Chapter 15 So we're fighting?... Ok then

He smiled at Kari and said "Well… you do know that much".

"Are you actually trying to mock me, do you know who I am then you know of my heritage. The very foundation of my Blaze Magic is enhance fire magic, a blessing from my 'Savage bloodline' I suppose". Kari boast while shrugging his arms,

(Sfx Shiver)

But was immediately on guard after feeling a cold chill in his spine, looking straight at him just staring at him with slight tone of disappointments.

(Sfx Breeze)

"Savage bloodline you say, well before we do anything else let me teach you something".

"What could you possibly teach me, judging by your appearance I would say you're younger than me".

(I'm 34 years old, your just a kid to me) Kari

"The only thing I want to hear from you is who are you, what kingdom are you from and what's your objective here".

"Let me teach you a little wisdom my friend about air and wind Magic". He started explaining completely ignoring Kari's threat.

"Yo, really", Kari reply realizing this.

"While it is true that all the elemental Magics have their advantage and disadvantage as well as combinations with each other, each single element can be broken down into different forms can they not?".

"For God's sake Yes I know that",

(This is basic knowledge for ten year olds at the war magic camp).

"What are you a Mage teacher or something, like I said before even if the elements are divided they can be used together If you're proficient Mage Knight" said Kari.

"Yes, and as proficient mage knight your capable of using certain wind Magic that amplifies any fire magic attack, But that's not by training alone is it".

"And?" (What is he getting at) Kari

"I'm saying a child that's blessed by the mana acting like a ungrateful brat about his heritage isn't really a cool mage knight to me",

"What the...are you really sympathizing with those creatures, sure they were helpful in the past. Hell if I was born just a few Generations earlier I would be considered special in a good way to have their blood in me they are the forbearers of wind magic.

But they ruined it selfishly hoarding the secrets of mana to themself,

(Funny… ungrateful brats, said the person who didn't know just by having that wretched blood inside of me.The pain it put me through, so many torturous experiments I when through to make me the man I am now).

"We humans have created our own original form of wind magic. Even your so-called poison gas magic you've created is human magic base is it not, we no longer need to draw our powers from nature".

(Honestly sympathizing with those Savages, He's definitely not from the church maybe Sol or Cres?).

"But like I said poison magic is way too weak stop my magic, plus I see no potions on you that could've been use to even a Great tier poison magic level".

*Note Poison magic is basically using vials and potions and enhancing its toxicity with mana, sure there are some people that are able use it without using vials but that's basically only after mutating their bodies to release poisonous gases).

(But I see no mutation on him no deformities, He looks like an average ordinary kid barely in his twenties clear-skin skin no warts, even skin tone. He's nothing like any poison user I know of that can use poison magic without any Item) Kari thought while staring him down.


But then Kari realized something "But wait are you… actually able to mix wind with poison Magic?",

He looked at Kari with his hair covering his eyes and reply,

"Hmmm you're half-right if you had study the wind magic as well as Air enough you would know, the poison class in it".

Kari looked at him confused "Poison class within wind Magic ridiculous there in a class of their own",

"Not if you focus more on the diffusion arts" He reply.

"Diffusion art, do you mean Alchemy isn't that dark magic the demonic arts that's been lost from human history for centuries and what do you mean by Air and wind as if they're difference" Kari asked.

"Actually… yes they are different, and lost art?. Please… dark magic can be found in almost any other elemental type it's to us is a darker version of the elements. Although it too comes with its own original spells, the one I'm focusing on right now for this lesson is a poison Air type gas magic. You may not notice but the air around you is filled with different types of gases some while do benefits your well-being, others…not so much".

(Sfx Fidgets)

After hearing this Kari I started to darth all around the area, in an attempt to predict trap spell being launched.

(If he's really able to combine wind with gas, he might have been able to ensnare me in a trap without my knowledge),

Noticing that Kari was holding back his cobolt hilt without drawing it from the ground with his guard up.

(Well the presence of an unseeable threats will do, Maybe I can get him to stand down now)

He thoughts while he boast "Too late the culprit this time is something that while is bad for you it's something that you have inside you already".

(Sfx Pitter, sizzle)

But after saying that Kari armor started to glow bright red, flame started to scorch off his body, more pissed off than he's ever been he shouted "What poison guys have you affected me with".

(Sfx Cold sweat x2)

(What the hell!… My plan backfired?),

(Sfx Clunk)

Drawing his blade out of the ground he position his broadsword for sweeping strike,

"I'll strike you dead, arrrrghhh".

"Easy their tiger the lesson isn't over yet, besides the gas I use is something that you've been using since you were a child to stay alive the very gas you're exhaling right now".

(Sfx Sigh)

Realizing Kari warcry was blocking out his words,

(Crrraaap, It's unavoidable isn't it)

He thoughts while Kari was charging up his sword.

(Sfx Blazing)

Flames covering it from the hilt to the tip of the blade, But while Kari was charging up he didn't realize, the man before him tone had changed as he kept talking.

"For something that the body doesn't need, it has some very unique effect on it"

He takes his left hand off his head that he was still scratching raised it is it to the air as kari shouted,

"Enough of your lies and stalling, Blaze Magic: "Incinerando percutiens"

(Sfx Wwhossh!)

Has Kari made a Rapidash,

(Sfx Swing)

And has Kari blade was about the swing he clasp his hands,

(Sfx Inhale)

and said "Kenó".

(Sfx Swing)

He swings his hand down,

(Sfx Pitter, hoss)

And the flames engulfing Kari disappeared,

(Sfx Thud)

Has he dropped to his knees his vision blurred,

(Sfx Scratch)

As he grabbed his throat gasping for air, he felt as if he was drowning on land his mind started to clutter.

(W…what's... happening… I, can't breathe… all the, strength has…left my, body, my Flames… are gone, what the hell is going on!)

As Kari fell on his back from his knees riling in pain but unable to make a sound he looks up back at while he's in pain, how calm the demeanor of the man before was.


Releasing his left grip Placing his hand over his face. He made another sigh,

(Sfx Exhale)

And said "That should be reasonably for a demonstration I guess, Epistrofi"

(Sfx Gasps, pant, pant)

As air returned back to Kari's lungs.

(Sfx Twitch)

(Sfx Sprung, shua, shua)

Immediately back Sprint's up off the ground trying to get more distance away from him.

"By displacing the flames around a certain area you're able to immediately take out the fire factor as well as using the cold air from the mist the spread the coverage of effect you can basically extinguish any fire".

He tried explaining to do now distraught General still holding his throat with his left hand and cobolt with his right.

"Unfortunately what is left is an odorless, tasteless gases that the body regularly lets out as waste product so naturally it doesn't want to take it back in. It does have a name but I don't think it makes a difference telling you it".

* it's carbon dioxide).

(Sfx pant, pant, pant)

Kari then, forced a smile and said,

"I see now… you're no random spy" has he struggled standing up straight while still at a loss of breath.

"I'm starting to see why you had such confidence in your ability… saying you can stop our plans so easily with a technique like this. We would be in an absolute disadvantage with you, if you were on the old chief's side".

He then while still smiling holds out his right arm holding Cobolt out,

"But that does leave a few more questions, flames Magic: Nequissimi ignea serpentibus perierunt time three",

(Sfx Burst, flare)

From his hand bursts three flaming snakes one going up into the air one flowing on the ground and the last heading straight for him from the sword tip.

(Sfx Shua)

He sprint backwards, heading back to the dome mist, but as he turn Kari whispered.


The snake on the ground sped up going right in front of him,

(Sfx Flinch)

He turned around to face the snake coming in right at his face.

(Sfx hiss)

With quick reflexes he barely manage to dodge the snake's attack by just shifting his neck back, but now looking upside down he seen the other snake from the sword heading straight for him while his body is contorted awkwardly in the air from dodging the first snake. He then made a loud sigh,

(Sfx Inhale)

And clasped his hands and said,


And both snakes disperse before even coming into contact with him,

(Sfx Twirl)

He then spins around to fix his posture he open his hands to catch himself on the ground.

(Sfx Exhale)

He then looks at Kari that seems to be observing him as well not moving,

(Sfx Flinch)

He then realize that their were three shots and he need only handled two, while arriving to that realization Kari said Softly,

"Devorabit eum sanum".

(Sfx Hissss)

Out bursting from the clouds above, a blazing snake attack descended. But was much much larger than it was when it went up as if it expanded,

"What will you do now stranger, no way of dodging this one" Kari said who was back to normal after catching his breath.

(Sfx Scorching)

Immense heat from the attack descending down was reducing his mobility on the range of the attack was so great to dodge completely, he hold up his guard with his two arms covering his head took a deep breaths and shouted


Right before the attack made impact, but this time instead of the attack disbursing.

(Sfx Boom, blazing)

It imploded from the open mouth to the snake's head, as soon as a snake try to swallowed him.

"I see how your attack works now and I have to say what a double-edged sword it is stranger" Kari said gleefully.