An Angry Ran Jing

After Xu Cheng washed his face and walked to the living room, he saw Ran Jing coming back from work. On her way back, she had been wondering what kind of sacred being this Xu Cheng guy was.

The more she came into contact with him, the more difficult she felt it was to see through the guy. 

Professional gun-assembling skills, accurate marksmanship, coupled with the fight at the gym and those insanely-quick steps caught on the surveillance footage, Ran Jing still couldn't link Xu Cheng with those hidden urban legends that existed in movies and novels.

Didn't he look a bit too young to be a hidden master?

After returning home and pushing through the door, she saw Xu Cheng in his tank top walking around in the living room looking for snacks. Ran Jing looked at him from top to bottom, staring at him as if she was trying to see through him.