Chapter 11 Aww, Shit part 2

Ulia slowly walked closer to Sultan, noticing that he's unable to answer any of her question do to him being in 'severe pain' and asked,

"Really…what would be the point of you running away from me after all this, you seem pretty sure of yourself literally just moments ago what's with the sudden change in attitude".

Sultan writhing in pain, look that are confused and saided,

"Ar… are blind…do you have a death wish or something…iin a few seconds, this area will be obliterated".

He then raise his head from the ground only to see an unfaze Ulia by his word, he then realize that it would be impossible to get away. So he contemplates the only options he has,

(God dammit it hurts!, this woman has no idea the destructive force of a fire Golem. she couldn't even begin to contemplate what's going happened to us, must have thought she could use me as a bargaining chip. Ha, aha but it's already too late for me, even if I do survive I would be of no use to my country…to her. I'll have to sacrifice what little mana I have left; to focus on healing myself, it's not much but it's the only option I have now).

He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, his body became enveloped in mana and water; with this Sultan stopped shaking from the pain then with a gentle exhale. He regains his focus has the water started to cover the wounds on his body healing it slowly.

He managed to regain control of his body back numbing the pain and then made his decision. Tremors could be felt allover the entire plane, brace on one hand stood on hiding his fear. Timing the Golem's descend just right, with his head down he whispered,

"Torquem aqua",

(Sfx Splur)

Water started to gush out beneath where Ulia was standing, taking her by surprise forming chains of water around her feets. As it clinched on to her she looked at him to see how'd he manage to touch her without seeing a spell casted.

Noticing this she looks at Sultan's hand and realize he had stuck his hands into the ground,

"Hmm, well that's something… pouring water into the ground so I wouldn't notice it to prepare the spell before it was cast clever", said Ulia with a smirk on her face.

Sultan twisted smile reappeared, as he raised his head and shouted

"Your plan for a bargaining chip has failed, this is the end for all of us, now die!".

(Sfx …)

Ulia then gave a blank expression, lean her head to the side and said

"Huh…bargaining what?",

Just seconds away from the golem finally reaching down for impact.

The scorching heat from the golem starting to reach her as Ulia turn her head around to Rizette and shouted

"Hey ice block!… aren't you done yet".

Tremors from the shockwave were more intense the closer it got, so much so the crater the epicenter Rizette been in started expanding from the downward force alone,

(Sfx Sigh)

Rizette turns her head to see Ulia but was on able, due to her being push down in the crater; has the golem fist was just inches away from her.

"Primer congelamiento",

She slowly started to raise her right arm across, didn't even use much force from her arm that she had raised up, for a few seconds just a few all the heat in the area vanished. As within a single swipe of the hand, as if she was swatting a fly away.

(Sfx Coooo, Crackle)

The Golem was instantly frozen as if time stopped, be noted even the flames were now ice. Rizette raised the same hand up to signal Ulia from the distance by waving it out of the crater. Signaling that it's all good now, seeing the hand-waving within the huge crater with the giant ice Golem above; she patiently sighed.

"Great…took you long enough, now where were we, oh yes you were saying something over all that Shockwave noises", asked Ulia.

For an already light skinned, shaved clean face person like Sultan.

(Sfx …)

He went completely White, his brain couldn't even try to register what just happened. Completely gone the better than you persona was, he's now a slack-jawed dumbfounded man looking at the now frozen fire golem.

(Sfx Coooo, Crackle)

Deciding now to come out of the crater, Rizette then turned back to the frozen statue in front of her blocking her way out of the crater.

"Segundo destrozo".

And with a smash in the distance Sultan brain which was already having enough to process, Only to see Rizette using one punch the shatter the Golem into small fragments,

(Sfx Bam)

A light colded shockwave came from the blow. The giant juggernaut of a bomb, was now broken glass on the scorched earth. And all while it made its descend, it was lucky the consciousness was lost the only moments away from the detonation. With one thing that was left in its very being, was a single word repeating itself in self 'aww shit!'

(Sfx Snap,snap)

"Well hello…are you still with me" asked Ulia as she snapped her finger to gain his attention,

But Sultan just stared into the void completely distraught, at what just happened unable to speak.

Ulia Sighed

"I see…you are just all talk I'm very disappointed" she then turns her head from Sultan and commanded,

"Hey blockhead… your on clean up duty today go, head to the Village!".

Rizette then wave from the distance signaling that she heard the order she whispered,

"Alta velocidad",

(Sfx Wwooosh)

And made an rapid sprint to the Village. Lost in his own little world Sultan murmured

"Milady I have disappointed expectation, I was just supposed to get me a promotion… and meeting the grandmaster personally was all a waste".

Hearing this she looked at him with pity,

"Oh yes, that technique you just use, it did reminds me of certain someone. Someone while being a flimsy excuse for it, should not be able to see you in the first place, though they weren't much to begin with" said Ulia.

Then something at the back of the neck started to wiggle, his veins were twitching. It seems after hearing that Sultan was brought back to reality,

"Oh, and why is that" he ask with a eerie shaking voice.

She didn't even look at him and reply while looking at her nails,

"Simple really… she's supposed to be retired the old witch, I assumed she would have given up fighting after losing an arm. And her…incredible teacher?, I never knew she had such a name for herself".

(Sfx wiggle , twitch)

"I am warning you not to insult my mistress",

Sultan said well clinching his teeth the veins visible on his forehead, glowing blue vein and the neck.

(So I was right, poor guy)

"Oh…so it was her, that explains your strength even your little tantrum. So she's making another set of guinea pigs, and your kingdom and now you want to talk?, so tell me how is that silver tongue harlots, I see she's managed to slitter her way into the Beretta Kingdom now".

"Shut up, you don't know who you're talking about, our mistress is a saint",

"Actually describing her like that allows me to definitely confirm it's what I'm talking about, and for the record the word she invented for her followers".

Has his wound reopen he showed no pain, his legs started to bleed without him even noticing or caring. He just continue to scratch his neck where the blue veins were glowing,

"You dare, you dare what do you know of mistress Lake, when we were starving she fed us when we were sick she healed us. She is saint the church blessed us with, she made me who I am with her love".

Sultan who was literally confused with fear at what's going on just moments ago, is now only showing visible uncontrollable rage as if you was in a trance.

"Hmmm interesting, I see she hasn't changed your old tactics as she same old same old, it's only been a few years she still managed to gain this strong of a follower" said Ulia.

"Shut up, her love will save us" shouted sultan.

She continue to look at him with pity,

"You poor fool you have no clue the trap you've been ensnared in, she poison do to heal you to get you to comply without-",

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shup up!!",

Rambled sultan,

(Sfx cling)

As has he gripped his blade tighter and tighter. What is hands now bleeding from gripping his blade, looks at Ulia with a glare only comparable to a wild wounded animal pushed to the corner. He uses his knees to push himself off the ground holding himself up with his right arm on the ground and his left holding on to the blade.

Ulia literally looking down on sultan on the ground, just looking at his face, started to laugh a bit.

"You think this is funny, the people you've killed with no remorse, the love of our angel, you dare insult Lady Lake who had raised us soldiers from common street peasants, to military generals and lieutenants, you dare belittle my savior!.

(Sfx Scratches)

And now you're just laughing at what you've done to me, does seeing me like this truly amuses you!, I see you only look like a child… there's only a cold blooded monster inside".

(Sfx Scratches)

Has Sultan was rambling on Ulia laughing went down to chuckle to a giggle, all while leaning down holding her head to her stomach, then

(Sfx Rrrroooooossssssswww)

The air starting to get heavy and hot the chains on her feet started to evaporates.

(Sfx Sizzle and steam)

She looks up at sultan, Crimson in her eyes started to glow brighter, the smile all but gone from her face,

"You really are something aren't you... you really think I don't know what's your country's all about, pillage and destroy for the betterment of their own well-being a country that is greed incarnate dares try to insult me by thinking I would even show the slightest bit of remorse for soldiers that would would destroy of home in an instant without even knowing who was in it while laughing and bragging.

I only show pity on you due to the fact that you don't even know the so-called call Angel that you have admired for so long your teacher it's nothing more than a an Leach that feeds off the wealthiest Village or country that piques your interest until she's had her fill on corrupting the youths, and for you to Dare compare me to schitts like you or to a common cold-hearted monster, you should know your place *Koishi!".

Sultan standing on his knuckles,

(Sfx drips)

(Sweating profusely, has the atmosphere feels like it's pushing down on him is forcing a smile on his face as he thought to himself. I guess this is it I doubt you'll let me live now, I won't be able to make it home either way, my minions are dead, the other one is probably reach the village by now, this was our mistake).

"So you want to kill me now right, I've angered you greatly haven't I, but know this my lady promise me a future with her she does not care for a country she loves me, that's something not even the king would understand!, Sultan shouted but Ulia said nothing this time just stared at him pitifully, Sultan then looks down and see the chains steaming away are still on her legs.

(Sfx Grin)

And he made of small twisted smile.

"Well you little monster why don't you just kill me" Sultan shouted,

But as he was shouting at her the water in the chains on her legs changed to blood red and stopped evaporating,

"NEW sanguine",

(Ha,ha, ha it took a while but I managed to let the blood seeping through the Earth where the water was flowing earlier, her fire magic might be strong but my blood binding is the strongest Sealing spell I can use)

He started smiling even harder with his bloody teeth showing,

" With the love of my queen, I will eradicate all who stands in our way!".

He then Slashs off his his fingers that were holding the blade has the blood spurred from him he shouted

"Love Testament cursed water art, blood armaments, arachnid armis".

(Sfx Crawl, slitter)

The blood started to cover his whole body forming a sphere, (Sfx Spur, thud)

Then out of the sphere sprang six bladed legs, two armored like clawed hands and a Four horned knight helmets.

"Hee, hee, hee"

Unable to see his face now but you can hear the Twisted laughter of pain and joy has he keeps repeating

"Heee, love eradicate heee, love eradicate heee, love eradicate, heee love eradicate,heee love eradicate.