The first tremor hit around 4:30 Monday afternoon. Tremors aren't surprising in this city, superheroes are causing them almost everyday. However, this one caused some people to fall over.
"Everything is okay!" I call out to some people who had panic on their face. Protocol would have me say that to keep people calm.
"We know that Dull Bulb!" A voice calls out from across the street. I'm used to mean comments and degrading nicknames. With struggle, I ignore the comment and continue walking down 43rd avenue. Superheroes are given a section of city to be stationed in. The size of the section and the location are based off of what abilities the hero has. My section is the smallest and has the lowest amount of residents. The only reason they gave me this place was because it's in the outskirts of the city and it loses power every once in awhile.
Suddenly, a second tremor causes my knees to give out a little. This one seems to be bigger than the last one.
"Holy crap!" Someone yells out.
"Is it an earthquake?" Another person asks.
"Everything is okay, get indoors if you can!" I follow the regular procedures. When I finished training I was top of my class in knowledge, but was last in strength and ability. The sound of car alarms fills my ears. My pace quickens as I look around for any injured people. According to protocol, I am to make sure there are no injured people then report the tremors to officials.
A third more violent tremor causes parts of buildings to fall. Never before have I ever experienced this. The sound of my phone ringing increases my sense of panic. I reach up with my hand and tap "answer" on my ear piece.
"Hello, this is Lux," I shout somewhat because of the alarms.
"Lux, the tremors from your section is causing disturbances in the main city. Do you have an explanation?" The familiar voice of Pedros the commander comes through.
"No, I thought it was an earthquake," I continue to look around for any injured.
"According to Seismogirl this is no earthquake and it's coming from your section. Figure out what's going on," He says sternly.
"Can't you contact a higher tier hero?" I hate myself for asking.
"We tried Toaster Man but he never responded," I can tell that Pedros wishes he hadn't said that.
"I'll look into it," I hang up abruptly. A feeling of anger washes over me as I think of how they would go over my head. But I push that feeling aside as I turn towards the brick building Toaster Man had walked towards. I recognize the building to be an old abandoned warehouse. Walking quickly turns into running as the 4th tremor hits. I can tell with the way the tremor hits that I am definitely getting closer to the source. A bright light shines through the crack at the bottom of a metal door. When I grab the handle a sense of dread rushes over me.
"Time to be a hero Lux," I say to myself. Slowly, I open the door as to avoid drawing attention to myself. The first thing I see a blue orb of energy floating in the middle of the room. I then see an older man standing with the blue energy shooting from his hands and Toaster Man laying on the ground with his legs bent backwards.
"Please stop this!" Toaster yells out. Blood flies through the air with his words.
"There is nothing you can say that'll stop me! The fusion of two worlds! It's beautiful!!!" The old man cries out with triumph.
"People will die!"
"Yes, lots of people will die possibly millions. But, it's a risk I'm willing to take," The old man smiles. I can feel my knees trembling at the sight of the immense power the old man wields. It occurs to me that this must be Mr. Portal. He used to be a scientist who tried to open a portal into another world, but instead he ended up being able to open portals in locations on this word. Somehow, he must've gotten his hands on a lot of power.
My focus moves over to Toaster Man. His whole body looks mangled and his ear piece is missing. A large burn mark on his chest and face tells me that there must've been a struggle.
"You're a madman!" Toaster Man cries out. He begins to pull himself towards Mr. Portal with his already broken arms.
"Maybe, now leave me alone. I must fous," Mr. Portal moves one hand and points it towards Toaster Man who looks up in horror. The sensation of fight or flight kicks in. I feel my legs kick in and run towards Toaster Man's mangled body. Mr. Portal's eyes move to meet with mine, he's crazy.
Suddenly, I find myself between Toaster Man and Mr. Portal. A blue ray of energy starts to move towards me. Instinctively I throw my hands up to protect my face. However, without my control, my hands begin to glow. Then, with huge power, a flash of light bursts from my hand. It's so bright, it even out shines the orb in the room. I look up and see that Mr. Portal is no longer shooting energy from his hands but is instead covering his eyes.
"You fool," Mr. Portal says quietly when I finally turn off the light. He looks up at me with his crazy eyes.
"You have just killed yourself!" He screams.
The whole room began to shake. Stuff that were once on te shelves that lined the room began to fall to the floor.
"LUX!" Toaster Man shouts.
"What?" I shout back before I realize what's going on. My feet are no longer on the ground, and the blue orb is growing closer. The temperature seems to increase throughout my body, the clothes that I once wore began to burn.
"Goodbye Lux, the world will forget you," Mr. Portal smiles. Before I know it, I am surrounded by the blue energy that he controls. I slam my fist in an attempt to break through it but it's of no use. The whole room starts to grow brighter and brighter as if I was the one controlling the light.
"One day, you're going to save the world," I hear my mother's voice echo in my head before everything turns black.