Chapter 24 The Conclusion

"Enough of this!" shouted Kari,

Has he instantly sprints back to get some distance,

"You done?" Asked unknown.

Has he was still trying to work in his footing, the muscles in Kari's whole leg started to expand rapidly enough to break apart the armor the veins that was visible had fire and blood gushing from it..

(Sfx Whoosh)

Seeing as unknown was still unable to regain his balance Kari was pushing is speed to the utmost limits tearing a few tendons in the process, but he didn't care thinking this was his last a chance to finish this. Kari instantly clearing the distance between them again with his sword held over his head he shouted

"Sword Art: Downward Flash, Armor splitter".

(Sfx Cling)

Has his blade went down, unknown managed to catches it with his two hands by intertwining the the gauntlet's claw.

(Sfx Clang)

And to counter the full force of the attack he thrust his left leg into Kari's chestplate reducing the downward force of his attack. But has his kicked land on Kari's armor,

He burst into vapor "Blaze step: Heat husk" Kari whispered has he's now crunch down aiming for an upward slash at unknowns right leg now in mid air.

"A solid after image huh" said unknown as within seconds of the attack coming towards him,

(Sfx Stomp)

He stepped on the flats side of the broadsword, by I'm making a rapid spin kick in mid air just in time to stop it in its tracks with his left foot.,

(What the?… who the hell do you think you are!) Kari thought to myself has he then grabs unknowns by his left foot's ankle with is right hand,

And then pulled him off his blade, throwing him to the ground but unknown was bashed into the ground managed to land on his hands. Then while holding the Cobolt in his left he then proceeded to swing it from the shoulder down wards right at unknown, with the intention of slicing him into unknown then deflected it with his right metal shoe guard by twisting his hands while on the ground to do a spin kick, windmill. Unable to stay cooled minded has his pride as a proficient fighter I was being crumbled away,

(I am a great general of the Beretta at Kingdom, I fought countless enemies for my people, for my king) Kari thought to himself has he grabs unknowns right foot,

And took him off the ground again, then swinging him straight back down. This process kept dragging on, his mind unable to process sentences in his thoughts anymore.

(Die, die, die)

Kari kept using one hand for striking unknown with his sword and the other hand to grab him and throwing around like a rag doll, while unknown always managed to break his fall with his hands before getting any damage while deflecting all Kari strikes with his shoe guard while Doing the windmill. Esma who was told to stay still was just watching this happening over and over and over again.

(Humh… few more minutes should do I guess) she thought,

But while Kari was going all out the full-body heavy armor he had on was slowly being unable to handle the expanding muscles breaking apart at each joints. With both fire and heat gushing forts from his veins and muscle, from the cracks he was able to regain simple thoughts from the pain. But the only thing that kept running through his mind was,

(This is insane why am I having so much trouble dealing with this jumping B-boying monkey, I've took on bishops from the Holy Kingdom, Giants from the cold continents, we were even able to take on them one of the most vicious onslaughts of demon hordes in the Monster Siege On the blood moon night raid, I was single-handedly able to survive on my own against one of the monster kings general one of the strongest forces I've ever seen in my life. Although I was only able to survive that trial by sacrificing my entire platoon to make it back alive but still with just a few broken bones Here and there I was still able to survive; I've never been so overwhelmed in my life just remembering it brings cold fear in my very soul. So why...why am I getting the same feeling from that creatures just watching us, how is something so powerful under the control of this guy, I've never seen or heard of someone who fits this description. But to make matters worse I don't feel anything from him that might seem to be threatening at all, I'm barely getting feeling enough power to put him into a lieutenant rank, but his skills alone puts him in a general rank. I've never seen anyone this hard to kill other than that Arch Bishop, how can someone be this unknown to the world but has this much potential to be a problem for any reason, could he really be from the demon capital, the spirit beasts capital, or could it be).

He then used his left hand to grab unknown left foot, and use his right arm to twist Cobolt in his hands Landing the flat part on his chest akin to holding a bow and arrow. With his broadsword facing his chest in a piercing motion he pulls unknown mid air in to be skewered, unknown then tried to twist his body, But Kari's gloves was all but gone grabbing his calf with his bare heated hands. While Kari had him in his deadgrip, changing his pants material to a slippery mucus to twist, use his right foot to kick away the blade, then using the blade as a footing to kick his way out of Kari's grasp. Did a few back sprint to get some distance, but managed to sprained his left leg with his twisted while it was still being hold by Kari.

"Getting slower are we?" boastfully said Kari with an arrogant smile on his face has the dragontattoo, visible veins across his face was glowing bright red.

(Sfx Patting),

"No not really just having a hard time to gauge speed now reply while unknown dusting off the dirt off his armor.

(Well isn't that obvious… I am getting stronger by the minutes, you wouldn't have been able to keep up with me anyway. Why make such a ridiculous statements as if you're trying to state that your lower your speed to keep up with me) Kari thought himself.

As he leaned his head slightly trying to understand what unknown meant.,

(Wait have I been getting faster by the minute, if that was really the case why am I not feeling any advantage in our exchange just now).

"Oh I guess you're far enough to start having fully conscious thoughts now" mumbled unknown,

(W… why wasn't I questioning my actions the drugs effect wasn't making me go berserk, so why wasn't I able to collect my thoughts and was in full Assault Mode. Not only that) Kari thought themselves while holding his right hand to his face,

(My speed, strengths and endurance something's off. I may be faster but my accuracy decreased?, I should be three times stronger than I am pulling out right now. A calm beserker she saided… no that's not the issue here lady has never lied to us before, but the most disturbing question I have right now is why am I still completely healthy my body should be burning from the inside out by now ready to implode ) He thought with a disturb expression on his face.

But then a loud gasp left his mouth, as he looks on unknown flashing his wrist has if his hands felt the shock from all of his strikes.

"That veil of wind you had on, what was in it" Kari with a broken voice mumbled while looking at the unknown.

Still focusing on flashing his wrist not really looking at Kari's in front of him he replied,

"Umhmm… oh that, nothing special really since you're so willing to take in dangerous poison. I thought I might as well help you with one of my own".

Kari exhaled, stood up straight looks straight at unknown and whispered to himself

"I see"

He then look down on his now broken sword in his right hand.

"Oh yeah that, well that last attack where you tried to skewer me took me by surprise so I broke it on reflex" unknown said after noticing he was looking at the sword.

After hearing that he snapped,

"I see"

Flame started the spark from the broken broadsword. Then immediately without even looking at a him, threw a raging left downward slash on pure rage alone the sword then caught ablaze; flame stretching out forming the end of the blade before landing on the ground Kari's only thought in that instance was,


From the blade came a ten feet tall Crescent shape blade of flames, but then exploded outwards incinerating everything in unknowns direction six meters wide covering the place in heat dust and smoke.

Kari completely baffles at what just occurred, looking down on his blade which is still on fire.

"My...magic's back?" He question himself,

"Well you certainly had some mana left in you" unknown replied as he reappears behind Kari this time. He continued "Well… the original plan was to burn you out without you exploding, I was counting on you to have all the intention of staying alive while trying kill me, to defend that 'Pride' of your I say that it worked perfectly".

Kari turn around to look at him and ask "How?… why, you know the risks, the chance of me, how" reply stumbling on his words.

"It's understandable that you're confused, let's just say it's a gas that I had around my gauntlets were made for a focused mind person like you. It's completely harmless otherwise so your life is not in danger, but it increases the body need to fight in a person essentially making them a tunnel vision beserker only focusing on the task at hand not focusing on its surrounding or its own body just its rage and its target. I can't produce a lot of it, so it's essential to be in close range with the person getting drugged. And it does as a side effects" has unknown was explaining.

(Sfx Plop)

Kari then falls to his knees his vision blurry, his hand shaking has his arms dropped to the floor unable to move. He starts looking around his body checking if he has suffered any major injury, but what came as surprise too him was that not only was there no wounds. The few bruises he had while the potion was in effects was ripping his muscles apart, breaking his limb bones from over-exertion they were all gone it was as if he never took the potion at all.

"What did you do to me, my body is perfectly fine yet I feel as if I have a mountains on my shoulder",

He shouted unknown still holding his left hand up pointing his index finger at him and replies

"If I remember correctly I think he called it, Rhabdomyolysis".

Has he's talking he moved his index finger gently, Kari could feel a slight tugging at the back of his neck.

(Threads?, no its a string)

He thought to himself,

(When did he?… wait it must have been when),

He flashes back from the moments unknown cast the wind veil spell,

(So the drugs true purpose, was the numbing of my senses so I wouldn't realize he had a attached this on me).

Unknown continues to explain "It works similar to when you push your body to the breaking point, its just this time the body is having a harder time recovering from all the damage put on it, since I stop the body from knowing its limits. While you were burning out your Mana from the inside, your muscles and bones were tearing apart and reconstructing imperfectly in rapid succession. So by time The potion effects had started to ward off your body while looks like it's in perfect condition has suffered irreversible damages, judging by the scan I'm getting I don't think you're able to use those arms again".

Kari who has his head down, just raises his head up to the skies and all he could say was,

"Damn it… you haven't even touched me, my plan was to fake the exploding threats. And in the end I still managed self destruct".

(He had no intention of striking me down he just wanted me to prolong the fight, I can sense it now this string supplying healing magic directly into my bloodstream, my nerves are shot, my muscles aren't responding the way I want then to, and my bones are broken in the same place like a glass vase glued together) Has he thought to himself noticing that on unknown's leg the wound received had also been healed.