Chapter 29  What comes next you…might not like

As Lieg made his way up the stairs of the chiefs house, still trying to come up with an excuse for what just happened.

(Okay… have to be serious but not too serious, I'm sure that he's still worried about what's going to happen to his village. I need to make up a believable lie to get out of this mess, can't afford to keep them worrying).

As he makes his way up to the chiefs room, with the most sturn of expressions, only to find the chief taking up one of the now broken chair that had been blowed away. Lieg just awkwardly approach,

(Sfx Creak)

Push the door that had been broken in two open, the chief looks up at him, he look down on the chief and without saying a word. Helps him move over the table that had been broken into two, back into the center of the room. Lieg sat on one of the chair that had lost a foot in the corner of the room. They tried to center the room away from the chard bedroom as well as the big hole in the ceiling, now that they both sat down another awkward silence filled the room. The chief looks at him, he looks back at the chief and all Lieg could say was,

(Sfx Lip-smacking).

"Well… nice view huh", noticing that not even a chuckle came out of Tetsos,

"Sorry" he apologized.

Tetsos then looked at the hole, and what used to be his bedroom and sigh.

"Well I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting all of this to happen anytime soon but boy. I never thought they would take such drastic measure, not only threatening human lives, but was all but willing to exterminate us for their cause".

He was said all this while Lieg was trying to remain composed, while balancing on a three footed chair.

(Sfx Wobbling)

"To be honest I'm glad you word it that way, cuz if you had lie saying that you didn't expect, I would be remiss not to reprimand you for such a idiotic statements my friend. Like we discussed before this whole event happen I would rather stay neutral in my relationship with the village, as per the agreement that we made before I've protected your Village has promised".

"And if I remember that deal correctly you promised you had some leverage with some powerful Crusaders from the East boy, though it's my fault that I didn't do a follow-up read up on you. These latest events showed you were lying what information you have been giving me about everything boy" said Tetsos.

"Really are we really going there, sure what would have sound better; that we're just a couple of people from demon lands trying to find a new place to live in peace and quiet so we thought the human region would be perfect for that. You know with you humans being so nice and all… please you guys are killing each other for food, land, woman, money you choose basic desires over necessities and yet you call us monsters, heretics".

Tetsos leans forward in his chair with his fingers crossed between each other in his lap and reply,

"If we left you with such a bad impression why did you come to this side of the continent boy".

Lieg raises his right hand and pointed three fingers out,

"Three reasons actually; to be honest what I've described human has isn't a lie. But there's so much more to it than that, working on base desires isn't always a bad thing Demons do it all the time Monsters work on instincts, You humans just found a way to materialize it as reasoning. No matter what you guys do I can't find a reason to hate you with all my heart, There are always people around that shines brighter than the whole crap. Two this was supposed to be calm zone between all regions, which made it an easy place to set up camp. 'I am just as shocked as you when I found out that there was plans for another invasion', Honestly haven't you guys had enough. Three Fun fact this place happens to be the closest to my true origin, So I guess that played a part too".

"Wait origin?" Tetsos question,

"Yea so wat" Lieg reply,

"I thought you were from the demon region, You are born here that would make you a human boy".

"I never told you that I was a demon, Well I've been to the demon continent no I'm not a full-blooded demon".

"Then why were you talking as if you're not even human boy" Tetso,

"Because I'm not" Lieg.

"And if you're not a human and you're not even a demon…boy, What are you".

"A monster" Lieg replied with a calm expression on his face, has he starts losing balance again.

(Sfx Wobbling).

Tetsos just stared at him for a time to see if he's going to make any kind of gesture, twitch, any kind of signal to show that he's joking.

"Monster?" He asked to confirm,

"Yep" Lieg reply.

"Like dragons, Sea serpents, Spirits etc?" Tetso asked.

(Sfx Wobbling)

"Yeah I guess" Lieg replying While still trying to balance a chair.

"My boy… you do know… you look like a human… you're not a beast of destruction, that no-",

"Ack! this taking too long cut to the chase" said Esma as she interrupts Tetsos.

(Sfx Splurt)

While still remaining hidden, within his shadow she managed to fix The broken foot of the chair, as mysterious voice filled the room for brief second causing the Chiefs to search around looking for where the voice originated.

"Who said that" Tetsos shouted as he.

Sprang out of his seat, Lieg now firmly placed in his seat looked over at the chief and said,

"Dont worry about that, anyway we went on a tangent let's go back to discussion at hand" .

While wearing a fake smile weaving his right hand signaling him to have a seat.

"But, but that voice" Tetsos more focus on that,

"Don't you want to know why destroying the village is your only alternative to the survival of your town".

Tetsos paused to take in that statement, Lieg pointed to the seat again, he sits down noticing that his seat which was close to falling apart itself Miraculously been repaired as well.

(Sfx Fake cough)

"Alright then boy, before we even make that ridiculous conclusion in our affairs please explain to me why that is our only option".

Lieg kept his posture, and look straight at the chief replied,

"I don't care how prideful you are old man, you should have enough common sense to know you can't fight an army by yourself nor the entire countries".

The chief look at him bewildered and replied,

"What are you talkin about countries; I thought this was just an internal issue 'Altius range' has always been on the Holy Kingdom's eyes, where there are rich mineral deposits here we create weapons that we sell to other nations. Isn't their original plan just to take over the village, it was the Berettas Kingdom's plan to just take the villagers. With the general out of the way now I'm sure we're just going to be having a problem with the Beretta Kingdom, I believe we can discuss this with the Holy Kingdom so they would undoubtedly save face by assisting us propelling the Beretta Kingdom by sacrificing a little more resources in our trade".

(Sfx Bang!)

Piercing a hole through the broken table between the both of them through the ground between the Chiefs legs, the entry points of the shot to the ground.

(Sfx Sizzle)

As if it has been scorched by lightning. The chief shifts away from the chair, was completely caught off guard realizing he couldn't even dodge the attacks. He didn't even try to notice where the attack came from until Lieg whistle as if he's calling for his attention, stopping Tetsos from staring at the hole in the ground.

"What the hell" he murmured as he looked to where the shot originated,

Only to stare up at Lieg pointing his index finger with the purple Gauntlet on it.

"Well?" Lieg asked,

"Well what boy" the chief replied.

"How many of them do you think you can save each and every one of the villagers from, a shot like that I mean cuz you do know the Beretta Kingdoms owns the largest arsenal on rune pistols of the three human regions combined. Each pistols can fire multiple rounds of mana shots just like this one, you almost lost with the wolf faction on your back. With the Beretta losing its deal in the Holy kingdoms partnership They're going to come with the Dragon Clan next, And while it's true the Holy Kingdom would try to save face in this matter situation would be more profitable for them. Risking their lives for the very resources that they originally planned on taking by force, for allowing the people to die here by another kingdom so they can take the land that remains. You would be an idiot not to pick up which would be the logical step they would it, So I ask you again old man out of a platoon of over 2,000 soldiers How many shots Like this one can you take".

The chief at a loss for words staggered back down seating himself without being asked to contemplate the dire situation is in.