Chapter 33 I will not save you

(Twitch x6)

The veins all over her forehead started to swell, has she was bombarded with plea until,

"Wouldst thou dun's the mouse. Thou guys are actually begging a person whom instant since thou condemning as a demon. To save thy whoreson existence".

Ulia shouted unable to suppress her disgust as all the villagers felt silence.

(Sfx Unstealth)

Rizette appeared out of nowhere beside her and asked her "So…Princess… you seem a bit irritated",

(Sfx Bubble, Sizzle, Bol)

The ground beneath her feet started to char and bubble the earth she was standing on was becoming like mid lava, has she gave Rizette a nasty side glaze. Cracks appearing on her right jaw, then came smaller cracks going up from her neck as if she had on a broken mask.

"I was just checking to see if I needed to remind you of the king's orders".

(Sfx Twitch… Fake cough)

As the air around them rapidly cooled, Raga standing in front of the crowd arms spread apart as if he was ready to save them from an attack.

"Are you okay lady" Pai the small child just five feet away from them asked,

Everyone looked over wondering why she wasn't burned by the intense heat on the ground until they noticed that there was a white mist surrounding her.

(So that's why the air didn't change even though the ground beneath her was so hot, this one was using her ability to keep us from getting burned) Raga thought.

"Lost my composure there didn't I",

"A little bit just remember… don't play bait" said Rizette as she vanish into thin air again.

(Sfx Stealth)

She then looked out on the villagers, then look down on the child in front of her, kneeled down.

(Sfx Pat, pat, pat)

"Come now sweetheart I'm sure your parents have told you not to talk to strangers right?",

"Yes… but they said we can only count on uncle and, and the chief",

"You're really… and where is Uncle".

She turned around to the crowd and pointed at Obi unconscious body lying on the ground.

"Then I'm sorry sweetheart, cuz you were learning the worst lessons in life",

Ulia then stood up and looked at the villagers.

"Is this really what you want to teach your young, depend on the strong because you're naturally weak. Are you that pathetic that you would allow yourself, to just live on this belief that only through strong person you could protect an entire Village for decades, then when you realize it wasn't enough the belief was so flimsy that you would abandon it so easily to beg plead for your life onto someone that you don't even know, just a few moments ago your last glimmering of hope was battling chastising and calling me a demon… but when he, your last glimmer of Heroism failed to protect you".

The villagers just stood there unable to answer.

"You would then turn to the same demon that defeated him and beg for protection" Ulia said with a loud sigh to follow.

"Fun fact... if you were to give a abandoned starving dog a bone, Even in near death it would still smell it, still not sure if it would bite".

(Sfx… ,Twitch x6)

In one moment everyone in the village realize what that fact meant, gripping their fists to the realization that she's suggesting their pride was lesser than dogs in her eyes. But still unable to voice their frustration, proving her fact right.

"Who the hell do you think you are, talking to us like that".

Hoku shouted has he moves Raga's staff out of his way to approach Ulia. But in a shutter his movements, was stopped in his tracks just by her stare,

"While the dog that would bite the bone from a stranger is shameful, It's still better than the dog who thinks he's a wolf trying to attack a Queen".

She takes her focus off Hoku and back to the villagers.

"Listen I'm not telling you to dive into action recklessly like these young pups, but… if the pups are barking louder than the dogs, there's definitely something wrong here".

Has she gazed on them with the same gaze that still has Hoku frozen. Raga then walked forward, under the same influence of terror striking all the villagers paralyzing them with fear he was able to walk towards her right behind the little girl who was facing the villagers not seeing anyting. Has he pats Pai on her head.

"Come now Pai go back to your grand mother's side".

Has she slowly made her way back into the crowd Raga and and Ulia just stood there looking at each other face-to-face because they were both at the same height.

"Interesting although I'm not as good as the ice block over there, I have been told I'm able to unnerve a few people when I'm serious, I always did have a feeling you weren't just an ordinary old man you're just like the chief aren't you".

(Sfx Thud)

He dropped his walking stick bowling down to her has he plead,

"Please can you stay and protect our village, we need your help",

"...Maybe I spoke too soon" Ulia reply.

"Nothing ever comes from helping others",

"That's not true", said Raga

"We've been helped many time when we are in need".

"By the church I assume?", Ulia asked

"... Yes", Raga replied

"The one causing the need right now then", Ulia commented

(Sfx Fidget)

"Y...yes", Raga replied slowly

"So they didn't help you did they" Ulia asked sarcastically.

Raga looked up at her,


(Sfx Flare)

A wave of heat burst with her as epicenter.

(Sfx Shua)

Raga vanished and reappeared between her and the villager with most of the right side of his top robe completely burned off, Showing a more slender aged toned body than Tetso which was hidden under his long-sleeved Robe covering his entire body.

"I would rather a arrogant pebble not gravel so close to me",

Ulia looked at Raga with nothing in her eye but a dark crimson void. Raga calm persona through this entire ordeal started to break has cold sweats, with a nervous smile on his face set in. As he realized she'd talked enough, they aren't even worthy to be in her presence anymore. Then from behind her,

(Sfx Slam)

A hand appeared from behind combing over her longhair, only to send her head straight into the ground.

(Sfx Twitching)

Catching everyone's focus without giving a second, they weren't even able to register that someone was behind her until her head was planted deep in earth.

"Peewww… that was a close one, glad no one wasn't hurt" unknown said in a relief calm tone,

His right hand was in the dirt that Ulia head is now bury in with her legs hanging up twitching like a roach. Has the frills on the end of her dress started to go down from the wind.

(Sfx Shifting)

All the men in the village head started swaying towards where the breeze is blowing with the dress, while mediately shifting to a stern look when they're spose looks at them. Except for the old guys including Raga From a distance and Tetso standing beside unknown still trying to sneak a peek.

(Sfx Pop)

Holding her by her legs he pull her out from the ground,


"Yes… Sire",

"Ok good" Has he throws her behind them having her land on her feet.


Echoed in the crowd, but with no face the show who made the sound and surprisingly even beside him.

"Wait where is Rizette?".

Ulia Face covered in dirt reply,

"Now that you mention it… she's been in stealth mode for a while and I don't know why".

(Sfx Sigh)

"Uhmmmm… Master".

(Sfx Unstealth)

She reappears beside unknown,

"Oh… I see".

Unknown realize without even asking her just by seeing her, covering up her chest as well as drawing over the last bit of cloth around her left leg and the reaction from the crowd.

(So she's been using her stealth ability, Keep these guys from eyeing her in her wardrobe malfunction).

But just remembering how much that dress material cost and secondary method of making it is even more of a headache he decided to ignore it and play oblivious.

"Honestly just look at me and the princess over here you should really learn how to handle crowds",

(Sfx Flagging out)

Has he throws over his black cloak that he had over his right shoulder covering her.

(Sfx Cough)

"Well besides that".

Tetso said has he looks around at the villagers as well as the few younger blacksmiths including Obi being hauled up or knocked out cold.

Smoke coming from the ground in front of them as if it's been burnt, And finally a trail of rubble leading up to where the ground was burnt.

"What the hell happened here, We were literally talking for like twenty minutes or so" Tetso asked,

"Ulia can you explain to me why it looks like you were fighting, I believe I specifically told you not to attack the villagers we made a deal with the chief no".