Ch 50: a somewhat serious discussion.

"So, now that we kinda got that out of our system... I did not know humans could reincarnate as monsters." Yuuki says

"It's a bit difficult nya, you lose your humanity and you really only have your memories nya." Nekra says

Rimuru looks at her.

"Nya? What? I'm over 300 at this point nya. I have been a cat longer than human." Nekra says

"And how much of that time did you spend asleep." Yuki asks

"A lot nya..." Nekra says looking down.

"Anyway, I wanna take over Shizue's class." Rimuru says

"Well you see there's an issue there. That class is full of failed summons who are well." Yuuki says

"Dying? I'm assuming they didn't get a unique skill and their body is instead developing a large amount of magic which is slowly killing them nya." Nekra says

"It's honestly scarily similar to cancer." Yuuki says

"Why not make a tool that will bleed off magicules?" Nekra asks

"We tried, they ended up with so much ambiant magic monsters, no offense spawned." Yuuki says

"I think I have away but it will take some time." Rimuru says

"Nya, go for it. I can watch the territory nya." Nekra says

"So, Miss Nekra? There are rumors about a new demon lord?" Yuuki asks

"Nya? I just have the title. I haven't killed any humans in like... 300 or so years nya." Nekra says

"Is Safi also a reincarnated human?" Yuuki asks

"No I am momma's daughter." Safi says as she is hugged by both Nekra and Yuki.

"Well there is magic in this world." Yuuki says just accepting it.

"But now that you are A rank you need to work for a nati-" Yuuki cuts off when he feels extreme blood lust.

"Safi can work under The Tempest Federation." Rimuru says

He nods in response realizing Nekra isn't a demon lord for show.

Suddenly there is the sound of glass shattering outside.

"Nya? What was that?" Nekra asks

Yuuki's face shows horror as he runs to the window and sees the cities barrier fall.

"I wonder what did that?" Safi asks with a head tilt

"Nya, a great mystery nya." Nekra says

"I feel like there should be a Yoda quote here." Yuki says


"Uhhh, I don't have to pay for a that right?" An old mage with a long grey beard says

"What the hell are you old man!" The guard shouts

"I just wanted to enter! I didn't mean to shatter the barrier!" He shouts as gaurds surround him.

"None shall pass." The guard wearing black knight armor says once again to the Gandalf look alike.


"Well you have some stuff to fix so I'm going to go nya." Nekra says teleporting out with Yuki.

"Here's the class schedule I'm needed elsewhere." Yuuki says handing Rimuru some papers and running out in a hurry.

"Alright then... I should probably give him some of my Manga I have in my memory's." Rimuru says as she walks out to go to the school.