Chapter 16 Okay… Let's get Real

While the attack did implode on itself from the head going up to the rest, it still came down with great force.

(Sfx Shua)

He managed to snuff out of the flames, jumping out of it with minor Scorch marks on him his clothes in a more tattered state than it was before, and his jet-black lackluster bedheaded choppy hair was worser than it was before with smoke coming off of some parts. (Sfx Thud) As soon as he landed on the ground he gasp for air,

(Sfx Hah, hah, hah)

With slow panting while he wiped the scorch off his face he said "Well well I guess I was mistaken, you are smarter than an average caveman".

(Sfx Soft giggling)

"Thanks for the compliment, to be honest I thought you were some invincible being for a second. But in the end you're human just like the rest of us. That attack that you're so proud of, seems to have the same effect on you as it does on us. I didn't notice before but it seems, you have to take deep breaths before using this attack. Has it steals the air from a limited area, for a short time I would guess around the time it takes you to open and close your hand" Kari explain.

"You're quite observant for a person who was just now randomly deciding to destroy an entire Village… like, not that long ago. Yet now your so calm and collective it's almost scary".

(Sfx Sigh)

"I thought you were a hothead, now you're really proving that you're a general not in name alone" he said.

"But of course the Beretta Kingdom has no use for hot head at such a high position though we sometimes lose our tempers the selection of any general is a rigorous and torturous one, now then judging by how all three different situation that I brought before you you answered with only one technique I'm guessing either you're hiding more or you're just a one-trick pony either way it seems this was your best move" Kari said as he shaked his head in disappointments".

"It's a pity really, it really is a terrifying move if you don't know how to go around it. But a move that affects both the user and the opponents is too much of a glass cannon really, truly a pity stranger" Kari confess taunting him for his speech earlier.

"Yeah, yeah I know all the bad affects of my magic, I think you can pull through all the same it had more than enough effect on you before. Oh and can you cut it with the stranger " He ask.

Kari then lifts up his broadsword laying it over shoulder and said,

"So what would you have me call you, intruder, disruptor you really are an unknown factor in our plans or maybe just a nuisance",

"Unknown" he said,

"Wait what" replied Kari,

"Yeah you said an unknown factor I like that let's just make it unknown, you can call me that" he answered.

Kari chuckles the bits and said,

"All right then I hope you find your peace, I would have gladly remember the name of the warrior that brought me to my keels,

Unknown looked at him as he ranted on and thought (Dude… you were on your back, where is this bravado coming from)

"But only momentarily, that I'm about to slay but if you want to be left unknown so be it" replied Kari.

*Note he will be known as unknown for the rest of remaining chapters in this arc).

(Sfx Pat, pat)

While patting off the few embers that was left on his robe,

"I would have to decline such an honor, besides how are you even planning on-" before even finishing his statements Kari rapidly appeared in front of him.

(Blaze sprint?)

Unknown tries to cast a spell when Kari shouted right in front of him,

"Bellow flammae"

A massive roar of heat came from Kari mouth blasting unknown point-blank.

(Sfx Barooar!)

The force creating a crater in front of Kari,

(Sfx Shua)

(Sfx Boom)

But unknown manages to dodged the main attack only to be blown away by the shockwave.

(Well that's an annoying rapids spell he's got their)

Unknown thought to myself as he manages to land on the ground with a slight migraine with the ringing in his ears from the huge blast of sound that came from the bellow.

(Sfx Shau, shua)

"You sure are slippery one, but you and I both know nothing will change if you just keep dodging my attacks" Kari shouted to unknown as he was back sprinting to gain some distance.

"Sorry about that but up close and personal isn't really my style" unknown replied.

(So that's the famous dragon's roar, it's quick casting, big damage at such a close range would cause some problems for anyone) unknown thought, to himself while remaining a good distance away from Kari.

(Sfx Stomp x2)

Kari realize he has the advantage so we started to make two big steps forward holding his blade to his side preparing for an upper cut. Unknown sees this,

(Sfx Twitch)

But turns his gaze too his clothes,

"Crap I look like a beggar, and I really like this outfits" .

Kari took this has a chance to strike,

"Pathetic a warrior must always be focus battle, Sprint Coruscare",

(Sfx Burning, whossh)

He vanished in a flaming acceleration to unknown. I still hearing this unknown raised his head,

"Well first of all who said I was a warrior huh, anyway give me a sec-".

(Sfx Flaring,shua)

While unknown was still talking Kari managed to reappear in front of him in burst of flames,

(Sfx Cling)

Seconds away of bringing the broadsword upwards.

(Sfx Clank)

"Really" unknown said as he kicked the broadsword away from his body.

(What!, how did he)

Kari thought to himself but as he took a closer look you notice there was a rippling air effect around unknowns leg,

(Did he use wind magic to reinforce his legs, since staring down on his clothes. Was it an act only a distraction to lure me in for an attack).

"You really have no patience I said give me a sec- "

As unknown was about the finish the sentence Kari shouted,

"Bellow flammae" .

Has he was about to open his mouth wider,

(Sfx Pi,ti,pi)

As mini sparks of flames started to surround the corner of his lips ready for another blast,

"Okay that's enough, katoptrízo"

(Sfx Swings)

Unknowns waves his left arm across his face to the right of his body move this finger as if he's gripping the air and within seconds of Kari's attack drags is hands across creating a translucent barrier like dome.


Another point blank hits but this time it was Kari that was sent flying across the field standing flat in the dirt,

"There now, stay still over there little wolfie see I got to change my clothes, now where the hell is my house?".

But has unknown starts looking around getting a clearer picture where he's at, the first thing came to his mind was,

(Where the hell… is my house?)

Out of his mouth "Where the hell is my house",

He's now looking all over to where Kari landed only to see the charred remains of what he used to call home. He falls to his knees in realization.

(Sfx Thud)

He holds on his head shaking in rage and said to himself,

"Those two idiots had one job, one job",

Kari was knocked out cold for a few seconds from the rebound of his attack got up and saw unknown with his head down on the ground.

"What the hell are you doing now?" Kari ask,

"I don't know what just happened but why do I have the feeling that I'm not even main thing on your mind right now",

"Who's going to pay" unknown asked turning his sights to Kari, his golden eyes gleaming.

"What ?" Kari replied with cold sweat running down his forehead,

"I'm asking who's going to pay for the damage on my house you guys better have money" unknown shouted,

All Kari could do was lean his head to the side bit while still on the ground stopped trying to get up back on his feet.

"Eh what are you talkin abo-"

While Kari was asking unknown holds onto the chest of the shirt.

(Sfx Rip)

Unknown tord off the little piece of shirt that he had left on, to show a necklace. It was multicolored, glistening from the lights a dragon fanged shape crystal that he had underneath the little piece of shirt that he had on left.