Ch 58: Dungeon pt wait what?

Nekra immediately begins scripting the encounter that's gonna take place on the 8th level which is a cloud level on which you will be on a flying ship flying towards a predetermined destination.

Suddenly Nekra sees a flash of white as she is I a pure white room with several other people.

"I guess you could just summon us all then," Kyra says in her blue vault suit.

"You still wear that?" Sandstorm asks

"I sleep in it," Kyra says

"Why am I here I was in the middle of a behemoth hunt! My team could be in danger!" a bear girl shouts (Yuna)

"Its fine time is paused in your worlds while we are here," Lisa says

"That's good I was at lunch with Luna." A girl with red-black hair with piercing green eyes says (Harriet)

"So what are we here for?" A girl holding a sword asks she seems to be radiating magic power

"To welcome the new members of the pantheon of course." Sandstorm says

"Can I please just go back to practicing control I would rather not accidentally break something again," Harriet says

"Nya... Hi?" Nekra says wondering how she got here. (A/N: She wasn't supposed to be there so her world was never paused)



"She achieved godhood really quickly," Lisa says

"Uh, how?" Sandstorm asks also confused.

'a goddess of fate confused that's new' Nekra thinks

"Nya? I was working on the dungeon nya I don't knyow." Nekra says

"So, what was the reason for this meeting? I was in the middle of making a weapon." Shirone her silver wolf ears and tail visible says

"It was to introduce Harriet to everyone the new goddess of death." Sandstorm says

"Was that the only reason?" Kyra asks

Sandstorm looks down blushing not able to come up with a better excuse.

"So, can we talk about why Nekra is here?" Kyra asks looking at Her.

"Right!" Sandstorm shouts as her golden eyes glow.

"Shes actually extremely close to godhood." Sandstorm says

"What's her divinity going to be?" Yuna asks

'Eh? I am let's find out whats it is going to be.' Nekra thinks as she uses knowledge.

"Knowledge nya," Nekra says

"I think we gave her a broken skill but eh that's fine," Kyra says

"Coming from the person I gave the dream divinity too." Sandstorm says

"Yeah but even without that I would've become a broken character," Kyra says shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah that AUM energy do you have any clue what you created there?" Sandstorm says having wanted to ask Kyra about it for a while.

Suddenly Nekra sees a vision of Safi calling for help.

"Safi nya!" Nekra shouts disappearing with a pop.


Meanwhile, while all of this is going on.

"Nekra!" Yuki shouts looking around for her.

Is everything alright Yuki?" Benimaru asks

"No Nekra has been gone for two days," Yuki says worriedly.


Two days ago In a different part of the world.

"Its just a straight path." Rimuru says

"This is a laybrinth its super easy!" Alice shouts

Safi suddenly closes her eyes and the "plushie" does the same.

"Use the force Rimuru." Safi says in a message that is automatically translated through a skill of Rimuru it almost seems like telepathy.

Rimuru begins to look around not knowing who said it.

"Let go, Rimuru trust me." Safi says with a wide grin

"Stop quoting starwars." Rimuru shouts at Safi since Rimuru was already using her mental map.

A little girls laughing is heard.

Then several children laughing.

"Not very amusing visitors, be more afraid feel more fear!" A woman? shouts

"This dungeon is boring Ramiris!" Safi shouts

Suddenly the laughter stops.

"Wait you know me?" Ramiris asks

"Yes, Im from momma Nekra's dungeon." Safi says

"Nekra.. Nekra... The cat girl!" Remiris shouts

Safi nods.

"Auntie Milim says hi." Safi says

Suddenly the false illusion in the hallway begins to glow and a door opens ahead of them.

Everyone walks through it while glancing at Safi.


"Its a dead end." Rimuru says

"Wait a moment please Im working on it!" Ramiris shouts

"Small world!" Ramiris shouts

"This is too small if you want me to go all out you know!" Safi shouts as she starts to use space magic herself to enlarge the space in the room.

"Right! So if your actually from Nekra's dungeon pass my test let me know that you think!" Ramiris shouts.

As a magic tech soldier that the dwarves threw away starts to power up.

"Auntie Rimuru, I am fighting this cheap knock off even if I have to fight you," Safi says the dragon in her arms eyes are glowing red.

"Cheap knock off?" several of the students say

"It's not a cheap knock off! I worked hard on it!" Ramiris shouts since it took a lot of work to get the dwarves broken machine to work.

Rimuru also backs off as Safi walk to the front.

"You may wanna stand back." Safi says looking behind her with a wink as she Suddenly disappears from her spot and her dragon "plushie" begins to enlarge it fully transforms into a mechanical Safi Jiiva towering over the Magitech knight.

"This is what I meant by cheap knock off!" Safi says as her magical engines draw magic from the atmosphere destroying the pocket world.

"What the HELL!" Ramiris shouts terrified while all the students behind Rimuru also seem scared.

Safi starts to fly up and shoots a blue beam down at the robot completely erasing it from existence.

"Show yourself or you can get the option to remodel your labyrinth," Safi says she shrinks back down and her human avatar picks her up again.

"Wait... your the dragon that inspired the magitech soilder program!" Remiris shouts

"Of course... Why do you think I called those things cheap knock offs." Safi says with a shrug while all of the students behind Rimuru begin to match Safi to a story that Shizu told them.

Suddenly the fairy pops out from wherever she was hidden.

Safi pushes Rimuru in front of her and goes to stand with the slightly scared students.

Gabe jumped back a little when Safi stops near him.

"I am one of the 10 great demon lords, Ramiris of the labyrinth." Ramiris says

"Yeah this is less of a proper labyrinth than Nekra's place..." Rimuru says looking around.

"Eh!"Ramiris shouts

"Yeah, I mean sure there was a maze full of illusion traps but you can't just have an empty room full of illusions!" Rimuru shouts

"It's not my fault you weren't affected by thought manipulation it's been so long since I've met some one like you." Ramiris says

"Can you tell your friends to be quiet please." Safi says quietly yet extremely politely to seem less scary. Because a loli dragon is scary... definitely ask Gabe Gibson he peed his pants a little.

"Your actually a demon lord?" Rimuru asks dumbfounded but Safi says Nekra met her. The only place Nekra has ever been is her dungeon, Dwargon, Tempest, and the demon lord meeting.

"Of course." Ramiris says puffing her chest.

"She's not, she's a spirit queen. She just has the title of demon lord." Safi says

"Hey! I'm a demon lord!" Ramiris shouts

"And Treyni is a rock." Safi deadpans

"That's a name I haven't heard in a long while." Ramiris says to herself.

"I knew it none of you brats were a demon lord." Rimuru says

Suddenly the fairies start to get noisy again.

"I need to ask mom to add a mute function so I can mute certain peoples voices." Safi suddenly says

"So, who are you?" Ramiris asks looking at Rimuru.

"Me? I'm just a slime." Rimuru says

"Ah the slime who's the leader of the great Jura forest! Nekra's territory?" Ramiris asks

"Nekra's territory is technically her dungeon under the forest. But she claimed the forest to deter other demon lords for me." Rimuru says

At this point everyone is eating the snacks Rimuru has brought out.

"So about the golem." Rimuru says

"It's not a golem... it looked like it followed a set of predetermined movements. It could've either been an animatronic or a automaton." Safi says taking a cookie and holds it to the "plushie" in her arms.

"We just finished that too, do you have any clue how efficient it was? Earth spirits manipulated the weight, water moved the joints and fire powered it." Ramiris says

"That sounds horribly inefficient. It also was a puppet and not even a complicated machine if it required some other being to constantly move it." Safi says disappointed.

Ramiris recoils from the insult.

"Right anyway I have a request." Rimuru says

"Why would I listen too you?" Ramiris asks

"I could let you move in next to Nekra. Your Senpai when it comes to golems. I mean look at Safi there." Rimuru says

Ramiris's eyes seem to glow as she nods enthusiastically.


We moved to a different place.

To the deepest room in the labyrinth–the oracle room.

Prior to arriving through to this room we first passed a large empty room before it.

A path that is one meter wide and twenty meters long leads from this room to a five meter in diameter circular scaffold.

What the scaffold is made of I do not know; it looks as if its spreading through the room.

"To think you were a saints guide, how did you become a demon lord?" Safi deadpans.

"Anyway time to summon spirits." Ramiris says

"What should we say" Gabe asks

"Whatever you like, really. Help me! Or, Let's play!

An interested spirit will definitely appear before you" Ramiris responds

"… will they really come?" Alice asks

"They will! Sensei, they will, right?" Ryota

"Will they?" Kenya asks

The Childrend look at Rimuru worried

"It's fine if they don't appear I can always drain the magical energy and Auntie Rimuru can make a new one out of it.

"…Hey, you! You're making a scary face!" Ramiris says to Safi

"Hmm? Right, No problem, no problem.

Hey, brats! Don't worry. It'll work out!" Rimuru says realizing she can change the spirits herself.

"Alright! One person at a time will go. Who's first?" Rimuru asks

Then, we decided the order.

First will be the eldest Gale.

Then Alice.

Followed by Kenya and Ryouta.

And concluded with Chloe.

They did quarrel about it, but in the end were satisfied with this order.

Let's get this over with.

A tranquil room.

Without a sound to be heard, enveloped by a dim light.

Only our footsteps reverberated throughout it.

"Sensei, if anything happens to me, please take care of them." Gabe says

"Oi, idiot don't drop flags!" Safi yells

That seems to scare Gabe even more

"Don't worry, there's a platform here. If anything happens, I'll save you." Rimuru says

Timidly and carefully,

He proceeds into the center

"Okay, there's fine! I'm looking forward to the phrase you choose!" Ramiris shouts loudly like she could care about his nervousness.

Gabe started kneeling, as if praying to the gods.

"I wonder who will answer him." Safi mutters knowing plenty of gods may see this.

After some time has passed, balls of light began to fall from the sky.

It was like watching a feather fall.

And, before us on the altar a single spirit appeared.

Gale noticed it and began to pray harder.

"Good job! It's a success." Ramiris shouts

"Hello I was sent by goddess of dreams to be your partner." The spirit says stunning everyone

"Gale, continue praying! Pray to Yume the Dreamer!" Safi shouts referencing some files on her system.

"Wh-what was that! You… are you doing?!"Ramiris shouts in panic hearing the name.


Rimuru's point of View.

"Gale, continue praying! Pray to Yume the Dreamer!" Safi shouts

'Great Sage?' Rimuru asks

(Great Sage: I have nothing...)

"Wh-what was that! You... what are you doing?!" Ramiris shouts in panic.

'Now I really wanna know... maybe Nekra knows.' Rimuru thinks.


Suddenly the spirit merges with Gabe.

I mean, I haven't ever seen what it looks like and have no idea if it even has a form.

"Yup, all done! Good job!" Rimuru says Gabe.

Doesn't look like he was in pain or anything; he just quickly looked up at everyone and nodded.

"You're okay now. The collapse has stopped, I guarantee it!" Rimuru says

With a face full of tears,

"Sensei, thank you very much!!!" Gabe shouted as he bowed.

Next was Alice.

She said that she was scared walking down the path, so Rimuru carried instead.

Chloe and Alice seemed to bickering about something before.

"Stupid harem protagonist." Safi mutters

After waiting for a while, light began to fall from the sky just as before.

The moment the spirit appeared on the Altar, Rimuru ate it.

Ramiris looked panicked as if she had something to important say, but Rimuru completely ignored her.

After a few seconds of silence Safi notices the transfer of magical energy.

"Alice, well done! You're fine now!" Rimuru says

Alice smiled widely and kissed Rimuru on the cheek.

Once Alice comes back down to the group.

"You know auntie Rimuru is a married woman right?" Safi asks

"Eeehhh!!!" Several of the students shout before looking over at their teacher who blushes a sight blue.

Kenya went up next.

The moment Kenya started praying – I mean, he hasn't even closed his eyes yet – light began falling from the sky.

That's a mass of energy far larger than the ones that appeared for the other two.

And there stood a human shaped spirit–a boy.

"Yo! How's life? I'm good. I felt like coming over, so I did!" The spirit said

And extended a casual greeting.

"Ah, ahhhhh!!! You, why did you just come to someone's house uninvited!" Ramiris shouts seemingly upset.

Seems like they know each other.

"Yo, who's that?" Rimuru asks

"O~su! I am the spirit of light!

Unlike that depressing and fallen descendant of darkness spirit, I am a pure spirit!" He says taunting Ramiris before he suddenly feels a bunch of pressure.

"What is she!" The spirit shouts scared pointing at Safi.

"I'm technically an ancient dragon." Safi says

After a bit of conversation.

"So, I decided to help Kenya!" Is what the spirit shouted before he inhabited the boy.

Generally, light and darkness spirits have the highest social standing, and are the highest grade of spirits.

Seems like he's also capable of bestowing divine protection onto heroes. In the first place, Ramiris and him are supposed to do that together, but that rarely happens.

"So you aren't the only saints guide you fraud." Safi

"Sensei…" Kenya says dumbfounded

"Hmm? It's okay. All according to plan!" Rimuru says

"Whose plan!" Safi retorts.

"Things are going smoothly." Rimuru says

"True nothing has blown up yet." Safi says with a shrug not really caring.

Next would be Ryouta.

He walked down the narrow path by himself. Seemed spirited enough.

Now, what will happen?

Immediately, an emerald light fell from the sky drawing thousands of helices.

Before anything strange could happen, Rimuru ate it... again.

Bestowed a skill again.

And so, only one person left.

The last person, Chloe was very afraid to walk there, so I carried her over.

She was very happy.

Seems like she lied about her fear.

"Umm, sensei,.. I… I l-love you!!!" Chloe shouts

Rimuru just nods to herself.

"Yuri?" Safi asks really loudly which gets a few giggles.

Rimuru became a little flustered upon hearing her words.

"It's weird how she blushes a light blue." Safi she's before realizing it probably has to do with her being a slime.

Now, what kind of spirit will Chloe summon.

Like everyone else, she bowed to pray.

That's when things started to change.

Should I call it that…? For example, something did fall from the sky.

An oppressive aura, and a beautiful girl with silver-black hair.

"Time...." Safi mutters before the spirit looked at the Safi in shock.

That girl (?)… celestial maiden suddenly saw Rimuru and grabbed on to her. And locked her lips around Rimuru's.

The celestial maiden, with a look full of disappointment, moved to touch Chloe.

"Stop!!! I won't let you! I won't let you do as you please!" Ramiris shouts very well ready for battle.

A black light covered her hands which she shot out at Chloe. Rimuru jumped in front of Chloe to protect her, and absorbed the attack into her body

"H-hey! What was that for!" Safi shouts recognizing annihilation magic.

"Shut up!!! She's dangerous! Don't you see?!"Ramiris shouts

"I don't?! What's dangerous?" Rimuru shouts after tanking a one shot kill magic.

While we were busy arguing, the celestial maiden overlapped with Chloe and disappeared.

Quickly, I verify Chloe's status. The collapse has stopped.

No problem, right…?

"Ooooo! Mou! Too late. I give up… I don't even care anymore!" Ramiris shouted puffing her cheeks.

Safi has a pretty clear idea on what just happened but that's probably because of Nekra making some notes on the dungeon computer.

"That's why I'm asking… what was that?" Rimuru asks

Ramiris did not respond to her question.

Chloe opened her eyes and appeared completely oblivious to our worries.

When I asked her again,

"I don't know! I have absolutely no idea,

But, that was probably something born in the future.

Something that came from the future, and not a spirit.

Did she possess that girl to give birth to herself?

Ahh….. I don't know!!!

But, that was something truly powerful.

If that is born in the future, it'll cause many problems.

That's the first time I've seen such a being. That… maybe that was the spirit of time…" Ramiris shouts

Chloe seems perfectly fine.

Safi does hear her mutter about well Safi not having been there last time.

"Good for you, Chloe! You too were able to avoid danger!" Rimuru said, lifting her up in the air.

Chloe smiled happily.

Ramiris, looking at at the two, could only sigh.

"Well, I guess it's fine. There was nothing more I could do since the moment it possessed the girl..." Ramiris mutters as she turned away from them.

" I think everything will be fine. Chloe is fine and all.

By the way, thanks. Thanks to you, the children are safe!" Rimuru says

When we returned to the group I thanked Ramiris.

The children showered her in thanks.

"Ba! That's enough, already!" Ramiris says

Her face red, she tried to shake off the embarrassment.

Rimuru's pov

This is a demon lord… what's the world coming to?

The other fairies flew next to Ramiris creating a beautiful sight.

In order to bless the children who avoided that dreaded fate…

To light the fire of happiness in their hearts.

And naturally, a smile formed on the kids' faces.

And so, I was able to save the kids.

"Right so I will start packing and see you in the forest." Ramiris says

"Eehhh!" Rimuru shouts

"Your not going back on your deal right? I'm gonna be neighbors with Nekra." Ramiris says


Yuki woke up and noticed Nekra was missing.

"Nekra?" Yuki asks opening the control room to see a half eaten sushi dish she made for Nekra last night.

"She never leaves a plate not empty." Yuki says worried.

Nekra ends up not showing up anywhere in the dungeon. On the command console it does says she is alive.