Chapter 8 For War and Prosperity

Picking up the awkwardness of the situation Sultan decided to break that conversation with the one from before.

(Sfx Fake coughing)

"Like I said before sadden as I am, that's the only option we have left".

Ulia replied in a belittling tone with a light giggling.

"Pff…wow excellent deduction of the situation, so how is this plan going to work exactly. You know…me being a hostage in this Blockhead being dead, cause trust me when I say it's not that easy. Right Blockhead?".

Has she looked at Rizette shrugging her shoulder. Then as soon as Ulia stopped talking.

In a burst of cold air around her feet, Rizette made a fast sprint up the hill.

"She's coming at us fast sir!" Observed the soldiers,

"What are your orders sir" asked Soldier 14.

Sultan looked at his men and commanded "To my side", has they moved towards the side of Sultan's horse.

By using the cold air as tailwinds, Rizette sped up to the point of vanishing,

(Sfx Shau)

Sultan then grabbed Soldier 14 by the head, with his left hand.

"Sssir…I wasn't serious, about the loli thing…sir?" shuddered the soldier.

Sultan looked him with a forgiving smile and said "Rupti sunt sacrificia".

As his body then catched ablaze, his burned body didn't even get a chance to grab Sultan hand off his head, he just burn down to the bone. Then the body broke apart and transformed into five burning Hot balls of flames,

(Sfx Swoosh!)

Rizette reappear in the air right in front of Sultan. Shifting his left arm from the side, around sighting her pointed the fireball right at her direction. The five flame converted, spiraling, intensely creating a ball of dark red flame. And with a Twisted grin on his face he shouted "Flammis inferni tormentum".

(Sfx Bacoom)

Blasting the fire spell at Rizette at a point-blank range, the sound of crackle and roar from the flame echoed through the air, as the blast can be seen for miles.A breath of release, came from Sultan then raising his still smoking left hand, burning off his glove.

"Two of you mage stay behind and the rest of you capture the princess", has he looked down on her.

(This isn't over yet?, the cost of that spell. Damn my lefthand is hurting like hell right now) He thought.

The Mage cautiously goes to his side with at least 3ft distance from his hands reach.

"Healing Magic now" Sutan ordered.

Ulia look at him getting his hands heal, from down the hill.

"Hmm… a forbidden Fire magic spell right off the bat, that's the Beretta Kingdom for you, tactically ruthless".

Then, as the spell was disbursing, a trail of smoke came diving out of the flames and smoke.

(Sfx Thud)

Rizette landed back down the hill next to Ulia smoke coming off her, with the sound of sizzle, spit, sputter.

"You okk… ahahahahaha lo,o...look at you, you got roasted. No wait toasted" Ulia blurted.

As she proceeded to laugh at the top of her lungs at the sight of Rizette. Who's now semi burnt, with her clothes in tattered revealing her left shoulder and stomach. And the top of her left leg was completely visible with the pants burned and torn.

But what was really funny in that scene was that her hair, which normally had a this beautiful glistening flowing white color. Is now a fluffed up Ash Gray.

(Sfx Fizzle)

Looking at her rolling all over the ground, Rizette just ignored her and started to pat down the little flames that were still burnning her clothes.

"He used a water attack earlier, I wasn't expecting him to use a firespell so close" said Rizette.

"Well... that because he used a forbidden Magic, by using his soldiers has catalyst he is able to use spell out of his skill range; luckily he doesn't have much control over its otherwise you would have gotten more damage " Ulia replied.

"So…whats the plan, I dont think this is a good look for me" mumbled Rizette, (Master is not going to be happy)

Soldiers 15 to 18 saw their discussion as an opportunity and quickly sliding down the hill.

(Sfx Whoosh)

Approach them arming their spells. Then realizing their approach Ulia turn to face the soldiers 15-18,

"It's simple really" as she lifted her right hand up in their direction, while still looking at Rizette.

Remembering her last attack all the soldiers, thought (She used fire magic before, so if we can prepare) as they shouted "Enchants flamma defensionis".

All the soldiers body started to glow bright red as if they were wearing an aura armor of Fire,

Ulia smiled at Rizette and said "No catalyst no fire spell, now then" as she closed her eyes.

(Sfx Crack)

Below the soldier feet then she clasped her fist and said "Gyaku hi no toge".

(Sfx Stab x9)

Out of nowhere Spike's started to protrude out of all the soldiers bodies impaling back them from multiple directions.

She opened her eyes to look straight at Sultan "While I will coment you for using what little you had to come up with a plan for me... Using fire defense against my fire attack. Unfortunately fire magic is my muse, when it comes down to it I simply outclass you all in that regard. I can even control other people's Fire attributes if I'm Focus".

As Ulia was bragging about herself and Rizette ignoring her by looking in the other direction, noticing this she started bickering with her again.

(Sfx Clenching)

Sultan gripping his right hand on his sword, his left which had fully healed covering his face over his helmet. Not to show his remaining soldiers, that he had the same look on his face as them. Who's pretty much fed up of this whole ordeal, he took a few minutes to think and got off his horse.

(Sfx Thud)

"We're using the Golem" said Sultan,

"But sir that's reserved for an army no less than 50, or at least a few enemy generals" replied Soldier 7.

Sultan turned around to look her in her face and shouted "That's why I'm using it now, it's clear to see these two woman are a military threat on their own. And thats a clear threat to the Beretta Kingdom plans, our people's plan",

"Yes sir" as the female mage Soldier lowers her head.

Sultan using his two hands the left one on the horse and the right one on the mage then he whispers in her ear "For war and prosperity",

The Soldier 7 "For war and prosperity, for our whole mighty nation, and more to come".

Sultan then shouted "Forbidden mid- tier magic: Soul flame art, Bomb ignis golem".

The soldier was then engulfed in a bright Golden Flame sphere,

(Sfx Dazzling)

The light caught the attention of both Ulia and Rizette. But as soon as they turn their head in the direction off the light.

Then without noticing Sultan appears in front of them, out of a splash of water from a water rapid step. As he unsheath his blade with his right hand twisting his wrist forward, while faceing Ulia he holds his sword in a fencing position.

(Sfx Cling)

Water particles started surging around the blade's edge, and in a piercing motion for Ulia's head.

"Typhoon art, ferrum imbrem".

(Jabs x10)

The blade seem to have multiplied striking everywhere at once,

(Sfx Shua, shua, shua x10)

Ulia was barely dodging the relentless attack. But as Rizette was going to help,

(Sfx Swoosh)

Appearing out of nowhere was a flaming fist half the size of her body.

(Sfx Wham)

Striking her from the side, she could barely guard for impact. Has she was the send flying over in the other direction.

(Sfx Sshhhhhh, crash).