Chapter 13 The New Deal?, Think mine's better

Scratching his head, while making up his face. Seemly unsure if he really wants to do what he was about to do.

"Here's the thing I don't really like to dive into other people's politics, but I can't help but to voice in my opinions when people do stupid shit". He comments with a sigh.

(I absolutely don't agree with the methods they're using to get what they want, honestly I would normally ignore it but since this is kinda affecting me. I mean this is going to completely mess up the deal we made before).

"Damn I'm going to have to mess up both plans, aren't I".

Both of them looked at him, unable to understand what he was saying has he scratched his head just lost in his thoughts.

"What are you s-",


Kari tried to talk again before he was silence with the same finger to the lip he gave him before.

(Sfx Twitch)

The visibly pissed off general was trying his very best to remain calm and compose as possible,

(Sfx Cling)

Has he desperately tried to move his blade from his grasp.

"What do you mean both plans boy, is there someone else that we need to be worried about?".

He looked at chief, with a I thought you already knew expression on his face and said

"Who else but the church",

(Sfx Fidget)

Kari looked at him surprised and thought.

(As far as the chief knows the church is turning a blind eye, so how does he -).

"It's simple really both Kingdom wants a profit off of this land Beretta wants more lab rats and soldiers for whatever reason. llam just wants the land for there expansion I would guess. Either way you're at a loss here chief and have no say in it… so I'm going to make a deal with you. A deal that might benefit both of us, well mostly me but at least everyone in the village should be safe".

"Sh…hould be?" Tetso asked,

"like I said to you the way the situation is going, its actually the only way you can still remain the chief of your people. And it really won't cost you anything really, I would guarantee that most of your people will survive".

While still bleeding and in pain, he manage to get his thoughts in order,

"So what's the catch, boy something that perfect wouldn't just come without a catch?" Asked Tetso.

Kari after hearing this thought to himself with a smirk on his face.

(Well well looks like we weren't the only one that was interested in this land, this deal sounds too good to be true. He might be a spy for another country that wants to take this land for themself, 'but I can't help but to voice in my opinions when people do stupid shit'. Ha what a hypocrites in the end he's no better than us he's just taking a slower route).

"Well now old man some hero you have here, come now let's hear this deal" Kari said.

He then made a gentle smile and looked at the chief, the chief was starting to have some serious deja vu.

(Sfx …)

Everyone pause for a second, to hear what he has to say, "...why not just destroy the village ourself, so no one can have it".

At that moment both the Chiefs and the military General jaws dropped, at what they just heard setting them up to a point where the both of them reply in unison.


Has he was only able to hold one of his ears he got the full brunt of the shouts,

"Ouch…man that was loud".

They both looked at him as if he was a crazy person,

"Hey don't get me wrong you'll be able to pack up your things but let's be honest, either way you look at it you won't be able to live here anymore with the eyes of two major kingdoms on this land".

"So you're suggesting that he should make none of us have it, are you crazy how is that the best solution" Kari shouted.

"Like I said this plan does involve necessary sacrifices, but as the chief you have to think about your people first and your village later".

"A…" The chief unable to answer,

"Come on your a crafty oldman you can build a village anywhere, Hell your people created this Village on a plateau, but don't worry we can talk about that later. But for now whats on the agenda is dealing with these Invaders, so thats the deal. Oh and I'm going to need your permission to do it".


(This guy's crazy, this man who said our methods is terrible, is now waiting for the permission of the chief of a village to destroy it, I can't tell which one of us is the real bad guy here) Kari thought to himself as I looked at the chief.

The chief looked at him still giving that 'peaceful smile on his face' in this awkward situation and thought to himself,

(The idea itself is outrageous, and just the premise of it would normally be immediately be rejected by me if it wasn't for these dire circumstances before me).

(Damn these Kings, They say all they do is for the betterment of their country But they have no second thoughts in destroying another man's country. Kari previous deal was to push me to the corner, they came up with this idea with the intention of taking out all escape routes for me not to comply. And this guy realizing all of this just randomly came up with a mess up plan like this, not even caring about the objective of both Kingdom just to screwover both of them. Who would have guts to willingly be on the bad side of two major kingdoms).

(Sfx …)

Has he was still severely injured it was hard composing his thoughts,

(Sfx Wooioimm)

The air in the room start to shake violently Kari who was absolutely done with the whole situation was preparing for another attack,

(Sfx Sizzle)

His blade starting to heat up once more.Tetso noticing this asked,

"Say… boy i,if I make this deal, what would be in it for you other than trying to insult two great kingdoms".

"Like I said I'll give you the details about that later, but for now I can only guarantee that everyone in your village with be safe. And will be so under my protection under any circumstances, following what I'm about to do" he replied.

"Well then boy, do what you must" Tetso replied,

Looking at his face, as he stumbled off his feet.


With him still giving that calm smile,

"Good choice old man, Take a load off".

"I have had enough of this crap, no other de--!!!",

"Shhhhhhhh… shut up, just for a few more seconds".

With his now signature pose of his fingers to his lip shushing Kari,

He shouted "All clear",

then a "Clear" a woman's voice shouted just outside of the Chief's house.

"Give me a direction" he asked,

"I don't know aim west or something" the voice replied.

(Sfx Cling)

He then grip the blade harder, Kari's tried to activate a spell within seconds of the upper blade being pulled

"Great just what I needed, vague directions"

As he then threw Kari through the hole in roof of the house that he created before like a rag doll.

(Sfx Clap clap clap)

Has he dust off his hands he said,

"That should minimize damage as much as possible, and it's more unlikely for him to get an hostage"

Tetso stares at him with disbelief, seeing has he just threw a Beretta general by the blade out of his house like it was nothing. With the combination of extreme loss of blood and massive fatigue He was unable to do anything but just look at this scene, But completely unaware of the circumstances.

"You should go to your people now the girls will guide you through the fog" he said,

"The fog?" Tetso asked,

He points behind them through the hole.

"Yeah take a look" he said.

Has Tetso looks through the hole in this house he couldn't even see the sky above the whole area was covered in a thick white cold Mist,

"Niebla helada, type Santuario del niño perdido".

"Zero visibility outside the fog, that allows us to take care of the soldiers on the ground as well as to move villagers out of the village pretty decent strategy from a ice head" he said with a smile on his face.

"But how…and when did you… you were preparing this while we were talking?". Tetso asked,

"Yeah I guess, but like I said I'll get into more details later but for now I'm thinking he'll be landing on the ground pretty soon so… I gotta go".

(Sfx Sshaaa!)

He vanish out of the building into the air, As a chief lie their slipping in and out of consciousness.

(Sfx Shau)

"I had a feeling, You mighted have needed this", A soft female voice said.