Chapter 17 Okay… Let's get Real part 2

"What's that?, is that your trump card" Kari asked,

"Shut up and watch Curry" unknown reply has he squeezes his hand with the necklace in it.

(Sfx Drip)

It started to leak out between his fingers as if it change from a solid to a liquid.

( Was that a potion vial?, no it was definitely a solid gem not a bottle) Kari thought.

(Sfx Splurge)

A gooey liquid starter to engulf unknowns body from his hand,

"Ekk… is that, slime?" Kari asked

(What is this , why would anyone have slime on them. Is he trying to kill himself?).

Even a normal slime in this world is capable of killing an unsuspecting human, if they're not cautious due to its high acidic chemicals within its body that can eat away at flesh overtime if you're not careful.

(While tame singular slimes are way more easier to control than any other familiar, The best of tamers would still not allow any Of them to touch their skin so casually),

"What the hell is with this random suicide attempt, was the thoughts of fighting me that terrifying" Kari asked himself.

"How high is your ego?" Asked unknown as the slime completely engulfed his body,

(Sfx Crackle, Swirl)

As the slime that covered his body started to change shape and color on different parts of his body. Starting from down to his feet it solidfide forming leather like black boots With iron grids on its sole With small white iron plates going up to the shins with iron guards at the toes and the heel, thick dragon scale blue gray pants with a neo blue streak on each side, Wearing crude light shoulderless white bandits chest plate armor, with a black leather shoulder guard going across the right into belt straps holding onto is left ribs on his chest, a light blue scarf covering his neck stopping around his chin flowing off of his shoulders covering his back and finally a black shark's skin three overlaying metal plates on the back black gauntlet gloves on his hands with purple teardrop design on the rigth side of the metal chest plates.

"There we go this should be more resilient than the robe, clothes make a man they always say" unknown said with a chill smile on his face,

"Wait…w,wh,what the hell was that", Kari asked completely dumb struck at what he just saw.

"Whats wrong now?" Unknown reply perfectly calm,

"H…how the hell are you able to make, Slime mimic clothing!" Asked Kari.

(Wait... not only was it able to mimic real clothing, but to such intricate multiple complicated designs if I didn't see the transformation with my own eyes. While it is possible for a slime to mimic the appearance of treasure chest, walls and in rare... rare cases involving Higher Slime swords. But they would always get a detailed or two wrong, They have no brain on their own so it's harder for them to remember details Which is why they're able to be avoided by experience adventurers. That is always been the case, But what I'm looking at right now… Having both metal and leather part, I would think he had bought all this).

"Oh this… call it a trade secret I guess" reply Unknown with the same fake smile that he had when was in the chiefs house,

(Sfx Twitches, shakes)

After seeing this smile again he remembered what happened and Kari when quiet.

Then he said "You know what… forget it I'm am honestly tired of this back and forth with you,

(Sfx Tmp, tmp)

"Do you… not know who I am, do you really feel you have a chance of coming out of this alive… to be holding onto secrets,

(Sfx Sizzling)

Acting cocky… thinking of our little warm up, as a lesson and giving me that… belittling smile, who the hell do you think you are!".

Unknown notice while Kari was talking the air around him started to get hotter and hotter, the ground Kari was standing on started to smoke flame cinder started the spark off of his armor, Cobolt his broadsword started to glow bright red on the blades edges.

"I'm done with you, we'll find what we need to know from your charred up corpse",

"Original War Blaze Magic: arma draconum, Edge incinerando, modus bestia!".

(Sfx Burning Shah)

Kari then disappeared in a burst of flames,

(Blaze Sprint without casting?),

(Sfx Shah)

Unknown thought… only to realize Kari had reappearing behind him,

(Sfx Flaring swing)

Bringing down Cobolt with a scorching slash,

(Sfx Woossh)

Unknown barely shifting the blade's edge across his body by moving slightly to the left.

"Edge incinerando Style Down Flash".

(Sfx Fssss)

Missing unknown the downward slash scorched everything in the blades path scarring the land,

(Sfx Cling)

Kari then doesn't miss a beat seeing how his first attack missed turns his blade to it sides blaze started to burst more violently around his right shoulder.

"Ardenti fragore armorum".

(Sfx whooom!)

Kari then Rams shoulder first at the unknown covered in a solid flame Aura,

(Sfx crash)

Sending him straight over to the rubble that was left of the hill,

"I'm not done yet, Casso vulnere flagrare infernum".

Stretching out his right arm he charged A dense Speer of flames and throws it in the direction of unknown.

(Sfx… Kaboom)

The explosion was huge Incinerating what remained of the destroyed hill,

(Sfx Pant, pant),

(Serves you right no one has survived my three Dragon killing combo, Edge incinerando Causes of tip of my blade to burn so hot Can burn through anything,Arma draconum creates a flame defense around my body Which allows me to use close range Fire magic faster and finally Modus bestia boosts my physical Ability but it does burn out my mana fast).

And without missing another beat after sending him into the rubble Kari stretched out his left arm,

(Sfx Rrrmmmm)

Then a magical circle started to form over unknowns position and Kari started to chant,

"Impius veniet super eum peccatum macula",

*Note Saying the full incantation before casting a spell brings out its true potential)

"Mid-tier Blaze Magic: Execrabile iudicium denuntiat oculus".

The blazing aura that was coming off of Kari, started to flow into the magic circle as if it was siphoning off all of as much mana as possible.

(Sfx Rrrrmmm,a,mmm)

Runes Started to form around the edge as the magic circle started to recede,

"Set hoc oportet hominem esse iudicium iudicet".

(Sfx Flareing)

Above it formed a bright orange and red blazing sphere a flames taking the form of an eye with a gray sharp cat like iris looking down.

(Sfx Rustling)

While all this was happening,

(Sfx Sigh)

While slowly coming out of the rubble, all but unscathed by the attack unknown said,

"Really was the shield bashing really necessary, are you planning on ruining every clothes I have left huh?. Lucky this armor is a bit more sturdier than the last".

(Sfx Blazing)

The burning eye then looks down on unknown, Kari smiled while panting with exhaustion he said,

"Now walk out of this unscathed".

Unknown then looked up and saw the eye looking back on him, Kari then brings down his hand and shouted


Has the eye proceeded to descend rapidly down expanding slowly. Unknown quickly holds up his hands, while trying to hold his breath he realize,

(Sfx Clenching)

(The air is already this thin?).

(This spell burns the air faster than you can dispel it, all while adding a little special surprise to its) Kari thought to himself while still grinning.