Chapter 9 For War and Prosperity part 2

She was slammed straight across the plateau, grinding on the ground a few times until she finally,

(Sfx Thud)

Landed on a large tree to the side of the low hill then on the ground flat, a few meters away from where she got hit. As she lay on the ground wondering what just happen she heard,

(Sfx Stomping)

Footsteps approaching her. She lifts her head to see what had hit her across the grassy plains, only to be mildly shocked at the appearance of a 15 ft tall humanoid shape flame Golem.

(Sfx Stomp x2)

This large titan of flames towers over her, mostly red orange flames that seems to be cooler than the small cracks of yellow flames veins all over the body, mostly centered as a heart of source. In its right chest and with every step it made,

(Sfx scorch x2)

Burned the ground beneath its feet. After seeing this thing approached her slowly she just gently laid her head back on the ground.

(Sfx Shua, shua, shua x10)

Ulia still dodging all the rapid jabs by mere inches from her neck and face all while doing that she was asking Sultan questions.

"So was there a real reason to blowing up our house; or was it just one of those in the moments kind of ideas and if so how's the results of your actions so far".

(Sfx Shua, shua, shua x10)

Sultan's was visibly annoyed, unable to process what he's seeing has his continuously attacks isn't affecting her one bit.

(Damn it…the other one I can understand, even as beautiful as she looks her body does show signs that might resemble most assassin. Not only that even her techniques) he thought. Sultan then strengthen his grip on his sword,

(Sfx Cling) and then proceeded,

(Sfx Jab, jab, jab x20) with even faster jabs at her.

(Sfx Glare)

But when he realize while he was going twice as fast as he was before.

(Sfx Shua, shua, shua x20)

There's no difference in her reaction speed at all, she still dodging them perfectly. With such a bored glare.

(But this one...this short frilly torn dressed small chested pipsqueak), beyond irritated thought.

(Sfx Shua, shua, shua x20)

Has Ulia dodged all his attacks, with her hands to behind her back just staring at him.

(Sure she has great mana reserves, but when it comes to physical or close combat it doesn't even look like she can fight. So how... how did she manage to kill most of my soldiers, sure they aren't much but that is a collective units they aren't anything to sneeze at. And she managing to keep up with my pace and dodging one of my fastest combo attack spell, just who the hell is she) Sutan thought.

"So are you going to tell me what you guys had in store for the village",

"Well...nothing to say for yourself?", asked Ulia.

She move her right hand from her back, Sultan sees this and attack first Sultan shouted

"Thadal soluti".

(Sfx Water Gathering)

A large force of water pressure, burst from the blade hitting Ulia pointblank.

(Sfx Crash)

Ulia guard against the with her right hand,

(Sfx Slam)

But it still pushed her back and send her flying few feet in the air. Ulia soaked by the blast but was completely unharmed from the attack taunted Sultan.

"Well now...that was something, I didn't know you had it in you sub lieutenant" as she wiped the water off her face.

Gently landing back to the ground, she asked " have you ever considered a job of washing clothes for a living".

Angered by the remark Sultan shouted.

"I was trained directly under the teachings of lady Aqua Nyx one of great the five Fang General, Dragon division".

After hearing that Ulia had a visible disappointed look on her face,

has she whispers "Oh…her, and that's it".

Taking this as an insult on his teachers name "I will not allow you to mock my mistress techniques" Sultan shouted,

(Sfx sheath)

As he puts his blade back into the scabbard.

(Sfx Stomp)

His left foot forward, his blade in his right-hand, his Scabbard in his left taking it off his side.

(Sfx Woommm)

The air around them started to get damp, then Sultan said

"Clearly you're a bit too arrogance now, you don't even know that my lady's techniques come straight from Lady Lake herself a true Goddess no less and you dare belittle her art".

A raging aura started to surround his body, visible water started to form around his body.

(Sfx Pitter, patter)

Then, "huh" Ulia

(Sfx Twitch)

A small veins became visible on Ulia face, for a brief second.

(Sfx Sizzle)

Sultan notice a immediate shift in the temperature in the surrounding areas, the water stream surrounding him started to dissipate has his armor started to heat up.

(Sfx Hissing)

As steam coming off her dress from the water attack from before, eye color was starting to get more crimson in hue. Noticing his concerned look, as well as his statement might have struck a nerve with her.

(Sfx Fake cough)

"Hey now, you misunderstand my statements lieutenant, I'm not mocking the techniques, no not in the slightest. You're just showing a mediocre example of them...honestly it was unrecognizable to me until you said your teacher's name". The the temperature slowly went back down as Ulia said that.

Sultan seeing this as a chance to attack made a quick stance,

Seeing this she's thought to herself ( that stance he's planning on using draw and return technique, one sword withdrawing techniques is her favorite. Based on how the user focus all his mana into a single attack, it can make or break a battle. He's planning on ending this as fast as possible).

(Sfx Deep sigh)

(Well with his pride as well as his teacher's name as a swordsman on the line, I guess I could understand that) Ulia thought.

"I suppose you do have some a cliche kind away".

Then has she was preparing for Sultan's attack

(Sfx Kaboom)

A fiery explosion interrupting their standoff hitting Ulia dead center, Sultan turns to see who fired the shots at her.

"Is everything all right sir" ask one of the five Soldier from the second sagitta ignis units that was supposed to be going the other way around the village.

"What are you doing here, you're supposed to be at the rear with the Lieutenant Hirtz!. Explain yourself." Said Sultan.

(Sfx Salute)

The five soldier stand at attention and one replied

"Sir the general should be negotiating with the chief of the village right now, while we were making our way to the rear off the village from the West.

We heard the explosion from a distance and saw a beam of flames heading into the sky Continue Soldier 4/5.

Upon seeing this Sir Hirtz order ten of us to investigate what had cause the explosion as well as to help if there's problem sir" said Soldier 2/5

"Ten?, I'm only seeing five of you where's the others" asked Sultan

"Sir, while arriving to this location we notice that's there was a fire Golem spell in use. So we thought there was a major problem affecting our mission, so we made made a few traps all around the area to keep any wannabe heroes from entering the village before coming here" said Soldier 5/5.

"Sir we plant the five soldiers who was with us, on standby on the outskirts of the village entrance. Their the last line of defense for any pesty adventures" said Soldier 1/5.

But while the soldier was informing Sultan a loud,

(Sfx Boooom!)

Could be heard from the village, "that's the generals Magic, so it seems the negotiation didn't go so well. Sultan said to himself then he shouted,

"Men we're going with Plan B men once the Golem is finish with that woman we're heading back to the Village, capture the the woman and children in the village for the Church and kill the rest".

But sir we confirmed only two persons are fighting here, were you able to finish off the rest before we made it" asked soldier 2/5.

(Sfx Fake cough)

Then with a boastful grin "you don't need to ask that, just focus on the task at hand and remember don't go overboard we all need their corpse".

They all started smiling and replied "Yes si-",

(Sfx Burning beam x6).