Chapter 12 Escalating Corruption

(Sfx Sigh)

While all of this was going on Ulia didn't even move a muscle, she was just standing there as if she was waiting on sultan to complete his transformation with a expression on her face that could only be described as a combination between boredom and pity.

(Sfx Pierce)

Out came Sultan upper body coated in the same blood armor as the rest of his eight legged lower ball of blood body hanging upside down.

(Sfx Cling)

Sultan then picked up his blade by forming claw like fingers in his right hand made of blood, coating it in his blood causing it to extend and started to ooze a dark Crimson aura from it, all while still mumbling,

"Love eradicate, love eradicate, love eradicate, love eradicate",

Over and over again as if his mind was stuck in a trance he while his body housing only the instinct to kill was fully conscious. While still mumbling, he raised his upper body arms apart,

(Sfx Twist)

The two front clawed legs started to merge with his hands swirling around and extending its length.

(Sfx Spur)

And blood from from his left hand created a scabbard for the spear length blade in his right hand, now towering over her as a 11 feet tall bloody spider humanoid like creature.

(Sfx Cling)

He then did something that piqued Ulia interest, that broke her look of pity,

"Hmmm… sticking to your pride on the way down even in madness".

Noticing she made an error in judgment she looked at him now not as a tool but as a man,

"Even if you are brainwashed, even if you are being use, you're going to stick with your truth to the end, I see you're all aren't just a simple pebble. Even so… the wyroms have gotten better",

She said this due to the fact that he used a cursed technique, which normally voids the user of human rationality and more powerful ones can even take the life of the user at the expense of significantly increasing the users physical and magical powers five times over.

Even in a state like this sultan is managing to make the the same warrior stance from before, having the blade in the Scabbard for one final attack.

(Sfx Hizzz)

The blood coated armor Sultan created seems to be evaporating at a rapid pace, and the blood mist off the armour is getting darker and darker. Ulia notice this, realizing his conviction she smile and said

"You humans always know how to made things interesting, fine then let's put an end to this now wouldn't want you to waste all this effort".

(Sfx Tremor)

The earth beneath Sultan's feet started to shake,

(Sfx Cling, drip)

Gripping his bloody hands so hard charging everything he had into this attack subconsciously. Ulia slowly lifts up her left arm to the side and said

"Oh yeah seeing that you can't really talk right now… I'll help you out this one time, you can't use your master's favorite final move without calling its name".


A deafening silence filled the area, Sultan then

(Sfx Shaa!!).

Made a supersonic dash at Ulia and within five seconds him reaching her neck with his blade,

she whispered "Let's see…I think she called it hidden waterblade Style Canticum leo Thadal?".

4 seconds away the blade move closer,

"Or something close to that I think",

3 seconds in,

"It has been a while since I've seen her, I do owe her a beheading",

2 seconds, the blade centimeters from her throat.

(Sfx Sizzle)

2 second In she grab the blade with her right hand then whispered,

"Well I'll deal with that later",

(Sfx Burst)

White and blue flames came from cracks in her left hand,

"Soul burn Dabi"

(Sfx Swing)

And in 1 seconds of catching the blade with her bare hand and the other bright blue flames engulfs Sultan in his entirety and without even blinking she burned him to ashes all within the motion of her hand going up and going down to the right, he became dust being blown in the wind.

Has the ash of Sultan was blowing away, a small insect was visible falling, Ulia quickly grab it from the air. It resembled a caterpillar like insect made of both sky blue shell and Jade water like body, she looks at the worm in her hand.

"So you're the the reason for him to be acting so irrational all of a sudden" she said,

(Sfx Blaze)

As she burned it to ashes in her hand.

(Sfx Sigh)

"Was it really loyalty or brainwashing… well they'er both same to the needed, diving into each other a the drop of a hat afew times. In reality I guess… it was a pity that it was her he fell for, so she still up to her tricks, faking her dead wasn't enough huh, she's still managing to manufacture these jade wyroms".

She looks up at the sky started to scratch her head, has she turn to head to the village and said.

"Oh boy… the king's not going to like this".

Well now back to the chiefs house, Kari's blade which was inches away from Tetso's neck, was being hold back by this unknown person's single-handedly stopping the blade from going any further.

(Sfx Twitch)

Kari coming out of his rage fit, showing a certain level of calmness has returned but realizing the current situation asked

(Sfx Cling)

"Who the hell are you supposed to be how and dare you touch my blade".

While he does this with a surprisingly calm expression on his face, underneath it what he was thinking was,

(what the hell just happened, I knew I shot this person dead on even though I wasn't using my full power, you know to stop the house from being blown to smithereen, but that was enough power to burn ten armorless person bone deep, yet not only is he still alive and able to move but only showing a few cinch mark?).

While he was asking who this mysterious person was his hand was gripping in the handle of his blades stronger and pushing more down, but the blade was unable to move an inch further than what it was.

(What the…not only does he look unharm physically from my attack, but he's managing to overpower me to this extent that my blade can't go any further than where he's holding. What ridiculous strength does this person possess?).

(Sfx Staggering)

Tetso still shaken after losing so much of his blood, having two burn ribs, preparing to take the blade head on. As he was holding his wounded side with the left arm and,

(Sfx Grip)

Charging up for an last upper cut attack with the right. Was surprised to see the blades stop mid motion, to see this outsider helping his Village standing up to the General Kari. Tetso looks up at him, knowing the consequences of defying the Beretta Kingdom and said,

"What are you doing boy, if you're still alive by the grace of the heavens you should have run. This is our village problem you can't be directly involved in it, why did you waste your one in a lifetime blessing, to escape and get 'help'?".

He looked down at Tetso and started to answered,

*Mind you he didn't even try to respond to Kari when he asked who was he, even after holding the blade he was more focus on Tetso).

"Well if you're well enough to scold me, I guess you weren't in that much bad shape for me to get involved didn't want to break our deal. Hmmm…well shit".

(Shit, I just gave myself away for no goddamn reason?… shit)

He thought to himself as he answered Tetso in a calm heroic tone. But while the two were talking.

(Sfx Sizzle)

He noticed Kari's blade starting to heat up in his hand, and when he look back on Kari face,

(Sfx Twitching)

He was absolutely pissed, Kari eyes started to vein up again, he was grinding his teeth, the veins pulsing on his face was making it look like the dragon tattoo was dancing.

(I was assuming he was too scared to even answer me, this bastard thinks he can cut me out of their conversation).

"Do I look invisible to you"

Kari with his rage visible in his even in his calm tone, he looked at Kari with a bland expression and reply

"Oh yeah, you were here".

He let out without really thinking about it,

"Ha, ha,ha you dare you ignore me, do you even comprehend the consequences of what you've just done you- " Kari was stopped short,

When this person who was just ignoring him completely and was talking to the person he was just trying to kill. All while not showing any physical damage from his attack earlier other than his clothes were burned, his black hair was more messed up, face covered in black patches, his skin was covered in mostly small debris from the room he was in, Hell there was even few chard up pieces of wood in his hair.

And he's completely stopping Kari ranting by, raising of his left arm pointing his index finger to his lips and said.

"Sshhhhh, can you be quiet for a sec I was talking".

(Sfx Flare)

Kari's eyes went blood red and his flaming dagger changed into a blazing katana,

(Sfx Swish)

He pulls back his arm and went straight for his head with his katana in a powerful jab.

(Sfx Cling)

And within inches away from his face he moved his fingers from his lips and caught the tip of the flaming blade with only three fingers his thumb, index and middle. While Kari looked at this action in disbelief, but he then turns back his face down to Tetso and said.

"Impatient little bastard isn't he, right old man?".

(Sfx Snap) As he proceeded to bend the flaming katana,

*literally made out of flames with three fingers into two, bursting in the middle.

"Here's a thing chief, I really did enjoy my stay in this Village but seeing that two kingdoms that hate each other are working together for it; it's just not going to work anymore for you. Sorry to say this but I really don't see you coming out of this situation without making some loss, so here's what I'm going to do for you I'll make you another a deal".