The Story Of The Santa Loli

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

The Fifth Great Loli War: 8929

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 2 Chapter 25: The Story Of The Santa Loli.

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Murikon Military Office, Talisia's Office.

"Ugh, just do it! Idiot."

Talisia puts down the phone, and just the perfect timing, Luii comes in without knocking.

"Hey nyah, you have a minute, nyah."

"You didn't even consider knocking, but whatever, come here."

Luii nods as she opens the door and let's Aishe inside first before her. She enters and closes the door behind her, locking it.

She takes a seat before Aishe sits on her lap.

"You two seem to be in a good mood, what's the minute about?" Talisia asked.

Luii scratches her head, and just shrugs before speaking. "I'm fine, nyah. I have no problems at all, but uh-"

She points at Aishe, who is currently just looking down, worn off. She didn't really expect the military to be this rough and murderous.

Talisia raises an eyebrow. Luii just sighs and gets to the point. "Recently Aishe isn't really doing that well due to the boot mates she is with. Especially her assigned partner! You know of Nana, the one of Riyunin, yes?"

"Ah that little brat. How come did Aishe partnered with a rock head?"

Luii shrugs, she has no clue as she didn't even participate, she was just told.

"Anyways, nyah. That's why I'm here. I'm asking if maybe you have any ideas how to cheer this little cute vanilla up?"

Talisia turns her eyes to Aishe who accidentally just pulled the trigger to her gun as it almost shot Talisia. But Luii was more surprised than Talisia is, considering her life just flashed before her.

"I see." Talisia said as she slides her moving chair backwards as she grabs something from a box and pulls it out. She pulls herself back to the desk and places the very thing that most children would want in their sleep.

A fluffy cute white holiday themed fat furry and with a sign that says Happy Holidays Teddy Bear!

"Here, have it." … Luii looked at Talisia.

"Are you serious?"

"Look! Luii, I'm not a mother, I don't know how to cheer children up!"

Luii sighs as she was just about to leave until she just remembered something. Something about…

"If you don't know how to take care of children… Can you at least tell the story of the Santa Loli?"

Aishe's eyes suddenly lit up as she looked at Luii.

"The Santa Loli? Who's that?" Aishe asked as she looked at Talisia who still had the same face.

"Ugh fine. Might as well, nothing important is happening anyways."






Long ago, where lolis of Riyunin and Pianty were still friends, it started to snow. They don't know what's happening, but they started to fear the cold snowflakes and hid in their homes, even going as far as to burn everything in their sight so no snow could touch them.

But one day, it was so snowy that the lolis couldn't take the cold, and they had to make a fire somehow, but not inside their homes as it would burn. But one dedicated loli decides they would not accept the coldness as their death! So she decides to go out, she was very afraid of the snow and the coldness and almost regretted coming out of shelter, but soon enough she came to a realization that the snow isn't that bad and it's very safe to touch, she wants to inform her fellow lolis of this news but since they're desperate for warmness she decides to go and search quickly for firewood and the other requirements to make a fire.

Hours later, she was very tired, almost like hope is lost and the more she delays the more her tribe will suffer. But in a miracle she managed to find the things she exactly needs for fire!

But the things that were behind it was a strange place. She has seen this type of building before and wonders why it is so buried down.

She looks at what the place is called and says. "Santa's Workshop… Holiday Store?"

Curious as the loli is she decides to first pick up the wood but there was just too much and she couldn't possibly carry all of it and she tripped and fell head first to the invisible wall that's behind her.

It hurted and she could feel a bump, her impact was that bad, but through the magical invisible wall she sees what it seems like tons of red bags! Things you use to carry stuff!

She decides to change her plan and leave the firewood and find a way to get in the place. She tried a couple of things that are harmless but none of them worked in the end, so she decided to use force and used her own elbow and pushed force against the invisible wall and soon enough it shattered and all the snow including the loli got inside the store. She looks at her elbow, which was hurting to see that she's bleeding.

She covers her wound with the things she sees inside the store. She then proceeds to take everything interesting she sees, which were the red bags. And now she was prepared to transport the wood to her tribe.

As soon as she was about to leave she tripped and hurt herself again, but her pain was worth it, as she tripped and a door suddenly opened.

Curiously she gets up and looks inside the door. It was dark but there were things inside so she decided to take them all one by one.

It was all boxes, but of what exactly?

The loli decides to open the bigger one and more colorful one and what met her was a strange thing to her. She carefully pulled it out and right before her eyes, it was clothing, but somehow more fuzzy and thick.

She knows what clothes are, but this particular one is a stranger to her. Soon enough she figured the purpose of the box was and she was wearing it.

She feels… a bit more protected from the cold as she's no longer quivering that much. She looks at the box to see it labeled as. "Little Girl Santa Clothing."

She then picks up the rest of the boxes and stores them inside the red bags and she got out of the place with the firewood of course as she ran back to her tribe to spread the good news.

She returned but she was kind of too late as some already died from the cold. Seeing this she quickly got the firewood out and quickly started a fire outside the tribe.

"E-everyone! Fire! Hot thing!"

Everyone looked outside but didn't bother to come out still as they saw this new loli outside, they didn't even realize it was their own.

It was getting late and the loli couldn't afford to see her own kind die because their awareness was up to the max. But she has no clue, she starts to circle around the fire, thinking of what to do next and she doesn't try to think when everyone dies!

But then the old friend of this loli came back and she suddenly tripped on the bags of boxes she stored in the bag, and suddenly something started to play. She immediately gets up to see where that was coming from. She looks at the bag and digs in it and pulls out something that was making the strange calming sound.

She looks at everyone and she sees literally every loli just looking at the box that's producing such a calming sound. Once the box starts dying down she's immediately in a panic and uses it's thing that's moving around to make the sound again and luckily enough once she let go the sound once again plays.

And soon enough the lolis start coming out, which fills the loli who's holding the box with joy. She suddenly came up with an idea and she started to hum to the tune happily, showing that everything is alright and fine.

The lolis were coming out but still afraid of the snow. Seeing this the loli that's dressed up as this Santa girl sits down and scrapes a good amount of snow and throws it up high happily.

Seeing that the loli there didn't get harmed or whatsoever they slowly started to do the same and eventually they started to step on the soft snow for the first time and they just slowly approached the fire since it was warm there.

The Santa Loli then starts to create more fire from the firewood and even start to give out the boxes to each loli, they look inside it and a bunch of things are inside.

Santa Loli was confused and thought the rest of the boxes were clothing like hers, but her tribe didn't complain as they seemed to like what's inside the boxes.

Soon enough the snow would eventually come dry and the land went back to normal, but one thing that the lolis still wonder now. Where did the Loli Santa go? Once the snow was over she suddenly disappeared.

They only see the things she left behind which were the bags. They read it and it says: Property of Santa's Workshop, Holiday Store!

Seeing that this loli was special and saved their lives and managed to get over their fears with snow. The Riyunin and Piantinis decide that everytime it snows, it will be a celebration of Santa Loli that saves them from the cruel cold!

And called the snow day a Holiday!

Years later the tale of the Loli Santa remains, and her presence was never seen again, but the kids these days do believe that the Santa Loli will give them comfort and a box of their favorite things every night on December 24th. Holiday Eve.

Some say Santa Loli is no longer here, but some say she is, and she's just roaming around in secret dropping these boxes of goodies to each and every child at night to be opened at Holiday.





Talisia sipped her coffee as she put it down.

"And that's the take of the Santa Loli. Now get out please."

Aishe, was a bit… happy inside to hear a story about a fellow loli helping her kind and she turned out to be a popular person for every Holiday.

At first thought, there's no way a loli would be a magical being that brings presents every Holiday of the 25th, but she does believe the dedication she put up.

Talisia looks at Aishe's eyes and she seems to be cheered up by the story, but she has a feeling it's not about the present things… Oh well.

"Now It's almost the 25th, you guys better celebrate before she comes here."

Aishe with a clear mindset gets off Luii's lap and excitedly gets out of the room. She almost forgot why she did this, because she wants to help Murikon. Even if it will be bloody and soon she'll die, she has to appreciate this moment at least for once as it'll never ever convince her again! So while she's still young…

"Happy Holidays Everyone!" She shouted in joy outside, some were startled and moved on to what they were doing.

Luii sighs as she gets up. "It seems like it worked, nyah."


Luii looks at Talisia as she tilts her head.







"Nevermind, get out."

Luii was left with a confusion but she just shrugs and greeted Talisia with a happy holidays before leaving and closing the door.





"I wish I can go back in the past and be happy like the children outside, even just for once."

Talisia picks up her phone and starts to dial someone.

"But childhood is already far away from me…"

>Pick Up.

"This is the Third Star Of Murikon. Hello."

"I'm here to call you, because I wanna know something."

"How's the Big Mother's progress going?"


Chapter Ends.