Hidden Quest

"Whats you're name special one?" the monk asks.


"No you're real one"

"... Brad"

"Hmmm I see... cough cough.. you are given the choice of fake names to help hide your tracks of this world from your true world." t

The old monk concluded.

Shocked again Brad could only nod with his mouth gaped open.

"You'll catch flies with a mouth like that boy, I'm in need of some herbs to cure my sickness could you go look for some of these items for me."



Hidden quest received

Help the mysterious old monk from his sickness

tasks completed 0/3

items needed

Mushrooms 0/4

Healing grass 0/4

Golden boar pelt 0/1


+1 level

??? skill book



"Holy crap I have to beat that thing to complete this quest??" Brad exclaimed as he had flashbacks to being impaled. Rubbing his legs he looked back at the old monk who closed his eyes once again.

'sigh I guess its time to grind some more boars till im strong enough to beat the Golden boar' Brad said as he left the small hill shack.

'If I remember right the boars were eating the mushrooms so I should be able to knock 2 birds with one stone. I wonder if Jarred is playing, oh, I have no way to contact him anyways well I guess I should head on my way then.


A few hours later


Level up

"Phew looks like I leveled up again man these boars are getting too easy" Brad said as he looked at his stats again


Name: Chaos

Level 4

Race: Devil-Angel

Hp: 480/480

Mana: 600/600

exp: 150/1000


Attack: 18 (+15)

Defense: 16 (+10+5)

Speed: 18

Intelligence: 16

Magic damage: 20

Skill points: 6


Legendary Body: + 2 extra skill point to be placed in Stats every level up

Heavenly Half: when fighting demons, demon apostles or devils all stats increase by 10%

Devil Half: when fighting angels, monks, or people of the church all stats increase by 10%


Form of Fate: gain your wings and be able to travel 10% faster ontop of existing speed. time during use: 1 hour, cooldown rate: 5 hours. Lvl 1

Charge: charges opponent adds together attack and speed to calculate damage, cost 50 mana. Lvl 2

Equipment: novice sword, beginner outfit kit


"With my speed being higher and my attack increase too this is too easy maybe I could try that boar again but I feel i'm still lacking to defeat it." Brad sighs as he continues to look around for the grass and mushrooms for the other quest parts.

"Curse these mushrooms why can't I ever find them. I've killed 6 boars and only have 1 mushroom to show for it and ontop of that I have no idea where to find Healing grass." Brad complained as he starts his searching around trees that the boars where also hanging around.

"Finally another one that makes 2 mushrooms out of 4." Brad said as he bent around the tree to dug out the mushroom hidden in the leaves at the base of the tree.

Clang Clang

'Hmm?' Brad thinks as he looks over to his left where the sound was comming from. 'If they are fighting pigs maybe I could look around the tree when they are finished.' Brad thought to himself as he jumped up into the trees to move to the noise.

When he got to the noise he saw a elf casting ice magic and a Beastkin elephant with a shield and hammer guarding the charge of the boar that they are attacking.

"Snow now!" the elephant beastman yelles as he dodges to the left after seeing the boar hit the tree he had skillfully kited the beast to hit.

Looking over to the elf Brad gets deja vu when he sees her but only for a moment as he is instantly attracted to the spell being casted around her left hand.

As snow starts swirling around her hand he sees it start to form a icicle shape above her arm. He then watches as she points to the boar to see the icicle zoom and strike the boar in its side.

Seeing the pig near death the beastman runs forward to then lift and smash his hammer ontop the boars head killing the pig.

"Nice shot Yuu just a few more pigs and we will complete our quest from the rancher." the beastman says as he brings out a hunting knife to remove the pelt from the boar.

"I know Tusk I'm hoping to complete it as fast as I can so I reach level 10 before anyone and start a guild for my familes foothold to stay dominant in the gaming industry. And don't say my name use my in-game" Snow says as she looks around.

Suddenly she stops and says to Tusk. "Be on guard, I feel mana fluctuations of something strong coming from our right near those trees." Hearing this Tusk get his shield up as he gets in-between Snow and Brads general direction.

'Oh shit I forgot about elves having higher affinity to mana and its manipulations around them. I must have gotten too close. What now unluckily my characters face looks the exact same as the real world from my randomization choice. If they see me I might be seen as a thief or a creep.' Brad thinks as he watches Tusk slowly approach the patch of trees he was hiding in.

"Whose there" Tusk says as he eyes the trees suspiciously edging closer and closer to Brad.

'Yeah I shouldn't be seen atleast not yet especially by Yuu.' Brad thinks as he sprints onlong the branches in the opposite way of the pair.

Looking at the retreating figure Yuu could only think that the back looked oddly familiar as it rushed away out of her sight.

"Sorry Yuu, if he was here the whole time he probably heard your real name and plans." Tusk apologetically says as he looked down at his feet.

"Tian it's Snow not Yuu say my in game name not my real name or your big mouth will ruin our plans." Snow says as she looked angerly to Tusk who nodded his head and started wispering Snow over and over in hopes to ingrain it into his brain to not mess up anymore.