Strength Test

After Xu Cheng showered, he went to a club that gave comprehensive sports ability assessment reports.

Right now, he was desperate to know his strength and speed level, since these two attributes were crucial to gaining obvious advantages in any actual combat situations.

Xu Cheng did feel a decrease in his strength after the defective serum was injected into his body, and the biggest influence was on his strength, speed, and stamina, which could all pose deadly disadvantages in real combat.

However, in just these two days, Xu Cheng clearly felt an invisible increase in his power, kind of like he wasn't really sure whether it was there or not. For example, a normal person could get an understanding of the level of explosive power he or she wielded after a few tries, yet Xu Cheng couldn't grasp his power at all, as it just broke out of nowhere before his mind could even react to it.