Chapter 25 So… what happens now?

"Are you done yet?" Esma asked from the distance,

"Almost give me a few more minutes" reply unknown.

"What more could you want from me, haven't you toy with me enough. You aren't even giving me the honor of seeing your face before I die standing behind me, you are no warrior to be defeated by you is the second most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me" said Kari.

Unknown look at him after hearing that with a bland expressionless face and said,

"Ummmmm… ok then, two things before I start asking questions, I wanna know when did I ever say I was a warrior of honour?".

He started to walk closer behind Kari and as he was,

"Honestly I'm surprised you would say that, so you really think I'm stupid enough to get in the angle of one of those bellows of yours. Two… second most humiliating huh, wasn't really trying but you kind of hurt my pride there".

Has he started to pat Kari on the head "So… what were you trying to do to this Village".

"Don't touch me stop treating me like a animal haven't you humiliated me enough" Kari shouted shifting his head out of unknown hand.

"I say I haven't humiliated you enough, But that's neither here nor there what I wanted to ask you is, describe the woman that gave you this potion, and under whose orders was it to take this Village" Unknown asked.

"My orders come only from my king this was a decree directly from Lord John Crow Beretta XCII himself I have no reason to hide that from anyone" Kari proclaimed.

"But clearly not from him alone, what about the woman" unknown asked Kari remain silence.

"I see",

"Why asked what you already know, seeing that you just said woman, and just by seeing the bottle identified that it was a woman you should know already my lady. And it's the mutual relations you have with that person, you guessed the Holy and the Beretta Kingdom have sign a mutual agreement on this land".

"But why here" unknown ask,

"Because this villages is the closest to the area to meet our end goal" Kari reply. "And that end goal would be" unknown ask, Kari then smiled and replied.

"The great expansion, the plan to take over the sizlion Region. To invade demon continent, And to take the head of the wretched Demon King".

Unknown holds the string on is index finger tighter has he thinks, (No changes to his vitals?, he's not lying he genuinely believe what he's saying).

"So… now you see what you've done, this is all for the greater good, I would like to make our methods harmless. But looking for righteous at moment you probably think you won't find it but the end goal is the same. You might see me as a villain right now but this is for my people and for the thousands other of the two Great nation's survival, We can't continue to live under the constant fear of the demon army impending attack. You understand right… how it feels to defend the weak, you're doing so for this Village right now".

Unknown just look at him with calm emotionaless expression as he continues to rant on, seeing that he deny any of his claims.

"HaahaaHa you see… you and I are no difference the both of us are just protecting our people. I just so happen to be protecting a whole nation from its impending destruction. Tell you what we can talk to the chief together and see if we can make a compromise, don't you see this is all for the better of humanity. What's a Village to the survival of our race. I am a hero of my country so I'm prepared to die a martyr, but you are blessed by the heavens to have even more power then I can even imagine; why stay and protect a small village when you have the capability to guide 'Humanity to Greatness' beyond our wildest imagination, stand with our Queens and Kings of our nations be the hero you are clearly born to Be-"

(Sfx Slash).

Kari was talking on and on until he heard quick slash of wind, only to look down and see his throat has been slashed.


"Okay, okay I get it already, enough of the bullshit" said unknown has he twitches his middle finger which had the string that cause Kari now slash windpipe.

"Wwyyyhhhuy" Kari unable to speak, still unable to move his arms to stop his throat from bleeding out;

And was just left in shock but still had consciousness unknown had clearly made the slash to stop him from talking but not to strike a vital spot.

"So that's all they told you wrong just to type this Village good to know, you could have stopped their though" unknown said as he walked slowly to stop right beside Kari's shoulder, so he could look up on him has he said.

"Humanity's sake, hero, for your own race, for the better good; no matter how many years have passed you guys all say the same bulshit" he said as he looks out on the charred remains of the attack that's scorched the land in front of him.

He then looks down on Kari "I think you're mistaking a few things, first of all who told you that I was on Humanity's side your goal isn't coexisting it's complete domination or if not extermination. Secondly who told you that I was even human in the first place, and if your version of hero is the guys that are willing to commit mass genocide of an entire race then I don't think I'm interested in that position. Thirdly for your own race again putting me into your race just to benefit off of me doesn't make me your race, all that ranting might of sounds so beautiful in your mind but the real objective of everything that you just said was not even for a genuine reason to attack out of fear of possibility of an attack is complete nonsense. You fear it, you're not sure of it, so you decide to destroy it before it can hurt you. Fourth and Final for the better good that's a nice way of putting it, why don't you say what you really mean due to the constant use of the resources in your kingdoms you guys are trying to go outwards to get more resources, you see an untouch area like sizlion has a power boost for either Kingdom. So you're willing to work together until you have enough resources to fight over who has more later on in the future, this is not for the people you're so proudly proclaiming. Its not making lands for farming, housing or anything for the people so to you guys its just one more territory, like I said before I'm neither hero nor villain, Human nor demon so I could care less about your agenda. But if you're trying to take control my territory, then its about time the Pope and the Crow knows where I stand".

He then points out his finger opening his left hand beside Kari's right side, has Kari try to ask


* who are you).

Unknown looks at him, his pitch black mid long hair waving in the Wind that was covering his eyes, this showed his dim golden eyes glowing crimson red in the middle.

"Just an everyday monster I guess, Nekrós apó mólynsi",

A dark purple gas started to guse out from his palm and upon touching Kari on his right shoulder. Instantly started to speard crawling up on his skin As if it went from a gas to liquid upon touching his skin he could do nothing but look in horror has his body was slowly being engulfed. Trying to scream but his voice couldn't even be heard by anyone completely horrified all the way to the last patch covers his iris with nothing but pure terror in his pupils and then silence.


As the now ash purple silhouette where his was started to crumble to the ground like dirt, Unknown then looks at his left plam and thought to himself,

(Well that's disappointing on my part, Guess he's struck a nerve I did get some useful information); then he look at the mist dome from the distance and whispered,

"Now I'm left with more questions than answers. Well let's see if the girls got anything, As he sprints towards to mist.

(Sfx Shau).

As he was making his way to the Mists Dome.

(Sfx Wam)

He was on the receiving end of a punch to his face, by a slime fist sending him flying over to the side. "You were actually trying to ditch me, weren't you" Esma said. "Ouch, wasn't trying to ditch you I was just trying to move as far away from problem as possible". Esma then change it into a human shape slime form, taking on the appearance of a childlike body in her colorful translucent form. As she walked towards unknown cracking her knuckles she replied "Ha… can you really say you're avoiding problem when you literally just killed one of them crow's top soldier.