Ch 49: It’s all a lost cause.

Laying on a bed in the apartment.

"Wanna go spy on them nya?" Nekra asks

"Who?" Yuki asks

"I used my magic nya to find out where Safi is nya." Nekra says

"Ah, sure why not." Yuki says

Nekra and Yuki suddenly appear in the city.

"Isn't there supposed to be a magic barrier?" Yuki asks

Nekra looks up and sees a hole in the barrier that roughly scales to the size of the hole in the ozone layer.

"It should be fine nya." Nekra says

"Oh wow they have glass here?" Yuki says

"Of course nya, glass is an extremely easy thing to make nya. Almost all summoned people will likely know how to make it nya." Nekra says

"There's a lot more people here than in Rimuru." Yuki says

"Nya, maybe? It actually depends if you are counting the greater forest area or the small city of Rimuru nya." Nekra says

"True." Yuki says with a nod.


"Finally we found it." Rimuru says

"It looks like they rebuilt it?" Safi says

"There's a ton of glass too." Rimuru says

The pair walk up to the door and it opens up automatically.

"That's neat." Safi says while Rimuru is shocked seeing a moving glass door.

Rimuru walks up with a letter of introduction.

Meanwhile the receptionist stares at safi trying to see why she looks familiar.

"Hi, we are here for Rimuru to take a rank up test and speak to the grand master... is it still, no wait she passed away recently. Did Hinata take it or maybe Yuuki?" Safi says contemplating.

"Let's get the test underway while the letter gets verified." She says while realizing Safi is probably a summoned person.


"It looks like a mix between a medieval town and shopping center on earth from the 2000's." Nekra says

"How do you... never mind." Yuki says knowing it's knowledge.

"It's the really tall building right?" Yuki asks

"Nya I think so nya." Nekra says as they start to walk over drawing plenty of eyes.

Although Demi humans are technically allowed because of a trade treaty with Carrion. The thing known as human nature tends to be horrible.

Not to mention they are technically monsters and not Demi humans.


"Alright your letter has been verified please follow me." A receptionist says

As they lead them over to what looks like an elevator.

"This is interesting." Safi says as suddenly they are teleported.


Meanwhile in the capital all of the power cuts.

"Nya, I think they teleported Safi." Nekra says

"What makes you say that?" Yuki asks

"Nothing else would drain enough magic energy to black out a city nya." Nekra says

"We could teleport to them." Yuki suggests

Nekra nods and does so.


"Uhhh, there seems to have been an error." The receptionist says as they arrive at a completely dark hallway as in all the lights are off.

"An error you say!?" Is heard from above. Safi is stuck in the ceiling.

"Uhh?" The receptionist says looking up.

Suddenly a small dragon falls to the floor what appears so be a dead body cut in half falls to the ground. No blood and no gore.

"Are you going to reform? Come on I know your special skill is super regeneration." Rimuru asks covering for her on the spot.

The receptionist faints as Safi's body starts to regenerate itself at a visible speed.

"I wanna say that hurt but it didn't." Dragon Safi says


Meanwhile in another teleporter chamber.

"Huh? What happened? I'm going to be late to my meeting with the leader of the Jura Forest alliance." Yuuki says

After about 5 minutes it powers back up.


"This is a nice office." Safi says

Rimuru nods.

Suddenly the door opens.

"Sorry about the delay, we had a power outage." Yuki says

"It's fine it's not like I got stuck in the ceiling." Safi says which is ignored because Yuuki is currently staring darkly at Rimuru.

"Oh it's you, the one who made it past the first floor and saw the forest." Safi says remembering Yuuki from that time he made it past the first floor.

Yuuki suddenly instantly turns to Safi.

The thing is they never mentioned the forest just that the second floor is an instant death.

Yuuki suddenly stares at the Dragon in Safi's arms before his eyes widen.

"Anyway nice to meet you. I am Rimuru Tempest I am the leader of the Jura tempest Federation, which is the leader of the Jura Forest alliance." Rimuru says taking off her mask showing her face which is scarily similar to Shizue.

Yuuki having his plan thought-out launches himself at Safi destroying her avatars head with a swift and powerful roundhouse kick.

[Meanwhile in the background 'HERO!' Is playing on the piano.]

Rimuru intercepts it with a kick of her own.

"That wasn't nice." Safi says her head having reformed.

"I'm not a bad slime ya know slurp." Rimuru says

"Wait what?" Yuki asks as he backs up realizing Rimuru is a reincartator before he hears the song.

"who's playing Saitama sensei's song." Yuki asks opening the door to the hallway and sees a cat girl on a piano.

"This meeting is a lost cause..." Rimuru mutters

"Nya, have no fear for I am here." Nekra says with a brilliant smile.

"A cat girl that actually says nya. Wait was that an Allmight quote?" Yuuki asks

"Yes and yes I'm also a loli so no touch nya." Nekra says staring at Yuuki with well like he's the scummiest person in the world.

Yuuki shivers with a small nose bleed.

"He's a pervert too... why do we have to have similar names." Yuki says

"Nya, because shiro was to bland." Nekra says