Cornered Everywhere

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 1 Chapter 17: Cornered Everywhere.

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[Talisia: Everyone, on my signal. Don't make a muscle not unless I say so.]

The tank is getting closer as the Kupip Project is starting to hear chanting from the soldiers that are coming in. Hearing the foreign language of the unknown, it was assumed it is none other than the Piantinis. They've got another load of soldiers and from what they look like, they seem to be much more trained unlike those they fought.

"Heluyoop! Cease!!"

"Yes, your star!"

And once that was said every heavy footstep that was heard immediately comes to a stop.



[Kace: Hold on a minute, did they all just say...your star?]

[Pawn: Shit, a star is here?? Who??]

*Shaku Shaku.

[Luii: T...this isn't going to be good…]

Everyone kept still even though they are overwhelmed by the possible star that's nearby them. Talisia might as well come out and shoot everyone's heads but she keeps everyone standing still and not shoots.

This could be most likely a booby trap if they come out, but they're are prepared to shoot if they were seen.

"Look at these poor soldiers. They all got shot without mercy. It looks like these loli's are not wasting ammo so they must be low on ammunition, but seeing some of them have their guns dropped they could've picked it up and held it right now…"

… It's gone quiet. Nobody is saying a single word right now and no footsteps are being heard.

They're all in a stand by, just standing there, but what is their plan that they think standing to an opening is a good idea?

"Your star, I've already got a message here. Star T wants you to check if one or two lolis of the Kupip Project if they anywhere nearby and if they're already dead just leave their bodies where they were, but if they're injured she said to capture them as we shall keep them alive."

"I see… What is she planning to do if they're alive?"

Luii and Talisia both looked at each other since they're the one who can see each other more clearly.

They decide to take their conversation into sign language.

[Luii::: So what do we do now? Do we shoot them now or not?]

[Talisia::: I know it's very overwhelming to hear a star is here, I can say the same thing to you, but we're not leaving our cover! If we get caught we're going to get blown to bits and pieces by that giant tank we saw!]

[Luii::: Well you better start thinking about something, or else we WILL soon get blown by bits and pieces by the tank if we just stand still until they get closer!]

"Your star, I have no clue. She hasn't given me more information, it only says here what I said previously, if they have died, leave them be, if they are somewhere injured we'll imprison them, but that's all the message says."

"I see, well then. They're obviously not here so search the area, and if you found them, just knock them out if they're alive, if not maaybee shot them a couple of times to really make sure their dead, understood?"

"Y-yes, your star. Your command shall be followed shortly."

Somewhere far from the checkpoint, The Kupip Project somehow managed to get away from their previous spot but now they're far away from each other, but to guarantee safety to one another they must at least split so the others can't be found.

Right now Luii is with Aishe, Talisia is with Pawn and Kace is currently helping that last loli driver that got shot right in the chest.

Luii looks at the other side of the road and she sees Talisia and the others on the other side but they can't do sign language now since they're too far away from each other.

They have separated, but they still have a plan.

If someone gets close, knock them out, and if someone alerts the others then they better start being careful as it's going to be suicide. They can flee right now, they could run away from them, but doing so will shatter their other code, which is to fight until your death.

No running away. You fight and the only way you get to stop is either take the enemy down or you get taken down.

It's a pretty hard choice to make, but for the Kupip Project they already know the consequences of deserting in battle, and they've done that many times now, but they have matured and surely enough they will be willing to sacrifice their lives for their nation.

Luii on the other hand is kind of lost and perturbed. Now that Luii is here, she can't afford to let herself be killed, she has no choice but to be very fast and careful. She has to survive if there's a case of heavy fire later. Aishe looks at Luii and her ears are twitching and she's sweating bullets right now. Wish Luii can use her sweat for deadly weapons.

They're limited in ammunition so they best preserve what they have and only use their guns for emergency situations.

. . .

Murikon Military Station. 10:41 PM.

*Drip Drip Drip.

"Aw god damn it. The ceiling is leaking again! Whose idea was it to leave this uncovered??"

"No clue, you can call someone to fix that leak, and you better hurry or else a puddle might start to form."

'Pft, yeah yeah, just make sure the limo is coming, and make sure it's actually the limo, last time someone unauthorized got here, they almost bombed the whole place!"

"Yeah yeah, you got my word, now go call someone, the dripping is irritating me."

Eventually the loli sees the firework and then looks at it squinting her eyes until she realizes it's an actual sign of help so she immediately gets off her chair and about to alarm the others, but she was stopped by someone and it turns out to be the fourth star.

"Stay here while I take care of this, okay?"

"M-madam! A-are you sure?? What if it's a lot of lolis there??"

The fourth star loli just insisted the loli to sit down as she picked up the briefcase she put down as she hops on a motorcycle and started it's engine and drove off to the desert and to the distress signal of the firework.


"Come on every loli! Let's scream out our love! LET OUR VOICES REACH TO THEIR HEARTS!"

"Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa! Hadaa!"


"That's all I was thinking when I was in there, I don't know why, but that's the only thing I can remember..."


Chapter Ends.