Ch 68: White Light

"Goblin A I mean Gobuta!" Rimuru shouts upon seeing the goblin get torn in half before bursting into white light.

"Did Gobura just die!?" Rimuru asks

(Raphael: N-)

"Not right now great sage im gonna have to battle for my life." Rimuru says dodging a Odogaron.

Suddenly the giant red dog thing gets bisected by Benimaru's blade.

"I think we should keep moving so gobuta's sacrifice was not in vain." Shion says

"Right!" Rimuru says with a completely determined face.


"I'm alive? I'm alive!" Gobuta shouts standing up at the entrance of the dungeon.

Gobuta suddenly sneezes.

"You can't kill off gobuta that quickly!" Gobuta shouts as he walks home to go nap.


Eventually after facing a horde of zombies and ghouls only to see a small army in front of them upon arriving at the tree stump.

"Well, this is gonna be.... what is that?" Rimuru asks as a mist seems to leak into the battlefield what ever the mist touches seems to weaken and drop seemingly drained.

Rimuru let's a bit of it touch her.

(Raphael: comparing to known monsters.... unknown, comparing to monsters from hosts memories.. March found Val Hazzak.)

"Well, shit." Rimuru says


Meanwhile in the dungeon control room.

"I'm back nya!" Nekra says only to be grabbed by Yuki and held.

"Where did you go stupid master?" Yuki asks

"I don't see how a god of knowledge can be stupid nya." Nekra says

"You were gone for 3 weeks." Yuki says

"Nya? Really?" Nekra asks

"Yes." Yuki says hugging the cat girl more.

"Right nya, Kyra needed a strategist." Nekra says

"The goddess of dreams needed help?" Yuki asks

"Yep nya! I even got a gift." Nekra says as the screen shows the hidden repair bay on the 11th floor now has a new addition of a YF-23 stealth fighter.

"What is that?" Yuki asks

"It can kill dragons and it's awesome nya!" Nekra says

(It's been so long I can't remember if I mentioned the 11th floor in the past or not.)

"Really? You're gonna need to show me how it works later." Yuki says with a bit of shock.

The library also has a ton of new books aswell as Nekra continues to collect exotic vehicles and knowledge.


Meanwhile back with Rimuru.

"Finally!" Rimuru says slumped over leaning against the dead and decaying elder dragon.

"My sword broke." Shion says

"We can get you a new one later, maybe have Nekra make it." Rimuru says



"Wait, isn't this Nekra's dungeon?" Benimaru asks

"Yeah... did she kill gobuta?" Rimuru asks

"Did gobuta die at all?" Souei asks

"Note to set keep gabiru out of here." Rimuru says

The party all nods to that judgment.

"Onwards then." Rimuru says as they head towards a stair case that seems to have opened up.


After a bit of walking.

They arrive at a plains much like the ones in America but it's weird because the stairs are in the center of what appears to be stone henge.

"Cool, new area." Rimuru says looking up at the bright blue sky.