Ch 59: Nekra Joins the battle

"That was nice," Safi says

Rimuru nods

"Bye everyone it was nice meeting you all!" Safi says with a wave.

Suddenly the merchant Rimuru talked with earlier runs up.

"What's wrong?" Rimuru asks

"The Farmas Kingdom has sent troops towards tempest." the merchant says out of breath.

"Lets go." Safi says worried for the people of tempest.

"Right." Rimuru says as they get swallowed into a shadow.


"Nekra, where are you." Yuki mutters

"Can you contact her through the dungeon?" Benimaru asks since Souei has just told them about the army of 165,000 marching towards tempest.

"I can try." Yuki says as she disappears at the entrance of the dungeon again.

"Where is Milim at?" Benimaru asks to himself as well an army is invading and all of their heavy hitters are not here.

"A demon lord must've had a hand in this and distracted Milim." Shion says

"That makes the most sense," Souei says agreeing with the deduction.


"This isn't tempest." Rimuru says

"There is little magicules in the air." Safi suddenly says

"My spacial skills have been sealed." Rimuru says

"Mine haven't but I will need to swap to back up power soon." Safi says

"All magic cut off." Safi says as she loses the nanites to conserve power and turns to the size of a large dog as a dragon.

"Pleased to meet you two, should I say? Though I won't know you for long." Hinata says

"You look similar to a little girl that ran away from a dungeon," Safi says as she suddenly becomes full size.

'power is at 90%' Safi thinks as shes draining at a steady rate. Not being able to use magic is taking a toll as she's using electrical components to make up for it putting the arc reactor under so much more stress than it is used to.

"You!" Hinata shouts remembering fighting Safi nearly a decade ago.

"Never gonna give you up," Safi says as her dragon head tries to grin.

Safi emits a high pitch squeaking sound that sounds like air pressure being released.

Rimuru however heard something else entirely thanks to her skill allowing her to understand the intent behind the words rather than the words themselves. Its basically auto-translate.

"try to get away while I distract. I maybe have 10 minutes of battle time." Safi says wanting Rimuru to get to Tempest. Something was wrong momma Nekra isn't here, she would've wiped the army with her own and shown up here immediately.

Rimuru nods and begins to run.

Hinata seeing that rushes Rimuru * Sound of a gaster blaster being blasted* Hinata barely dodges a massive laser that decimates a rock in front of her.

"Your opponent is me! And You shall not pass!" Safi Shouts

'85%' Safi thinks as she's used her nanites to form energy blasters above her for quick attacks since she would rather not strain the hydraulics if she doesn't have to.

Hinata suddenly gets into a guard stance as another beam is shot right at her. Hinata manages to dodge while seeing what happens if she were to try to deflect it.

Her magisteel blade heats up significantly but it is not unbearable it seems to have deflected the shot.

'80%' Safi thinks


Meanwhile at the edge of the barrier that's being held up by several cardinals of the church.

Rimuru takes a quick potshot at them as she dives into her shadow making her way to Tempest. The shot barely missed.


'Auntie made it lets stop holding back and go all out.' Safi says as a dozen Dragon blasters begin to spin in the air.

Meglovaina starts to play.

" Let me start off with Do you wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you take another step forward. . . You are REALLY not going to like what happens next." Safi asks her eyes glowing red.

"Stop making references!" Hinata shouts as she steps forward.

" Welp, Sorry, old lady This is why i never make promises.

It's a beautiful day outside.

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . .

On days like these, kids like you. . .

Should be burning in hell." Safi says as she fires a massive beam at the woman head.

Hinata barely dodges out of the way as the beam attack singes some of her hair.

"Does Luminous know you are doing this?" Safi taunts

' 78% shit' Safi thinks

"I don't need to worry about her I am just doing what the church is supposed to do!" Hinata shouts a little upset Shizu's killer got away.

Safi fires 3 blasts simultaneously

Hinata rolls under them barely managing to dodge them as parts of her clothes get burned.

'62%' Safi thinks knowing she needs to draw this out longer if she is to survive.

"I wonder what kind of power you are using," Hinata says as she attempts to use her unique skill Usurper.

'43% fuck!' Safi thinks in panic before she notices Hinata jumps slightly before she falls over stiff. Her body spasms for about a second before she stops moving.

Safi just stares at the woman dumbfounded.

"The fuck!" Hinata shouts pushing herself up slowly,

Safi was genuinely supprised she didn't electrocute herself to death.

(A\N: I rolled three six sided dice for her unique skill to work she got a 17 she needed a 15 or greater, safi countered with a 15 she needed at least a 14 and Hinata got a 12 for tanking the damage she needed atleast a 6.)

"I use electricity, all of my attacks are products of Science!" Safi announces.

'42%' Safi thinks trying to stall for more time.


Rimuru arrives at Tempest to see Shion dive in front of a sword to taking the hit directly to her heart to defend a child from getting hit by a magical sword instantly killing her.

Everything in the world seems to still as magical power is released en mass.

There are assassins from the church attacking the town to cause chaos so that the town can not prepare for the invading army.

Golems are marching out from the dungeon to defend the town as Yuki is almost teleporting around ripping out hearts with fox-like claws.


'1%' Safi thinks several of her hydrolic pistons have been contorted from over use. Her own magical metal armor dented and several of the golem's joints well beyond destroyed.

Safi looks at Hinata who covered in wounds and blood not much better off than Safi but the winner is clear.

"You were one of my toughest fights. be proud." Hinata says as she is using her completely destroyed sword like a cane to hold herself up.

Safi's vision begins to go dark as suddenly the air is filled with magical power again. Safi barely maintaining consciousness as her system start a repair and restart.

The last words she hear are "Nya? Am I late?" as she prepares for a reboot knowing she well and safe.