The Holiday Cheers

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

The Fifth Great Loli War: 8929

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 2 Chapter 24: The Holiday Cheers.

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Heinee was dropped as the shota couldn't handle her weight any longer. Heinee landed perfectly with no injuries whatsoever, but did just put up something entertaining to see

"Oh no! You two aren't late, just in time to be exact!." The host says as she walks up to them and shakes both of their hands as she guides them to their seats as she goes back to hers once she's done. "You guys can take a seat now."

Hearing that, both of the major ranks in Riyunin Force decided to take their seats.

Ace, the star 2nd of Riyunin doesn't seem to be wondering why there is another shota in this room, he seems genuine and has probably seen some shotas everyday, like shotas are free to roam around Lolinica or something.

But for Pawn, it's like meeting his long lost brother! In other words, it's rare for him to see another shota, who is especially a star too.

Pawn is kind of blown away by this shotas appearance and serious look, with the eyes of a veteran and a skilled killer.

He really is a star of Riyunin. He doesn't know who is the loli that is with him though, probably his fellow soldiers he decided to bring, but who knows.

Speaking of Riyunin, it's military is not a circus, and not a playground as well to loiter around to try and find something entertaining. They're serious business.

Riyunin itself is a very strange country with some weird culture and beliefs they practice almost everyday, even has some crime happening every single day, but on the military side of Riyunin it's a different operation. If going to hell means going straight into a war zone, the Riyunin boot camp itself is already considered hell!

Ongoing wars or no war at all, getting to be a part of the Riyunin Force, or being accepted by the soldiers is very much next to impossible, not unless you work very hard and diligently and prove you're a loyal loli or shota to the country. Then only maybe the Riyunin Army will accept you as their soldier. But again, the average loli like Aishe would probably not survive there, luckily she's in the Murikon Army, where it's much friendlier towards juniors and even others, but they still train up until your bones break.

"Now that we're all here." The host, or in other words another star of Nuwara walks up to a podium where she picks up a microphone, tapping it a few times before testing it. "Testing. Testing. Uh, looks like it's working- uhm-"

After stuttering for a few times, she manages to remember to calm down and the professionalism finally kicks in.

"Back to the reason why I called one star and their associate. Soon, we may be future enemies, that can happen. But! As neutral allies, we should all enjoy this holiday with a smile on our faces and hope for the best in the war."

Pawn wonders what the others are doing, they're doing something right now, he can almost feel it, but he doesn't know what's going on.

It's probably some holiday celebration, with tons of food probably, and beer…

He mentally groans as he turns his gaze to the shota who is also not listening to the host and just looking around the office, especially the ones at the camera because he seems to be taking note of these.

The person who is with him is currently listening to the host. She'll probably tell the shota what that loli is saying on the podium later once everything here is done.


After the neutral announcement the other lolis are inside the building as of the moment, just having the very holidays of their lives, meanwhile Ace and Hainee are outside while having a smoke. They seem to have everything they need here, but it looks like they have to stay longer in order for them to not get any ideas.

"My star, you're thinking about something right now, are you willing to share those thoughts with me?" Hainee asked as Ace thinked for a few seconds to make his decision.

"Maybe. But I'm not allowed to disclose it while we're here."

"I understand." Hainee nods as she takes a look around again before seeing Pawn passing by with his phone onto his ear. He seems to be taking a call right now, but by who exactly?

Hainee throws away her cigarette as she walks to Pawn. Ace didn't bother stopping her as she can do whatever she wants while they're still here.

Pawn on the other hand was just calling up Talisia to say some important details about the building and country itself. "Yeah, it doesn't seem like they're during the government of Pianty, soo I think we're pretty much good."

"Oh you mean her? She's uh, having too much fun over there, she forgot what she's supposed to do. Yeah, I know."

Pawn was then interrupted by Hainee who just cleared her throat to get his attention. Pawn looked at the loli. He immediately hangs up and hides his phone as he faces a fellow ally and also another HEG that's the same ranking as him.

"So you're the Pawn Rookie from the Kupip Project, correct?"

"Uh yeah, I'm Pawn. What's up?"

Heinee looks around before getting closer to him, Pawn had already encountered things like this already so he is unfaced, but he didn't expect what came next.

"Keice Riff. The second star of Murikon, where is she?"

"You haven't heard? She's been kidnapped."

"Excuse you? What do you mean kidnapped? By who??"

Pawn shrugs. "I don't know where she is, but I do know the Pianty bulsos have her."

"After these months you decide to do nothing?!"

"Hey look, loli! I'm just following orders from Talisia, the other star. I'm just a HEG X, not a star."

Heinee sighs as she gives Pawn some space to breath. Pawn sighs of relief, finally the uncomfortable moment is over. He sees that Heinee is leaving now but what was that all about? She was kind of a bit too aggressive since she was talking a bit too rough, but guess that's only the Riyunin military instincts coming in.

*Ring Ring Ring.

Pawn looks at his phone as he decides to pull it out again, but it was snatched away from him by Hainee who came back. "I'll be taking this call."

Pawn shrugs as he goes past her. "Just give the phone back later, I'm not bothered to approach you myself."

>Pick up.

"Hey, Pawn. You better have a good reason why you just hung up on me just now."


"Sorry, the signal blew out."

"Eh? Pawn? Why are you using your loli voice?"

"Ran into some lolis, I have to blend in."

"Right, anyways as I was saying can you tell her to just lay off the celebration? I know it's the holidays but we're still at war!"

"Sure, you can definitely count on me, but I'll do it once I find the mood to."

"Ugh, just do it! Idiot."

>Beep. Beep.

Hainee silenced the phone as she sighs again in disappointment. "I didn't get to ask about Kiece Riff… ugh, maybe there are some other of Pawn's associates that can tell me."

Hainee looks at her surroundings before searching through this shota's contacts. He has so many, but most of them are just numbers, while the rest have names, so he can tell who's number he's going to call, but for now Hainee decides to call up the ones that have names on them.

Later, she was very unlucky and couldn't find any one that was able to pick up their phones, even if they did it'll be just a robot voice of them to call them later or leave a message after the beep.

Hainee was about to give up and just give the phone back to its owner, but the next thing she saw were text messages. Usually she's not interested in reading messages, but the recent messages are quite… interesting…

She opens the first thing she sees. And she was kind of surprised to see the following:

"So that's my offerings, why don't you assassinate your own Task Force? Only then we'll give you a spot in the Pianty army, how's that?"

"Fuck off! You think you're so smart by offering me tons of shit you thought I like? The truth is I actually like the offer! But I'm not going to get enslaved you fuck! I know what the others purposes are, I'm not born yesterday."

"Rude, but I understand. Soon enough you'll just come crawling back."

"Don't message me again, shit bag."

And then the conversation is put on a block. Meaning Pawn already blocked this person but looks like he forgot to delete the messages.

Hainee was glad that Pawn isn't some sort of spy, he did get interested in the offer of whoever this person is, but then again he rejected it for the sake of his Task Force.

But the message itself is too interesting to ignore. Pawn also has tons of messages from random people who are really quite suspicious.

Christ, it's like Pawn is the only shota that seems likely to betray someone, but she can't be too sure since Hainee doesn't know Pawn personally.

Seeing this message, it was just recent, which makes Hainee more glad that this wasn't an old conversation.

Hainee closes his phone as he looked at the building before walking back inside it to find Pawn.


Chapter Ends.