Chapter 18 Creeping Fear

Unknown now truly worried having more cold sweat on his face seeing that the attack can't be stopped, immediately shifts his arms to the right grabbing the air for another spell. Kari see this but kept concentrating,

Unknown then shouted "Hope this work, Katoptrízo".

(Sfx Swing)

Creating a translucent air dome over his head. But what he didn't notice while Kari, completely exhausted from burning out all of his mana was still smiling at the attack coming towards him,

(Wait… he knows this spell why create an attack that he knows I could deflect, he may not know the range but to test its capability with such a large scale Magic spell?)

He thought to himself ten seconds away from impact,

(Sfx Twitch)

Reacting to ominous feeling within the spell he gazed at the blazing eye emitting from the pitch black pupils.


(Sfx Varcrooommm)

A violent eruption of heat and pressure hit the floor all at once shaking the entire plateau. As the attack hits the ground scorching the very earth surrounding it, Causing small fissure in several different areas across the land as it completely swallowed unknown whole. The sphere create a pillar dark red flames that started to burst orange blaze out from different sections, as the pupil started dilating getting larger and constricting over and over till.

(Sfx Boooommm)

The first layer off eye then implode on itself sending most of the black flames down onto the ground even more while still slowly rising up as which cause even more tremors to the ground.

"Almost there" Kari said as the pupil of the eye that was running all over dilating constricting suddenly stop.

The pupil then expanded out pitch black smoke starting from the base of the attack heading straight up to the top. The black smoke started to mix with the flames cracking out from the pupil, until this pillar of flames turn into a pillar black fumes. After seeing all this, unable to hold it back,

"Aha aha ha ha ha… serves you right to underestimate me, this spell is specifically made for arrogance fools like you" Kari laughed hysterically.

(The Witches Eye of judgement the forbidden amongst forbidden, normally this material spells originally use to wipe out a certain traitorous village, it has no military means otherwise due to its ability to kill both sides in war. Its flames discriminately kills everything in this vicinity, due to some helpful advice from that mad witch; I was able to use it, but just trying to control it into a single point takes a lot of mana control as well as casting the spell in the first place cause a lot of my blood To be drained out through my mana. But the best part of this spell, is its after effect after burning up the air contains the intense flames in and converts all the fumes and smoke into a single points the pupils all that toxic fumes build up into one area. And is released all at once if you haven't been burned to cinder, the toxic fumes certainly will kill you, perfect for arrogant barrier users) Kari thought to himself Has he kept laughing.

Until his vision got blurry, Still holding out his left hand He grabbed his mouth with his right hand.

(Sfx Thud)

He felt his knees coughing out blood,

(Damnit… so soon, mana deprivation is starting to kick in).

Managing to get up, He wiped The blood off his mouth.

"Well I've contain the blast as much as possible, Honestly I think I may have to get out of this place quickly… I can't maintain this much longer might as well let this go over to the Mist barrier if it kill the villagers I can say it was an accident". He said this as he lightly chuckles while still panting from exhaustion.

Kari then turns to the mist,

"Well since everyone's going to die in this area anyway. I might as well finish my little talk with the Old chief, he can be chalk up as an accidental death like the others" he said as he walked towards the mist.

Then that atmosphere around the air got dark and heavy all of a sudden,

"Enough of this" echoed behind Kari causing him To completely stop in his tracks,

An undescribable fear cause him to be unnerved from the numbness from the very sound of the voice.

"The disrespect of the move just used aside… is that it, have you had your fun".

After hearing this has if fear itself had manifested into ten long erie twisting vines, started to engrossed his body Kari was completely paralyzed from the head down.

"You see… I can let you have your fun, but, you keep going too far mid-tier this, mid-tier that; you're really just throwing out large-scale genocide attacks like there's no tomorrow".

The vines were slowly wrapping around his body covering his throat's, He not only could feel the coldness on his skin going over his body, but it gripping his hearts. As he look down on his Armor he realized it was nothing there,

(W…what is, is this presence… This numbness it feels so real is this illusion magic?)

Kari was barely able to turn his face around to see the fumes still gushing out he manages to murmur,

"Im…i…impos…sible, you should be dead ten times over".

(No this isn't an illusion, I don't sense a disruption in my mana).

"And who decided that" the echoing voice reply,

(This… fear isn't caused, by magic… this instinctional fear of dead, it reminds me of).

"Says… can a general really kill a king, you really think too highly of yourself" the voice echoed,

"You, said King!" Kari ask.

He manages to turn his head completely to the fumes, only to see in the black rising smoke, standing over 15 ft tall eyes darker than the smoke itself as dark as the blackest void even in the black smoke visible and terrifying.

The voice then echoed "Well if you are able to kill a king, your just a few levels away from putting a scratch on me you 'Malaka' "

" Now, Katavrochthízo".

The beast in the fumes opens its mouth and and slowly started to suck up the fumes while shrinking in size. Kari with his now signature dumbfounded look but couldn't do anything but just watch his attacks, be eaten by what looks like a now human-sized purple slimeball. The ball of slime then spats out unknown completely unscathed by the attack, covered in goo,

"If you're planning on killing me, had only a general that won't do" he said has the slime continued to recede in size.

"Well… maybe a Commander or a War Lord, but not a general" then when the slime size had reach to the size of a grape,

Hop up as it hardened to turned into a crystal in unknown's right hand.

"There we go, honestly if that fume had even reached the edge of the village I wouldn't be able to keep my promise with the chief. Now that that's all storted out" said unknown as he then looked up over Kari.

Kari see is him looking over his head,

As he shouts "Calm down Esma!, you're scaring the guy half to deaths" Kari then looks above him only to drop down on his knees instantly.

As what was over head, unbenounced to him, was being under the dim shadow a 11 meter long, 8 meter wide a mix between light gold, orange and yellow translucent five finger clawed hand, moments away from fattening him like an ant.

"There you go overprotective as always, I told you I got this now comeback".

The hand then slowly receded back into the clouds, but that didn't stop the paralyzing near death fear Kari was feeling. That is until, he saw what fell out of the sky after just moments after the hand receded back into the sky completely, Just moments later. Down came a small colorful ball of slime landing right in to unknowns left right in a loud splats, flattening on the ground before coming up back again with its gelatinous body.

(What Are you telling me that thing Was a slime?. A D rank monster Creeping Fear Slime?) Kari thought to myself self,

Not even realizing that he was freed from his paralysis.

"I told you, no more destroying landscapes it's harder to hide when you destroyed the entire area around you" unknown shouted into the slime's face.

(So it was a tamer and a wind user, I've never seen a slime with that type of skill before its color looks as if it's a mixture of all the autumns colors, not an elemental type at all. And why is he talking to it As if it can respond, It doesn't look like it has a corpse in it so I couldn't have a mind of its own).

"And what if the poison had reached the Mist, would you be able to take responsibility for even allowing one of my daughters to be sick" the slime it a graceful female's voice shouted back at him.

(Wh…wh…she can talk, wait wait, it can talk… it can talk) Kari thought to himself.

"You and I both know the girls can take care of them self",

"Really then why did you get all serious then hmmm",

"I was trying to keep you from destroying the entire plateau".

Kari could do nothing but look at their constant bickering with each other and thoughts.

(W… What the hell is this!, did I take in some of the fumes without knowing. Th… that thing was inches away from crushing me like nothing,and it was this colourful ball of slime, this nobody who had nothing to do with the mission or even the village entirely. And is somehow both able to outclass me in skill?).

Oh before I forget, let me explain this annoying slimeball here is not a bodyguard that's why I didn't counted her when I was explaining earlier about having one guard with me. And she's not a stalker like the princess… she happens to be, the only thing, I'm one hundred percent certain I would never leave behind she's my first companion best friend/pets I guess. Her name is Esma she is what I would call a gift from the heavens. In this world, obviously they are magical creatures such as dragons, beastkins, elfs, druids, angels, demons etc, so not surprisingly really as in any fantasy world you would have slimes.

Now for all those who think that's slimes are mediocre, can be one shotted by a basic level 1 adventurer, really think of the qualities of it for a second and put yourself in a real-life position; it doesn't have a real physical form, can eat organic or inorganic materials, punching it doesn't do anything attacking it with a weapons only goes through it like jelly, using the wrong magical spell will just burst it then scatter it for it to form back again if it's not destroyed by its nucleus it is considered almost impossible to kill by a common person.

And if it gets into contact with your skin especially for example I don't know your face you can literally drown on land has there's no way to pull it off since, you know no physical form and let's not forget the fact that it devours everything in its path organic or inorganic, I know I said that already but that seems like an OP creature to me.

In this world we have difference rank, types or levels to slime you have the D rank common slime, C rank Elemental, B-S rank Warrior, the unranked due to no adventures being able to successfully subdue any an S class True King and finally deity or Queen.

The common slime is what you would find in any fantasy world, also called Creeping Fear due to its ability to rise in the ranks based on its sheer number but if you destroy the nucleus you kill the slime, Elementals are more challenging due to the fact that after devouring certain manaore it develops a certain magic type which makes it harder to kill if you are fighting against the type that your disadvantage to but due to this mutation there are less likely to be in large groups of different types, Warrior slimes are when things get more tricky.

They are a even more rare mutated slimes that ate the living or corpses of a high-ranking adventurer whose souls are still bonded, these kind can give off the personality trait close to its prey without showing any intelligence mostly instinctual reactions, physical appearance in a more slime like form and even skills the adventurer once possessed.

As a B-S rank mostly only high-ranking adventurers would be able to take them on in a fight, luckily they are rarely seen outside of certain areas. They mostly inhabited three area which are the Mangrove Lakes, abandoned fortress and The Gaza Forest.

Now for the high mutations you have the True King Slime only Four have ever existed, and only two currently exist they are the hierarchy the apex predator in their respected area one ruling over The Mangrove, and another to the outeredges of the Gaza Forest, No Man's lane. While a normal Warriors slime can only devour one thing and copy its attributes even if it's still is devouring others it'll only up its base abilities, its form will remain the same with an increase in mana.

The True King however is a mutation on its own, by devouring magical beasts such as Great Dragons, God Wolfs etc it has the unique ability to fully evolved the more it devours enabling it to even have some form of intelligence as well as high tier magic casting capabilities they are the 'Protectors of their domain'.

They are incredible shapeshifters enabling them to show their own individuality separate from there prior devoured victim. And finally we have the Deity class or the Queen class which the only existing one is by my side right now, she is what you get when how do I put this when a slime eats something celestial I guess.