Ch 14: the Tsundere dragon.

"Is this the other labyrinth Milim mentioned?" Yuki asks

"Nyo, this is her uncles cave." Nekra says

"Why are we here?" Yuki asks

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!" A voice booms.

"Uncle we are here to visit!" Nekra shouts into the cave.

"Who are you calling uncle!" Veldora shouts back

"Veledora is uncle of course nya!" Nekra shouts as they walk through the cave.

"Wow he is three times the size of the metal dragon." Yuki says

"You know another dragon? It doesn't matter because no one is better than this great me!" Veldora says

"This great me was sealed Nya." Nekra says with pure deadpan while looking at Veldora behind the seal.

"So, why are we here again Nekra?" Yuki asks

"To say hi and maybe be friends nya." Nekra says with a smile and Veldora suddenly seems charmed.

"Friends? I don't need friends for I am the great Veldora!" His voice booms

Nekra swears she heard a hmph as he turned away.

"Well it was great seeing you uncle Veledora Nya!" Nekra says while Yuki is silently watching the entertainment.

"Why did you call me uncle?" Veldora asks quietly.

"Nya? That's because older sister Milim adopted us nya! Milim is your older brothers daughter nya!" Nekra says

"Wait, I have a niece?" Veldora asks

Nekra nods.

"How do you know this?" Veldora asks

"Nya? The same way I know uncle will get out in 250 years nya!" Nekra says

"You should be careful who you tell stuff to prophet." Veldora says with narrowed eyes.

"Nya? But uncle is a good dragon." Nekra says

"Can you take off your bow?" Veldora asks

Nekra takes of her bow to reveal her cat ears.

"A werecat? I thought they went extinct..." the dragon murmurs.

"Extinct?" Nekra asks

"Ah, that's a story for another time.... so I'm getting out of here in the future?" Veldora asks

Nekra nods.

"In about 250 years start sending telepathic presages to slimes Nya." Nekra says

"A slime gets me out?" Veldora asks raising his eye brow.

Nekra nods as she's nibbling on some food.

"We're did you get the food?" Veldora asks

"Yuki made it." Nekra says

"That doesn't answer my question." Veldora says

"Yuki makes amazing food nya." Nekra says

"When she gets like this she doesn't answer questions." Yuki says

"Hmm? What are you?" Veldora asks

"I'm a fox spirit." Yuki says

"You two are certainly an intriguing pair you also have names already. Was it Milim?" Veldora says

Nekra looks away not exactly sure if she should share who named her.

"Nekra named me." Yuki says

"I wish I wasn't sealed so I could feel your power. You are probably stronger than a demon lord if you could name a high ranked spirit like Yuki." Veldora says

Nekra pulls a tv out of a storage space.

"What is that black device?" Veldora asks

"It's a tv, since you are going to be trapped here awhile I figured we could come by every now and then maybe to watch anime." Nekra says as a flash drive falls on her head.

With a note


Good job bringing him to the dark side, remind him we have cookies.


"Yes I got more anime Nya!" Nekra shouts happily.

"Wasn't the whole reason for this trip to go out and see the world?" Yuki asks

"Nyo, it was to get them to give me more anime." Nekra says her red eyes sparkling.

"Also, my name is Veldora not Veledora." Veldora says

"Who are them?" Veldora asks