolis with information but the more reason why she is interested in looking closer is their badge, and their height. By what Talisia has seen, they are in no potentional to fire a gun.

[Talisia: Anyways, back to what I was saying, they're the reason why we're not dead, if you look closely, REAAL closely on their Insignia badge, you'll see why.]

Pawn tilts his head, wondering what Talisia is on about. They literally survived a hundred soldiers, trained to kill, probably in cold blood.

Kace decides to check what Talisia is on about and why she's not surpised by being able to survive safely while being fired at by 100 Pianty soldiers.

But then she too realized why this is no reason to think they achived something great.

[Kace: Oh.. Oh shit. No wonder why they're so bad at shooting.]

[Pawn: Wait- what? Why? What's wrong with them? They're lolis, right?]

[Kace: Yeah, they all are, but... Luii-tan... You might wanna cover that child's eyes.]

Luii was already doing that, but makes sure Aishe is really not looking at this bloody scene they have caused upon these poor and young souls. Kace picks up a dead loli and removes her helmet and seeing the young pure face of someone who has been shot in the head right between the eyes, these children... They have a young face, like Aishe. Clueless, has no idea for the world, but they're clearly soldiers of that means...

[Kace: These soldiers… they're lolis, of a junior rank, like last class. They're not in like the skies section or something like that, they're literally untrained juniors!]

[Pawn: Wait- Are you serious? Are you dead serious that they're just juniors like Aishe over there??]

[Kace: Yes! Look at their faces, type d or c! Just like the kid Aishe, all similarities are here! They look clueless, scared and lost! We didn't kill cold blooded soldiers, we killed literal children!]

[Talisia: Well, at least they won't be having a future anytime soon. It's probably better this way.]

Talisia gets off the bodies as she pulls out a cigarette and lights it up.

Realizing this Pawn's pride went crashing down. He thought he just faced killers, but turns out they were innocent children just only told what to do without any benefit given.

For Talisia for some reason she isn't perturbed or anything. She's doing just fine.

Luii has to once again block Aishe's face to prevent her from seeing these dead corpses, there was an attempt to assassinate them, but Pianty was careless and didn't think much about their enemy's potential. They were sloppy. Slothful and definitely lazy.

The first star, or simply T, is too smart to be responsible for this because she isn't known to be lazy, so it has to be from another Pianty Lieutenant that got her orders accepted by a pretty dumb star.

Oops then?

[Luii: Uh, hey nyah, is it me or is that the reinforcements we called for, nyah?]

Everyone looked at the middle of the road to see if it's the Murikon Military all together, they thought they were safe and finally rested, but Luii's ears shook. Everyone can hear the shaking of Luii's ears and they immediately got their guard up.

[Luii: Wait a minute… Is that a tank…? Wait, it is a tank! So it has to be ours! Pianty can't get a tank in here so we should be just fine!]

[Talisia:, it's not our tank. I can tell it's not ours, and those who are arriving have a peculiar formation... Those are not our reinforcements.]

[Pawn: Wait are you serious?? How is Murikon letting Pianty TANKS in?!]

[Talisia: No clue and I have no idea! Everyone quickly split up and find cover! It looks like we're about to face a tank! Grab the weapons of the dead and find a way to use it against their fellow soldiers!]

Everyone grabbed what they could from the enemy and they immediately hid somewhere where they prepared their guns and peaked to see when they're coming.

Luii uncovers Aishe's vision of sight since there are no more dead lolis like here in sight, but she does give her a gun. Just in case this tank does the unthinkable and blows everyone to bits, Aishe might have a chance to shoot someone and get retribution…?

She doesn't know why she's giving her a gun, but it's probably for the greater good.

[Luii: Aishy, once again, if everything goes wrong, just remember, I'll be here for you, got it?]

[Aishe: G-got it…]

Luii gives a headpat to Aise one more headpat just in case she dies or Aishe dies. Who wouldn't want to be appreciated before you could be gone forever? Luii checked her magazine and put it back in her rifle loading it and peeking to the side and now the Kupip Project might or will have to face the second wave of Pianty lolis coming, and this time they might not be juniors like the hundreds they shot down.


Chapter Ends.