Ch 12: An Adventures Pov.

"So, who's ready to go back down tomorrow now that the labyrinth has been cleared by the guild?" A man shouts at a taverns.



"Let's make some money!"

"What happened anyway." And adventure makes Keith asks

"I heard demon lord Milim rushed into the dungeon and was in there for two weeks." An adventure says

"That... is actually really scary. We were nearby that walking natural disaster." Keith says

"I wonder if the knight is still there?" Keith asks

"Wait, you made it past the thousands of stone soldiers?" Another adventure asks

"Yeah, I'm an S ranker and I specialize in stealth. It's just the knight always stops me and I end up fleeing. I wonder what's beyond the door." Keith says

"Maybe it's a bunch of metal, I mean it you kill an iron golem it's enough money for a week." An adventure says

"Yeah, but if that's the case you are like a miner not an actual adventure." Keith says

"How about we do a large exploration to this knight." Another adventure says wanting to explore aswell.

"Yeah this labyrinth has been around for 50 years and we haven't passed the first level." Another adventure shouts

"I can lead you to the door." Keith say hoping to ride Milim's apparent destruction.

"Let's do it then!"

""Aye!"" Multiple people shout before walking out half drunk heading to the entrance.

Walking through the entrance everyone sees several thousands of destroyed stone soldiers all over the ground in what appears to be a military formation.

"Was this an army?" An adventures says sweating.

"Yeah, usually you have to sneak by them, they are rare to see. You only ever find them digging and expanding the size of the labyrinth they probably came together to fight Milim." An A ranker says as they walk by the 3 meter tall iron golems that don't attack any of the group.

"How are we able to just walk by the iron golems?" Another adventure says

"I found out I'd you don't attack them the don't usually attack them unless they are already injured." Keith says as he's following the path in his head.

"The steel golem knight should be up ahead." Keith says as the round a corner and see a completely destroyed knight well... they think it's the knight, the shape of the helmet can be made out everything else is a clump of steel.

"Milim did all of this?" An adventure says

"So, lets see what's through the door." Keith says as he starts to pry it open.

Taking a peek Keith sees a massive metal dragon, resting on the ground with a set of stairs behind it.

"There is another level, over there is a set of stairs." Keith says shocked suddenly the dragon sits up and it's eye sockets begin to glow an electric blue as it seems to scan the room immediately locking onto the open door.

Keith in panic closes the door.

"I can't wait to tell the guild master about this. We need to go now." Keith says excitedly and panicked as he begins to run with several adventures following him and a few staying behind to see what's ahead.


"Finally after 50 years we finally make some progress on the labyrinth." A younger guild master says

"That's good to hear, maybe your grandfather would like to hear about it aswell?" The receptionist asks

"I mean he was the one that commissioned the disaster that turned into a great opportunity for this country. I mean 100 c ranks and up dead but the golem mine has made up for it so much more with resources." The current guild master says

"There was also a dragon apparently." The receptionist says

The papers the guild master was holding fall to the ground.

"Are you positive?" The guild master asks

"Keith is the one who reported it." The receptionist says

"Send a bird to the king he can decide what to do with it." The guild master says.