Chapter 30  What comes next you…might not like part 2

"Why us… What have we done so different from all the other small towns and villages, That would ignite two kingdoms attention" The chief asked in a broken voice has he draws his hands across his face.

Lieg noticing the despair he brought on the chief changed his tone, has he looked out the burned hole that is the building side,

"Honestly Chief there's nothing you can do about it, this was set in stones way before you became chief" he answer to Chief as is gauntlet on his index finger reverted back.

Chief hearing this came back to his senses and question,

"What do you mean set in stones".

Lieg Then hold down his left hand to the ground And replied "Thats what I'm going to get at now, but first".

"Kreváti Ntropís" dark mist started to pour out of his hand going straight into the floorboards of the house,

"What are you doing" asked the chief.

"Oh getting some privacy" Lieg answer,

Has unbenounced to the Chiefs knowledge the villagers were surrounding his house trying to listen in on what was happening.

(Sfx Crooooaaar)

As darkness started to seep from the ground surrounding the building, everyone who was close to it started to feel nauseous, dizzy as if their spirit was being drain.

"This oozing darkness seem to have the effect of repelling people" asked Tetso,

"It gives us the perfect advantage to have a discussion without prying ears. Now then… let's be honest you've lived through an expansion already".

While all of this is going on inside, before the spell was cast,

"I can't believe this, how can a chief possibly think we can trust demons. Without a doubt they can't be trusted, hell we all learned this from the church didn't we?" asked Obi.

As he tries to get the elders blacksmiths to agree with his plans to reject anything that comes out of Lieg mouth. With everyone gather around the chief's home, he took this as a perfect opportunity to pull the more concerned villagers to his side.

"I mean just wake up and look around you, we were all living in peace and harmony with the kingdoms before they came. Then all of a sudden we were attack with no cause, I say they brought the trouble here".

Some people in the group mostly the younger one started shaking their head in agreements, but he notice that the elders weren't watching, or listening to him just looking up at girls standing above two houses while was the closest to the Chiefs.

"Are we really going to depend on two women to protect our village, pitiful this is not the way that I have grown to know".

Some of the younger men of the village started to cheer Obi on.

"Yeah!" They shouted, While Ulia and Rizette just sat on the top of the roof talking with each other.

"So… what's gotten you all quiet princess" ask Rizette,

"It's starting again" replied Ulia,

She got up from her seat.

"These idiots are going to start another war… and I have a strong feeling she's involve".

"Who's involved" Rizette asked,

(Sfx Sigh)

"I founded a jaded wyorm… inside that guy Sultan".

(Sfx Kikchyriikkk),

The air temperature around her drop, the area where she was sitting started to freeze as Rizette looks at Ulia and replied,


"I could be wrong it could one of her 'Believer', reverse engineering her experiment, well either way the only person who can answer that the king. And he's in there talking with the chief".

Then all of a sudden,

(Sfx Woooi)

The air around the house started to sink,

(Sfx Swirl, twist)

The waving dark Mist started to ooze around the house, going as high as the door. The villagers that were near the house started to back away, due to overpowering nauseous feeling overtaking them upon being close to the Mists.

(Sfx Shua)

Instantly appearing near the mist,

"I guess he doesn't want to be disturb", Ulia said has she made her way down from the building top.

"Hey, hey what is he doing with our chief in their" she turns around to see who ask.

Rizette who also came down, was more focused on the building.

"Who's asking" Ulia asked.

(Sfx Rustle)

Out of the crowd came obi "I'm the one who's asking and I'll ask again, what is he doing in there with our chief".

Ulia looked him right in his eyes, for a few good seconds of intense staring.

"Don't know he's the one in there not me", Ulia replied with a sarcastic tone as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you making fun of me",

"Me… no, whatever would give you that idea, maybe it's because you think you can make a difference if something happen to your Chief. Who if I remember correctly, told you he can handle whatever comes his way. And you guys went with it for years".

No one in the village could, check that statement. They all look quietly at each other.

But Obi "Do not twist my words, we all love and have faith in the chief it's you guys we don't trust".

Ulia looked at him, then looked at her arms, then her legs noticing her weird reaction he ask "What are you doing?".

"Well… first I was thinking where in that statement should I care about your opinions, but then I thought maybe you were trying to say that to hurt my feelings, but luckily seening as I have suffered no damage from your statement yes its confirm I still don't care".

(Sfx Twitch)

For some reason this caught the attention of all the villagers,

"What the hell is that",

"She's basically saying she doesn't care about our trust in them",

"So why are they helping us",

"So they aren't our saviors then what are they to us" the Villagers started mumble among themselves.

Obi then seeing a chance in This,

"And how can we trust you guys to keep us alive, from these so call unknown threats to our Village?".

Ulia looked at them surprise and reply,

"Why would I care if any of you guys live or die, isn't that your problem to deal with".

(Sfx Slap)

Rizette then facepalm theirself, as she started to fade away and thought.

(If you say it like that, of course they're going to misunderstand you princess).

He slowly walks closer towards her, Obi looks down at her towering over her 5.4 Heights with his 6.5 bulky framed toned body, bald head, intimidating bushy green eyebrows and ask,

"So… are you telling me you're not here to protect our village, so you are admitting that you're just here to use us" has he looks down on her unfazed face which added layers upon layers of irritation for him.

She then lifts her right hand pointing her thumb back to the chief's home ans said,

"Well that depends entirely on our friend in there… if you're asking if you should see me as an enemy or friend I say neither, at this current moment we're just someone you need to survive".