Ch 13: Heading out.

225 years till the main plot.

"Is this right Yuki nya?" Nekra asks as she adjusts the a black bow hiding her ears.

"It looks cute." Yuki says wearing a News boy cap to hide her ears.

"It's going to be fun." Nekra says happy to get out of the Dungeon.

"You are just happy cause we went through 25 years worth of anime and apparently the goddess won't send you more. Because you became a neet." Yuki say with humor.

Nekra pouts in response.

"I'm still annoyed I haven't grown any taller! Why am I so short!" Nekra shouts

"Vampires don't usually age." Yuki says

"Oh Nyo I'm going the be this short forever!" Nekra shouts before fake crying like whenever they have this conversation.

"Anyway, what's the plan again?" Yuki asks

"I got one, it's just a trip outside nya." Nekra says

"Okay? And the core will be safe?" Yuki asks

"Yes, an automatic gun turret on top of the ancient tree guarded by several master rank monsters. Not to mention they have to get through the metal dragon aswell." Nekra says

"Ah, yeah I guess." Yuki says

"Let's go then nya." Nekra


Suddenly they are at the entrance of the dungeon.

"Hello?" Nekra says to an adventure

"Hi? Why are you here little girl?" The adventure asks

"I'm trying to find the guild I wanna register!" Nekra says

"I'm sorry but you seem to young." The adventure replies

"I can't Nyo its my dream to become and adventure." Nekra says looking up at the guy with puppy dog eyes.

"Ah uh, fine I can take you there." The adventure says looking away.

"Great!" Nekra says as she grabs Yuki by the hand and follows the adventure to the guild office in the small town that's built around the dungeon.

"Hi! I would like to register Nya." Nekra says walking up to the desk that has an elf.

"Nya?" The elf questions looking into Nekra's eyes.

"Sure." The receptionist says giving Nekra a head pat.

"How do the ranks work?" Yuki asks

"Ah, well it's by number of quests done." The receptionist says

'Huh? I thought they had a summoner examiner for standardization?' Nekra thinks before realizing that probably hasn't been introduced yet.

"Great thanks." Nekra says grabbing the guild card.

"You get one too Yuki." Nekra says

"Okay?" Yuki says looking at the elf before also being handed a card too.

"B rank?" Nekra asks surprised.

"really? You didn't come to me and expect me to not know what you are?" The elf asks

"Nya? You must be old then?" Nekra says

The elf looks offended but is quickly subdued by Nekra's charm.

"Where to next?" Yuki asks

"Follow me." Nekra says as she starts walking towards the forest to find the tsundere dragon.

"Into the forest?" Yuki asks

"Nya! I got this." Nekra says as she starts leading Yuki through the forest.

"You know where you are going?" Yuki asks surprised.

"Knowledge is subtly giving me directions nya." Nekra says