Ch 67:

"So, any ideas?" Rimuru asks looking at the hot spring.

"We could take a bath." Shion says

"Although that sounds nice I don't want to be seen by everyone." Rimuru mutters since she's still coming to terms with being a girl.

Looking down into the water it looks almost like a natural spring which goes into a cavern.

"You don't think?" Rimuru asks looking at the cavern.

"Don't think what?" Benimaru asks

"Gobuta, can you go swim down there?" Rimuru asks wondering if that's the key to get to the next level. It's obviously around here since the area was being guarded.

"I don't know how to swim." Gobuta says

"Got it, well just jump right in and hope for the best then, it seems pretty deep." Rimuru says throwing The goblin into the spring.

A stream of bubbles come up for a bit before they stop.

"He just said he didn't know how to swim didn't he?" Rimuru asks

"I belive those were gobuta's last words before you threw him into the water." Benimaru says



"Fine, let's go save him." Rimuru says as she jumps into the water and starts to swim down.

After a bit of time gravity seems to reorient itself and Rimuru is swimming upwards.


Eventually the group emerges in a swamp.

Looking around the place is dimly lit from fungus growing on the ceiling.

"Rimuru-sama !" Gobuta shouts seeing Rimuru

"See I told you it would be fine." Rimuru says with a puffed out chest.

"Uh, I always believed in you." Gobuta says

*weird growling sound*

"Huh?" Rimuru says surveying the swampy areas and finally she spots a figure limping towards them.

"Is that a zombie?" Rimuru asks only to see a red blur jump out from under a tree grove eating the zombie before setting its eyes on her then walks away.

"Why is an odogaron from monster hunter here?" Rimuru asks

There is some splashin then gasps heard as the rest of the dungeon party emerges from the water.

"Right everyone look for an obvious land mark." Rimuru says only to be tapped on the shoulder.

"Oh, yeah that seems like it would be right." Rimuru says looking over at a absolutely massive tree trunk.

"Well let's head over." Gobuta says running towards it.

"Wait!" Rimuru shouts just before Gobuta gets grabbed by an Odogaron and is rushed into the marsh.

"Shit, after him." Rimuru shouts

Everyone begins to run after the Odogaron in hopes of saving Gobuta.