Chapter 32 Your Ideal Hero

(Sfx Pulsing x2)

(This is just like before… no, not quite the feeling I had from his gaze. It doesn't have a press of dead like he had… every fiber of my being it's getting chills).

Obi thought this has his heart began to beat irregular, a ice trench knife pointed at his neck, his two hands bind by an ice cold grip. On his knees unable to move the knife, he had dropped on the floor.

"So this is how I holy man fight?" asked Rizette in a calm emotionaless tone, but her words alone had a deathly chill to it.

(Sfx Shiver x3)

That cause Obi to tremble that is very core, able to hide his visible shivering, from his toe right up to his lips. Unable to tell if it was even fear or the cold he was about to pass out again, luckily realizing this she let him go, landing flat on his chest. She then took up Obi's dagger and threw it at Ulia as she catches it.

"Well this was for melee design even though it allows you to pour Mana in it, truly a sign of a deacon in the making… to try and stab a woman in the back I mean".

"Wait he, he wasn't goin" Hoku tried to defend his friend,

"Going to what… attack me from behind, cuz I have to say this is situation is being very misinterpreted then".

"My holy protection, how are you able to break it so easily" Obi ask to get her attention off his friends.

"You humans are way too funny, honestly… a holy protection?. Tell me what is holy to you".

Obi looks at her confused by her question, she added.

"As a matter of fact what is holy to all of you, hmmm, cuz I way I see it there's not a single holy person here. And honestly I don't blame you, holiness in itself is way redundant".

"How dare you" shouted Obi,

"Take that back", Ulia looked and realize he was serious.

Realizing that's what she was saying was not getting through to Obi she turned her attention to the villagers as she added as her tone change.

"Holiness is a self delusion we give ourselves to justify our means as right, and to refute the others as wrong. How else can you justify murdering someone, which is one of the churches sin as righteous if done by priests, Deacon or even a common Holy Night the something that they defined as evil".

"You heretic", The younger one's shouted,

But they notice the old Elders were silence.

"Oh I see, You haven't told them, have you Raga?. The way men at war die for what they claim to be righteousness on both sides, while they both say the other is wrong" asked Ulia.

He turned his face unable to answer,

"What, what Elder what is she talking about" Hoku asked then.

(Sfx Burse, crackle, crackle)

Hoku turn his attention to sound of lightning only to see a steady flow of electricity going into the small dagger that Obi had.

"What are you doing, are you going to strike us down now" Obi shouted on the floor,

"Shut your insufferable whining child, you should be grateful that very lightning isn't flowing through your burned out corpses right now" Raga shouted at Obi.

"What's the matter?… couldn't keep it in anymore, you were really trying to let these kids do as they please for as long as possible weren't you" said Ulia back in her boastful tone.

"We apologize for testing you, we still weren't sure if you weren't part of the Beretta or the Holy kingdoms. Surely from your feat now and feat from before their should be more than enough to prove that now".

(Well that's an interesting thing to say, The way I see you were watching quite intently to see which side this will swing to. But more importantly that bored expression you had, when the kid try to attack me there was definitely no concern in your eyes) Ulia but kept quiet about it.

"What are you talkin about old man, what could a person who says they don't care about the lives of the villagers possibly could have shown you to make you believe in their protection" asked Obi.

"While you idiots were busy being knocked out, we found more spies than we needed to in this Village and what was one last surprise guest we had no clue who was lurking among us?. So happened to be one of Beretta lieutenant apparently, he was the one willing and able to sacrifice everyone in the village with a mid-tier lightning serpent strike all to escape from these two ladies".

"A, mid tier Spell, impossible if a spell like that was released we would have all been dead" Obi replied in disbelief.

"That answer should be simple enough to realize right now, she has enough mana to shield us all in a fire armor, as well as destroy the snake while it was running a muck on the ground by taking the attack full frontal".

"You, You took a full mid tier attack, for us" Obi asked.

(Now he's lecturing him about my feats while he was unconscious while also getting the villagers to trust me more).

"No, no, you're getting the wrong idea, my orders were to simply keep you guys alive besides there's nothing really, challenging from saving someone from a spell like that" She answered has she threw the char out remains of the dagger behind her.

She then looks at the villagers and was visibly irritated,

(Sfx Sigh)

"If all it takes to change thy opinion of me is a simple change 'I mine narration thou are undeserving of mine pity. And I would not care for thy destruction, if thou art so unfit to survive on thy own" she said in a somber tone.

Obi now behind her as she was looking at the villagers, "What was that?… was that, a hex? He asked she turned around looked at him.

"Oh sorry… I really have to concentrate when I'm talkin your language, so are you still going to try to fight for your believe".

Obi looked her straight in the eye without fear and replied "Even if I were to die, my beliefs would remain unchanged".

She stooped down to him and smile, "What is a human… without your pride".

(Sfx Fling)

Then grabbed him by the collar of his robe and threw him into the crowd.

"Pride is an excuse you use to justify irrational decisions in life, so without power Pride means nothing, so have enough power to backup that pride of yours then you can say that probably… just not in front of me".

Hoku and the rest ran to Obi aid to take him off the ground then,

(Sfx Thud x3)

Then three of the five young men in his group fell to the ground.

"Guys what's going on, what did you do to them?" Hoku asked,

"Don't look at me you guys were the idiots who decided to use holy Magic this far away from the city" Ulia reply.

"What does holy magic have to do with them?" Obi asked barely able to move.

She fold her arms together and reply "Even you idiot should know magic doesn't just come from nowhere, there are many ways of drawing Magic: from the air, water, all nature around you which is what Spirits use".

Then she releases her right hand holding it out, to show the villagers.

(Sfx Flare)

"Internal Magic is more commonly in use, but a human body has a finite amount of Mana reserved" has she holds a fire ball on each finger tip.

"You take us for fools we know that, that's why God's blessing-",

"There is no God" She said interrupting the person in the crowd replying.

"Well not in the sense that you guys are bothering me about I guess, but it is true that you can powerup your Mana from a different source on holy land".

Raga turns his face, "How then?" Asked Hoku,

"It's people of course, faire la prière was it".

"How do you know The hero's grace spell" Obi shouted.

(Sfx Staggering)

Pushing himself to get up on his own two feet,

"A spell was whispered only to a few even in our class, this is the ultimate secret spell used by the grand Saints to assist the hero in defeating the Demon Kings, Colossal Titans, and even capable of wounding the King of Monsters. I've had enough of your lies witch, how can the hidden technique within the Holy Kingdom be used by average people to even a blacksmith son like me".

Ulia unable to chip a word in due to him screaming, waiting for him to finish talking while cleaning out her ear with her other hand.

"If you would let me finish… I could tell you, honestly by human standards it's a pretty impressive spell simply put by sacrificing the Mana Reserves of a close friends or family who was enchanted with you at the same time",

She said as she give a visual demonstration making the small balls of flames slowly jump from one finger to another strengthening the fire ball to the next core ball of fire.

"Once you put your faith in that person, spell is activated and it sometimes doesn't stop until the wielder of the spell releases that bond".

And while explaining all that has a fire slowly when's from his thumb going over Finger by finger what was left was a Fireball the size of her palm coming from her index finger.

"You see so even a normal human, yes even a normal blacksmith's son can gain the powers of a Deacon. By using the holy water in the Kingdom as a medium they are able to connect every single person living in the Kingdom has the ultimate holy spell. But like I said every magic caries risk being that you're not under the full influence of the spell it's able only to draw the holy essence of the closest person that would happened to have drink same holy water as you. Also I had to knock you out quickly or you would have found out the hard way, if you had kept that Holy protection any longer on your body you could have at least killed one of your closest friends. So… to protect your pride, would you like to take that chance again".

The young men went silence, unable to make any arguments in what they were feeling and seeing try as they might to call it a lie and their minds they knew.

"But how could you have known about this" Hoku asked,

Ulia looked directly at Raga and reply.

"Believe it or not everyone old enough to see in action should know how it work, right Raga?".

Hoku Then notice a few of the older Villagers weren't even able to look her in her face as she talked as well as Raga, They looked as if a shameful secret had been released in the village.

"Even so I don't care, if it help eliminate the evil in this world I would gladly sacrifice myself" Obi Proclaimed has he tried pushing his body again,

Clasping his fist which was slowly being engulfed with holy Mana.

(Sfx Tap, thud)

Has his eyes went white and drops to the floor, everyone looked over at him wondering what just happened after they heard a slight crack of a bone around his neck.

"Well now that that's settled… we can go on to the problem at hand and I'll tell you this the church is just not going to let their attempted takeover to be known public. You guys will be dead in less than a week at best".

The villagers started to panic rambling on;

"Dear Lord Why Us",

"They're going to crucify us by fire and treat us like Heretics",

"Why we did nothing wrong",

"Why you guys worrying we have the chief",

"What can a chief do we wasn't even able to stop the Beretta's General, What hope does he have against the Priests",

"We have to get out of here",

"And go where",

"Maybe if we give them what they want and beg for forgiveness they will spare us".

(Sfx Twitch)

"I don't think you heard me clearly, they are going to kill you all sa simple as that. And don't forget you still have the Beretta coming for you".

They're panicking got more intense, has they rack their head to figure out something A little girl came out of the crowd recently awoken from the sleeping spell cast on her asked.

"Why don't you help us pretty lady?",

Has she rub her eye with her arm. After hearing this the villagers shift their focus to Ulia.

"That right she was able to defeat all those Beretta soldiers",

"And she was able to take a direct hit from a Lieutenant",

"But all that information that she knows about the Holy Kingdom she must have some ties to them",

"Maybe she can talk them",

"But she said she wasn't going to save us",

"Does she want to remain neutral?",

"Yeah she said she didn't care if we died",

"At least protect the children",

"How could you be so heartless",

"You should protect us after all we've done for you",

"Yeah you owe us living with us for so long eating our food, The least you can do is help us in our time of need",

"Please save us x5"

(Sfx Flare x2).