Chapter 14 A Fight?… Really

(Sfx Breeze)

As he was still mid-air he thought to himself,

(Well the plan was to get him out of the village, but I really am just winging it here really didn't have any intention of fighting a general today. Oh crap, I wish I could have avoided all this, maybe I can talk my way out of this with him… I think he'll be a understanding guy).

"Now how far did I throw him, I was aiming over to the west plains out of the mists zone" he said to himself while still in the air".

(Sfx Rooaaammm)

A flame pillar appeared in the distance,

"Hmmm… you would be in that direction wouldn't you"

As he notice that Kari's would be somewhere around where his house would be,

"Did his landing destroy the hill near my house".

* Note He doesn't know that is houses completely destroyed),

(Sfx Whoosh)

He then descended down into road between the end of the Mists going out to the plains. And slowly walked closer to where he assume Kari was,

(Sfx Scratch)

With his left hand scratching his head while staring at the the 5 meter wide flames.

(Sfx Whirl, blazeing)

While he was a good distance away he was still able to feel the intense heat from the flaming spiraling pillar in front of him the flaming whirlpool that was stretching into the sky with Kari in the center with a calm sterne expression on his face. And all he could say was,

(Sfx Pat, pat, pat)

"Akk !…well… you've been busy"

After the flame had reach his robe sleeve and catched ablaze. Going back a few minutes before has he threw Kari through the hole in the house,

(Sfx Breeze)

Disoriented from the sudden change in his footing Kari's wasn't able to make heads or tails of what was going on with him. You know being thrown like a rag doll in the air.

(Sfx Inhale)

He then decided to collect his mind before doing anything else, and took deep breaths. (Sfx Exhale) And was able to gather his composure.

(Sfx Boom)

Then he used his fire magic to burst from the flat of the sword stopping his motion in the air and slowly landed to the ground.

(Sfx Thud)

When he landed on the ground and saw the area around him,


Trying to remain calm and collected was very challenging.

(You're the brave, cool General x3)

(Bb…but why though)

With everything he saw around him, the more question start piling up. Unfortunately he happened to land around the site of the last battle with Sultan, all he could see was the land completely destroyed. Frozen over in some parts, scorched in some and a huge hole in a hill that looks like it was hit by a meteorite, and why the hell is there a mist dome surrounding the village.

(This was not in the plan, place look like with the battlefield of two warring kingdoms. How… how were we not aware of anyone strong enough to wipe out our army was hiding in this Village?. Judging by the destruction, I'd say most of my troops including the sub lieutenant must of been killed and at least one of the person who caused most of this damage, would be the one that set up the mist at the village).

Kari thought to himself then shouted,

"Damn it my best troops should have been around this area, your telling me that even my lieutenant wasn't able to at least finish off this threats".

He then looked around to see if you could at least found the remains of the sub lieutenant,

(Sfx Sigh)

"Lady's going to be pissed that one of her toys broke".

Then he stopped and stared the direction of the village covered in the mist.

(Sfx Thud)

Striking his blade into the ground, crossed his arms shaking his head in disapproval,

"Unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable, honestly I don't care about the secondary objective anymore, going to get a lot of heat from lady Scilian later but this will not stand".

(Sfx Cling)

Grabbing back his blade he then made a striking pose lining his foot out in front of him with his broadsword held up high over his head in both his hands.

"Mid tier, blaze Magic release",

(Sfx Blaze, burst)

*Note magic spells are ranked base on the magical output and the range of affect the higher the tier the more damage its causes, different spells can be incorporated in different tiers which might have the same name but a wider effect, it starts from Normal, Great tier, Mid-tier, High tier, Intermediate teir, Grand tier, World tier, and final the most rarest only been recorded twice the legendary End tier. In each there are stronger graded forms to spells use such as Forbidden, Cursed and Ultimate this increases the power or the effect of the spell, but even a forbidden normal spell would not come close to a mid-tier spell which normally has the power to destroy a small village).

While all of this footnote was going on, the flames spiraling around Kari was rising higher and higher forming a blazing typhoon, while dusting off the few Embers of flames that was still on his robe.

(Sfx Sweat)

"Soooo, Mr Kari I understand your rage, but I don't believe this is necessary be a reasonable General?" he asked with a calm tone.

Kari blocking him out as flames whirled around him, the blaze getting hotter and hotter, flaring all over.

"Ahem... now then, I only talked to you that way earlier; because I didn't want the chief to do any thing to endanger his life so let's not do anything rash".

Noticing his words weren't getting through his,

(Sfx Sweat x2)

His calm demeanor shifted you can now see genuine worry on his face.

"He..hey now take it easy, no need to blow up the whole village" He said.

Whirling flames got even more intense , some of the area around him started to blaze from underneath the earth, flaring up randomly. But Kari didn't respond he was focusing on the attack blocking out everything with a calm look on his face.

(Oh crap, he's in full focus mode, why the hell did he decide to now show some level of professionalism. Well he does look like a general right now though),

As he thought that you realized,

"Ekk, if that's the spell that I'm guessing he's using"

But as soon as he made that statement Kari shouted

"Mid tier, Great Blaze Magic, in spiram incineratio"

Striking his sword down guiding the spiraling wave of red bright flames heading towards him,

(Sfx Twitch)

He realized behind him was a perfect path towards the Mist heading to the Village just a few feet away. Knowing this he looks at the blaze heading to him and said,

"Well you've really done it this time"

Cracking his fingers,

"Well there's only one thing to do now".

As he turns around calmly and shouted,


(Sfx Whoosh)

As he start frantically running towards the Mist repeating,

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!.

Kari looks at him running away from his attack, and thoughts,

(Oh… I thought he might have been able to put up a fight, maybe I overdid it?)

The spiraling flames started getting closer to him as he ran towards the Mist,

(Sfx Shua)

Does a mad dive to make it a few seconds earlier from the blaze diving into The Mists before the Flames reached him.

"Well, either way what's done is done, now I have to think of an excuse for the commander. It's going to be painful explaining this her" Kari said to themself as flames covered the Mist.

As he turns around to head to the west outpost where is he originally ordered Sultan to standby with a few soldiers hoping to see if there was any survivors.

(Sfx Twitch)

As he turns around to walkaway he heard,

"Don't you think that was a bit, Oh… I don't know, excessive".


Quickly turning back his head to see the same man that should be a charred up corpse, just standing outside of The Mists that was still there after the attack looking at him as if nothing had happen.

"How did, how are you, but my flames, there shouldn't be nothing left be cinder, you as well as the entire area behind you, not even a great tier level water attacks couldn't block out my flames" Kari said confused by what he was seeing.

"How did you -",

"I snuff it out" Has Kari I was asking he cutted him short to say.

"W…What!, You",

"Yes, yes I suffocated the flames" he interrupts Kari again by answering.

Looking at Kari with a baffled look on his face, he made a loud exhale and said with his thumb finger pointing behind him,

"You're making it look like it was impossible to get rid of the flames there's literally a water barrier behind me",

Kari slamming his broadsword into the ground,

"But there is no way the flames I create could have been so easily blocked by a measly barrier mist" Kari replied.

(Sfx Sigh)

"You're not listening to me are you, didn't you hear what I said I didn't I say I blocked it nor did I say the Mist blocked its I said it suffocated as simple as that",

Kari trying to process why he's saying,

(Suffocates as if it was a living thing)

"My magic might be great but it wasn't a living thing in the first place to be suffocated, what demonic powers did you use".

(Sfx Sigh)

He exhaled loudly again holding his head up,

"Demonic powers eh, this coming from a guy who uses Blaze Magic" he whisper to himself.

He then while holding his left hand out and pointed his right hands to his lips he said.

"This is all I needed",

"Your words?" Kari asked has he proceeded to hold down his head.

"No you idiots, my breath or the gas from and I guess".

(Sfx Tap, tap, tap)

He looked up back at Kari only to see that he had taken a few steps back, while holding his mouth over his face with a creeped-out expression.

"What level of poison is inside that thing" Kari said in a disgusted tone.

He looked at Kari response, to what he said, look down at his right hand which were still pointing to his lips,

(Sfx …)

and pause for a few second.

(Sfx Twitch)

"Oh…oh, whoa, whoa, whoa that's not what I meant my breath minty-fresh bro".

Has he removed his hand, from his lip,

"How do I say this, I… made… an… gas... blankets… to… extinguish… the… fires",

"You can use the air that way to stop all fire".

Kari looked at him unfazed.

"Do you take me for a simpleton… huh, I know for a fact that wind Magic helps fire magic spread, and I've never seen anyone use any type of gas magic that was perfectly suited to extinguish flames" Kari replied.