Ch 48: I got left with the paperwork

"Nya?" Nekra asks completely confused while the monsters are surrounding her.

"Since Rimuru-sama is gone that means you are in charge." Shion says

"Nyo." Nekra says out right denying the responsibility.

"Why not?" Gobuta asks

"Nya, I'm a cat nya I reserve the right to be lazy nya." Nekra says

"But the city is having a trade agreement with the dwarfs and the lab needs to be checked on." Shion says

Nekra gives Shion a glare before Yuki hugs her from behind.

"Isn't it fine Nekra?" Yuki asks

"Nya, fine." Nekra says


"Thank goodness Yuki-sama is here." Shion says and several of the goblins nod.

"I felt like she could've crushed us just by thinking it." Gobuta says

"Gobuta can you tell Gabiru to stay hidden to Rimuru-sama gets back, I think he is in danger." Shion says

"Of course!" Gobuta says disappearing into a shadow.

"Please hurry back Rimuru-sama." Shion says since their hunting parties were finding spies in the forest.


Meanwhile with Rimuru.

"Almost there I can see it." Rimuru says from Ranga's back with Safi riding behind her.

"Why is Safi-hime so heavy." Ranga says before he feels that dreadfulness of death.

"What was that puppy?" Safi asks

"Nothing Safi-hime." Ranga quickly corrects himself.

"Good puppers." Safi says patting Ranga's head.

"I think we should walk from here." Rimuru says

"Sure." Safi says hopping off Ranga who breathes a sigh of relief before he tended under another glare.

"Ranga that's insubordination." Safi says with a scary smile.

"What do you have against Ranga?" Rimuru asks

"My mother is a cat." Safi says

"... good point." Rimuru says


Walking up to the entrance there is a man guarding the gate who looks to be in his 60s.

"Hi, my friend here is planing on taking the test for A rank." Safi says handing the guard her A rank adventure card.

There is an audible gulp.

"It's you, the one who destroyed 1/4 the town." The guard says terrified.

"I tried to warn the guild that would happen and no one died." Safi says with a shrug to the old guard.

"Was that the punching stone thing?" Rimuru asks

"It's gone now." The guard says

"Its not gone. It's over there over there over there and up there." Safi says looking every which way.

Rimuru face palms.

"Anyway, go on in. Please don't break anything this time." The guard says

"No promises." Safi says as she walks in through with Rimuru.

"Where to first?" Rimuru asks

"The school duh." Safi says pulling Rimuru towards the summoned person school.

It's just well, the school is the other direction.


"Are you sure this is the right way" Rimuru asks

"Yep, we circle the town 8 times before heading right back to the gate. Where we ask for directions." Safi says

"I forgot how bad your sense of direction is but can't you just look up and see it?" Rimuru asks Safi who's in her little girl form.

"You come down to this height and tell me if you can see it." Safi says puffing her cheeks in anger however it really only looks cute.

Rimuru shrinks down a bit.

"Oh."rimuru says only able to see the top of the near by buildings.

"Oh. That seems about right." Safi says sarcastically.

"Do you wanna ride on my shoulders again?" Rimuru asks going back to her normal size as she sees Safi nod.